Oklahoma gives a big thumbs down to recreational marijuana

Yet you did accuse me of being a druggie.

Also, I am not the one trying to use the law to force people to act just like me.

But in reality, I just want to see how big of a hypocrite you are.
I drink very little

In fact I’ve gone for years without any form of alcohol at all

But I’m not a teetotaler
I use common sense when deciding public policy

Which is why I oppose legalization or decriminalization of drugs

You are a hypocrite. You want your way of escaping from reality but want to stop others from having theirs.
Being marketed?

What nonsense

Alcohol served a useful purpose in ancient societies all over the world

Whereas pot was highly localized until recently

So far, experts believe the cannabis plant originated on the eastern Tibetan Plateau around 28 million years ago. The nickname “weed” is attributed to its ability to grow practically anywhere and, as such, it spread throughout Asia. But when did humans become interested in the plant, and where did its domestication begin?

Every few years, botanists find new evidence pushing back the origin of the cannabis-human relationship. But they all agree that humans have used the cannabis plant for various purposes for thousands of years.
I’m sorry that common sense does not appeal to you

Booze dating back thousands of years is too entrenched in our culture

But that does not mean we should embrace an even worse form of drug abuse

Two wrongs do not make a right
Why do you want to create a nanny state that tells us we can’t drink or smoke? Doesn’t sound like America to me

So far, experts believe the cannabis plant originated on the eastern Tibetan Plateau around 28 million years ago. The nickname “weed” is attributed to its ability to grow practically anywhere and, as such, it spread throughout Asia. But when did humans become interested in the plant, and where did its domestication begin?

Every few years, botanists find new evidence pushing back the origin of the cannabis-human relationship. But they all agree that humans have used the cannabis plant for various purposes for thousands of years.
Tibet is even today one of the most remote places on earth

Even though the plant did eventually spread that does not mean it was widely used or accepted

In the world epicenter of getting high during the War and birthplace of Americas drug addiction pot is strictly forbidden
Again, this makes you an anarchist who has no respect for the laws that society passes

Not in the least. I have no respect for laws that are based on stupidity and biases that cannot be supported. You do not want people to be able to use pot because you do not want to use pot.
Why do you want to create a nanny state that tells us we can’t drink or smoke? Doesn’t sound like America to me
For the same reasons that its not legal to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge

Nanny state indeed

Society should not tolerate insanity

And where it does you will find libs in charge
Tibet is even today one of the most remote places on earth

Even though the plant did eventually spread that does not mean it was widely used or accepted

In the world epicenter of getting high during the War and birthplace of Americas drug addiction pot is strictly forbidden
it doesn't mean it wasn't either.

And it's not strictly prohibited anymore is it?
And you want to give illegal drugs a fair chance of catching up to be the No 1 killer instead
You do realize that what we call legal and illegal is completely arbitrary don't you?

And not a single person has ever died from a weed overdose.
Yeah and more and more people are choosing to call pot legal.
If that happens I will have to accept it

But it wont be good for our society

Btw: it didnt happen in Oklahoma and you’re not accepting it

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