Ok, lets pretend that Trump gets elected.

Then you voted for Dole?

Bush Jr?

Bush senior?

How about just a list of the Republican Presidential Candidates you HAVE voted for in the General Election.

Ross Perot ring any bells? Ron Paul maybe?

You're not going to legitimately label me anything. I see and understand the BS that both parties have been slinging for the last 40 years. I'm not that guy.

The morons on the left say I'm a Trump supporter. The ones on the right claim I'm a liberal.
Both sides are retarded because they don't have sense enough to see through the BS both sides are slinging.
Ross Perot ring any bells? Ron Paul maybe?

You're not going to legitimately label me anything. I see and understand the BS that both parties have been slinging for the last 40 years. I'm not that guy.

The morons on the left say I'm a Trump supporter. The ones on the right claim I'm a liberal.
Both sides are retarded because they don't have sense enough to see through the BS both sides are slinging.
I think you're not a Republican.

Therefore...I also think you don't get a say in who we nominate.

Just another outsider trying to influence our decision.

By your own admission, you wouldn't vote for ANY of the Republican primary candidates currently running.

So please kindly fuck off.
I think you're not a Republican.

Therefore...I also think you don't get a say in who we nominate.

Well, you don't have that authority. If you had that much authority, I'd tell you to F off. As I would any authoritarian.
Just another outsider trying to influence our decision.

By your own admission, you wouldn't vote for ANY of the Republican primary candidates currently running.

So please kindly fuck off.

Trying to influence others decisions? Yeah, sort of. Teaching republicans about fiscal conservatism is something I've been doing since the GOP invaded and screwed up the original 2007 tea party. When you big government republicans invaded and watered down everything we were trying to get done.
Smaller government, less spending, balanced budgets, term limits... etc etc

You're republicans run their campaigns on fiscal conservatism. But once elected they take a hard left and all turn liberal.

Trump promised to zero out the national debt in 8 years, when he was campaigning. Once elected, he started on a spending spree that didn't stop for 4 years. And you republicans didn't even care.
Y'all didn't care when he assaulted our 2A. You didn't care when he let Hitlery off the hook. You didn't care that he spent $500 billion on black communities, just because they were BLACK communities.....

Because you're not conservatives. And neither is he. You're just republicans who campaign on fiscal conservatism.

FACT: Since 1980, the GOP has spent more money and raised the debt ceiling more than the democrats have.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
So you prefer a government going after dissenters? Remember parents are now terrorists. You want the obvious corruption to keep going? Why?
Trump must've put you back to sleep. Because even Ron Paul doesn't like Trump for the same reasons I don't.
I don't think Trump is perfect, but I do think he did a good job and has been politically persecuted since he decided to run in 2016. Ron Paul had better policy, but was unequipped to deal with the rabid attack dogs of the left. Trump kills in that category.
Do I wish he had done better with spending? Yes.
Do I disagree with him saying "the government can provide great healthcare"? Yes.
Of the current viable candidates, he's the best option.
Vivek is a strong 2nd place.
Instead of tearing down and insulting those who you seem to mostly agree with, why not tell us the viable candidate you support?
If it comes down to Trump vs Biden, do you have a preference?
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I don't think Trump is perfect, but I do think he did a good job

At what? Spending?

and has been politically persecuted since he decided to run in 2016.

Because he is and has always been a con artist, salesman and an entertainer.. He should've ran under the democrat banner because that's what he is.
The GOP would've hated and attacked him, but they're weak AF.

I guarantee you that if Trump had ran and won as a democrat, and did the same exact things as he's done, there'd no absolutely no republican voter who would be supporting him now.
Ron Paul had better policy, but was unequipped to deal with the rabid attack dogs of the left.

I'm not even going to speculate as to what a RP presidency would've looked like. Except for a couple hundred vetoes he would've issued and the amount of soldiers that would've been brought home.
Oh and a Fed chairman that truly understood inflation, what causes it and how to prevent it. We would've had a fed chairman that would've told the government to go pound sand the very first time they tried to increase the debt ceiling.
Trump kills in that category.

