Oklahoma Hops Aboard the ObamaCare Nullification Train


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Oklahoma Hops Aboard the ObamaCare Nullification Train

By James Daniels on January 23, 2014

Uh, oh. Yet another state may be ready to nullify the “Affordable” Care Act.

As Downtrend reported in December, South Carolina lawmakers are considering giving the federal healthcare law the boot. Similar legislation has since been introduced in Georgia, Tennessee and Indiana. Why not make it an even five with Oklahoma?

Oklahoma State Representative Mike Ritze (R – Broken Arrow) has introduced House Bill 2421 to effectively nullify ObamaCare in his state. Under the proposed legislation, “No agency of the state, officer or employee of this state, acting on behalf of the state, may engage in an activity that aids any agency in the enforcement of those provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and any subsequent federal act that amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 that exceed the authority of the United States Constitution.”

It would also authorize the state’s attorney general to take action if any resident is being harmed by implementation of the healthcare law.

More: Oklahoma Hops Aboard the ObamaCare Nullification Train - Downtrend.com
As a former resident of the Sooner state, I have to applaud Rep. Mike Ritz. He knows that obamacare is not popular amongst Oklahomans. Also, the fact that millions of Americans lost their health plans because of obamacare, this is all the more reason to hope that a pattern is emerging here. Obamacare has affected many of us, and when it (not if, but when) gets repealed, it'll be a time to rejoice.

If this bill is successful, it will be implemented on November 1. So, if you live in Oklahoma, you might get out of this mess by the end of the year.
When have the courts ever upheld state nullification of a federal law?
It depends on how closely it relies on unfunded mandate rules. The areas in which the federal government can commandeer state and local resources is, I understand, fairly limited. This is not actually nullification if you reread the OP carefully.

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