Ok libs, "Keep it 100": How is Obama gonna stop the next Muslim attack?

Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.

Well....since almost every Christian inspired attack is A) more rare and B) almost always done by domestic citizens....that's a problem for local law enforcement.

Radical Islam wants to attack us from all over the world. An Islamic State caliphate in the Middle East is at war with us and recruiting fighters to come here and kill us. That's a federal government job. Obamas job.

I'll ask my local sheriff to protect me from Bubba. And...I have almost no worried at all about that.

I want the president protecting me from ISIS. They're gunning people down in massive numbers all over the world.

HOW is he gonna do it?
Damn, here is another stupid fuck bloviating about how much danger he is in. Silly ass, Tim McVeigh did much better in his attack, and he was definately white American 'Conservative'. You are more in danger from slipping in your bathtub than you are from Muslim terrorists.
Islamic attacks on U.S. soft targets can't be stopped. All it takes is one or two determined individuals armed, even with just knives to wreak havoc. A couple of Muslims could go into a daycare center, stab the adults to death, then focus on killing the children. They could throw gasoline on someone as they pass by and light it off, damage gas pumps at a busy gas station and light it off, be employed as a driver with a cross country bus company and drive a bus full of passengers off a steep embankment or, just pick a random quiet suburban neighborhood late at night and start going from house to house when people are in their beds, stabbing and hacking with machetes. Bottom line, as long as the Muslim population continues to rise, we will continue to see more carnage, even without guns involved.
The majority of mosques being built in the US are funded by the Saudis, the most strict of the Islamic religions. Our enemy continues to grow and be imported into the US by the tens of thousands and the left ignores it and believes that they will be friendly. The president wants to change this nation to an Islamic one and is ensuring that it will.

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