You're joking, right? Because Trump got dog piled in that category. 2 indictments (impeachments) before he even left office. And over 2 things that were at best half truths.
That's not winning. That's getting your skull thumped and still selling it as a good thing.
And all with Trumps own people in leadership positions. AG, FBI director etc etc etc
Do I wish he had done better with spending? Yes.
Do I disagree with him saying "the government can provide great healthcare"? Yes.
Of the current viable candidates, he's the best option.
Vivek is a strong 2nd place.
Instead of tearing down and insulting those who you seem to mostly agree with, why not tell us the viable candidate you support?

DeSantis still has my support, but just barely. I like his drama free, no nonsense military attitude. But I don't like his congressional voting record. So I support him. But that support is extremely limited at this point.
If it comes down to Trump vs Biden, do you have a preference?

I prefer neither. It's as simple as that. I stopped settling for the lesser of two evils after finding Ron Paul. He actually cured my apathy. I had no idea there were still fiscal conservatives left in DC until he showed up. Since RP, we've gotten people like Chip Roy, Massie, Amash, Lee and a few others. Not enough others to make a huge difference. But enough to piss Trump, Biden, McCarthy and Pelosi off.
At what? Spending?
Because he is and has always been a con artist, salesman and an entertainer.. He should've ran under the democrat banner because that's what he is.
The GOP would've hated and attacked him, but they're weak AF.

I guarantee you that if Trump had ran and won as a democrat, and did the same exact things as he's done, there'd no absolutely no republican voter who would be supporting him now.

I'm not even going to speculate as to what a RP presidency would've looked like. Except for a couple hundred vetoes he would've issued and the amount of soldiers that would've been brought home.
Oh and a Fed chairman that truly understood inflation, what causes it and how to prevent it. We would've had a fed chairman that would've told the government to go pound sand the very first time they tried to increase the debt ceiling.

You're joking, right? Because Trump got dog piled in that category. 2 indictments (impeachments) before he even left office. And over 2 things that were at best half truths.
That's not winning. That's getting your skull thumped and still selling it as a good thing.
And all with Trumps own people in leadership positions. AG, FBI director etc etc etc

DeSantis still has my support, but just barely. I like his drama free, no nonsense military attitude. But I don't like his congressional voting record. So I support him. But that support is extremely limited at this point.

I prefer neither. It's as simple as that. I stopped settling for the lesser of two evils after finding Ron Paul. He actually cured my apathy. I had no idea there were still fiscal conservatives left in DC until he showed up. Since RP, we've gotten people like Chip Roy, Massie, Amash, Lee and a few others. Not enough others to make a huge difference. But enough to piss Trump, Biden, McCarthy and Pelosi off.
You’re far too emotionally invested in this. You come across as a TDS afflicted buffoon with walls of text that really reveal nothing beyond your own bias. We can agree to respect Ron Paul, but beyond that, I find you small minded, petty, and tedious.
Let's say he beats all the indictments. Every one of them. And he's elected president.

According to his most loyal supporter, Trumps going to come in and steam roll all those that did him wrong. He's going to get revenge for all those witch hunts, fraudulent indictments, rigged elections and everything else they've been throwing at him.

Who is going to stand with Trump and get that done? Because Trump won't be able to do it alone. He'll have to have people.

I say no one. Because of all those that stuck their necks out for him before, either got their heads chopped off or turned on Trump to keep from going to jail. He's toxic to anyone in any part of the government who might side with him.

It'll be more impeachments, more indictments and more of the same BS we've been seeing for the last 6 years. I have some sympathy for Trump. But his ego is going to hang him. And there won't be anyone there to save him.
There will always be a few bottom feeders around willing to do Trump's dirty work who want to be at the seat of power in D.C. Then you have his asseaters like Lindsey Graham, McCarthy, Jordan & others who he can count on to fuck with people who he thinks wronged him, like they're doing now.
Literally every conservative, or at least the ones who ever want to be elected again will be on board with it. The voters demand revenge, so that is what they will get. A great purge is coming to our nation. I hope you are mentally prepared for it.

I hope he's not.

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