Old Movie reflects Political life today.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Last night I watched an old movie from 1951.

I was a Communist for the FBI.

Several times throughout the movie they point out that in order for the Communists to take over America, they have to force race and class strife.

(No, I am not saying that anyone is a Communist today)

The why that they played blacks against whites and the worker against the boss and the Union against the owners reminded me exactly of the tactics used today by the Democratic Party.

There is nothing about bringing people together about todays Democrats. It's all about dividing the country according to race and gender.

We can see it with the Trayvon Martin case in particular. Telling lies, ignoring facts, misrepresenting the truth, inventing a racial identifier "White-Hispanic". Nearly everything about the case was represented in the movie that was made sixty some odd years ago.

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