Oklahoma claims it owns the wind, caves to oil lobby to tax energy from the air


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Oklahoma Claims It Owns The Wind, Caves To Oil Lobby To Tax Energy From The Air

In a slavish display of fealty to the oil and gas industry, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin put forward a plan in the executive budget proposal to tax the state’s wind industry out of existence.


This is a perfect example how wordage is used in order to sell bs to the people and they fall for it every single time.

Taking our very right to survival methods, you know the right to survive off natural god given nature. Fire wood, water, hunting for food etc.................. They are using terminology that always sounds good and logical the only ones who fall for it all and accept is well you guessed it those who love big, big Government.

We are not in a world that is safe from needing anything nature provides ................. I suppose if the grid went down this/ these laws wouldn't mean crap.

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