Is This The Price Of Freedom? For who?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I was watching Steve Gruber on TV earlier and he brought up some good points on how the war for freedom in Ukraine is going in the ongoing battle against Putin:

For one thing, Joe Biden has essentially handed them a blank check. As much money as they need for as long as they keep needing it! Mind you, The Zelensky regime has banned a catholic church, made his opposition party illegal, and has nationalized the press which covers him under his own control! And since Ukraine is the world's money launderer, no one knows where the money went.

Now Joe has resolved that without talking to the taxpayers much less Congress itself, HE has decide that the American Taxpayer will:
  • Rebuild Ukraine
  • Support their pensions
  • Rebuild their schools
  • Provide medicine
  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • And rebuild their hospitals.
Mind you, NOT Russia, not the EU who are RIGHT THERE, but US. When is the last time you looked around at YOUR pension, schools, food, shelter and hospitals?

So on President's Day, does Joe finally go see the suffering people in Ohio at the nation's worst train disaster? No, he goes 5,000 miles to Ukraine to declare this commitment to a country that:
  • We have no defense treaty with.
  • Is not a member of NATO.
  • Should be getting their support from the EU right next door, which despite collectively having about the same wealth and economy of America, is only contributing about 10% to Ukraine while we pony up the other 90%.
SO: To put it in better perspective, what has Joe's proxy war in Ukraine cost the American Taxpayer to date? For what Joe has unilaterally given to Ukraine all by himself, we could have used that money for:
  1. Building 15 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at a time when China is building theirs.
  2. Building 14 nuclear power plants which would have shored up our national energy grid very nicely.
  3. Built 17 state of the art border walls stopping drugs killing up to 100,000 a year.
  4. Built 100 new hospitals for the sick and injured.
  5. Built 25,000 new miles of interstate highway.
Or to put it another way, with what Joe has spent in Ukraine, a country and war which we have no interest in, we could have had:
  1. A complete border wall.
  2. 5 new nuclear power plants,
  3. 5 new nuclear aircraft carriers,
  4. 25 new hospitals,
  5. and 500 miles of new highway
and still had billions left over. But it doesn't even stop there. Now Joe is going to pay for Poland to build a nuclear power plant too! AND NOT ONE TAXPAYER has approved this much less A SINGLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS VOTED FOR ANY OF IT.

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I was watching Steve Gruber on TV earlier and he brought up some good points on how the war for freedom in Ukraine is going in the ongoing battle against Putin:

For one thing, Joe Biden has essentially handed them a blank check. As much money as they need for as long as they keep needing it! Mind you, The Zelensky regime has banned a catholic church, made his opposition party illegal, and has nationalized the press which covers him under his own control! And since Ukraine is the world's money launderer, no one knows where the money went.

Now Joe has resolved that without talking to the taxpayers much less Congress itself, HE has decide that the American Taxpayer will:
  • Rebuild Ukraine
  • Support their pensions
  • Rebuild their schools
  • Provide medicine
  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • And rebuild their hospitals.
Mind you, NOT Russia, not the EU who are RIGHT THERE, but US. When is the last time you looked around at YOUR pension, schools, food, shelter and hospitals?

So on President's Day, does Joe finally go see the suffering people in Ohio at the nation's worst train disaster? No, he goes 5,000 miles to Ukraine to declare this commitment to a country that:
  • We have no defense treaty with.
  • Is not a member of NATO.
  • Should be getting their support from the EU right next door, which despite collectively having about the same wealth and economy of America, is only contributing about 10% to Ukraine while we pony up the other 90%.
SO: To put it in better perspective, what has Joe's proxy war in Ukraine cost the American Taxpayer to date? For what Joe has unilaterally given to Ukraine all by himself, we could have used that money for:
  1. Building 15 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at a time when China is building theirs.
  2. Building 14 nuclear power plants which would have shored up our national energy grid very nicely.
  3. Built 17 state of the art border walls stopping drugs killing up to 100,000 a year.
  4. Built 100 new hospitals for the sick and injured.
  5. Built 25,000 new miles of interstate highway.
Or to put it another way, with what Joe has spent in Ukraine, a country and war which we have no interest in, we could have had:
  1. A complete border wall.
  2. 5 new nuclear power plants,
  3. 5 new nuclear aircraft carriers,
  4. 25 new hospitals,
  5. and 500 miles of new highway
and still had billions left over. But it doesn't even stop there. Now Joe is going to pay for Poland to build a nuclear power plant too!

The Ukraine is a thousand times more important to US foreign policy than a bunch of stubborn people in Iowa who sit around breathing toxic smoke to get even with Biden in some imagined way.
I'm not even convinced that Russia is even going to give up against Ukraine. I think that at some point, we're going to be innundated with millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing to sanctuary here in the US. We've always seemed to inherit the refugees resulting from our wars.
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I'm not even convinced that Russia is even going give up against Ukraine. I think that at some point, we're going to be innundated with millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing to sanctuary here in the US. We've always seemed to inherit the refugees resulting from our wars.
Close to half of the Ukraine's civilian population has already moved out, and it's reported by some that their military is in worse shape. Check it out for us o.k?
I don't even care who wins, I just want it to end ASAP before the idiots can drag us into WWIII.
Sometimes, there are no good guys to root for & wasting our resources while bringing us closer to war is a dangerous game played by psychos that DGAF if the rest of us die
I don't even care who wins, I just want it to end ASAP before the idiots can drag us into WWIII.
Sometimes, there are no good guys to root for & wasting our resources while bringing us closer to war is a dangerous game played by psychos that DGAF if the rest of us die
Saying you don't care is a subconscious move toward caring, that you don't really want to think about for a while.
The Ukraine is a thousand times more important to US foreign policy than a bunch of stubborn people in Iowa who sit around breathing toxic smoke to get even with Biden in some imagined way.
You are losing your humanity, you can support the defense of Ukraine, I do as well, without attacking other good Americans. I prayed for you last night. It seems the good Lord is still ignoring me I'm afraid.

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