Oil companies right now have 9,000 leases they can drill on. Why are they not drilling?

No....wrong. Blackrock bought Union Pacific and then told them to stop hauling so much fuel for the largest distributors of diesel and gasoline. Union Pacific has done so and threatened sanctions if Flying J did not comply.

Blackrock is also heavily invested in EV stocks (which sell better when oil prices are high) and real estate.

They are chief among the market manipulators at the moment. They have told Biden what to do....like shutting down Keystone pipeline so they could haul the bitumen.

Sorry, I fail to see where anything I said was wrong.
Sorry, I fail to see where anything I said was wrong.
I'm not saying that your other points were wrong....only that you stating that the Hedge funds are not involved with market manipulation is absolutely incorrect.
They most certainly are involved and in fact leading the charge.

They want people to buy battery cars because they stand to make a healthy profit...they want sky high oil prices to help this. They are also using the railroad to create as much chaos at the ports as possible....backing up the containers until there's no more room to store them. (Causing supply chain interruptions to cause even more inflation which assists in their commodity investments)
The republicans want it high, so they can resort to that fact during the midterms along with the crime and the border, inflation is top.
Well the GOP certainly has Joe then on their side!
Hmmm... let's see... if I were an oil company worker and I heard/seen this:
we should put them in jail” Biden said when talking about fossil fuel executives.
And then he tells oil workers... I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Biden then adds to the cost of exploration by raising royalties on Federal lands by 50% something that was last done in 1920s. The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.

So if Joe wants to throw oil workers in jail, RAISES prices on royalty rates on oil exploration on federal lands, guarantees to put them out of work which in turn contributes to raising gas prices, really who does that help?
These are the FACTS not guesses which I just don't understand why people like you can't provide?

We are in the 'amazing', 'incredible' Biden / Democrat-FORCED 'transition' from fossil fuels to solar, wind, water, and 'ENERGY SOURCES THAT HAVE NOT BEEN INVENTED YET'.

I'm not saying that your other points were wrong....only that you stating that the Hedge funds are not involved with market manipulation is absolutely incorrect.
They most certainly are involved and in fact leading the charge.

They want people to buy battery cars because they stand to make a healthy profit...they want sky high oil prices to help this. They are also using the railroad to create as much chaos at the ports as possible....backing up the containers until there's no more room to store them. (Causing supply chain interruptions to cause even more inflation which assists in their commodity investments)
So according to you, (with not one shred of proof by the way) hedge fund managers are telling railroads to create chaos? Talk about "conspiracy theories"! First of all where is your PROOF? Secondly exactly how does a hedge fund manager
ORDER... tell railroads (by the way who do they tell?) to "create chaos"... just curious what kind of chaos can a train create at the ports? Please provide links etc. to share your "proof" of this conspiracy theory.
I'm not saying that your other points were wrong....only that you stating that the Hedge funds are not involved with market manipulation is absolutely incorrect.

Well since I said the opposite, that they are, I have no idea what to say.
The problem with nuclear power is the lifespan of the reactors and the resulting brown site that will be unusable for anything afterwards.
The cost of uranium fuel rods is also problematic as much of the uranium mining and processing was happening in Ukraine. (Yeah...it's a dirty process on every front)
So the companies responsible for the nuclear power are looking to escape responsibility for the resulting brown site they are leaving behind. Many of these reactors are nearing the end of their lifespan.
All very true. But what are the options? Fusion is a mirage. No fossil due to CO2. Renewables are unreliable.
US Nuke plants are aging. We need a lot more power to charge EVs, so what do we do?
I'm not putting it at the feet of the crackdown on illegal immigrants but that certainly didn't help.
There it is again folks…a Lefist telling us that America can’t operate without parasites from Mexico.

“We swear, we don’t want more illegals and ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want anyone who says the word "asylum" to be set free among the American public, we want to provide illegals with safe havens, we want to give illegals the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegals here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want all Mexicans to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders."

Seems they want to slow supply with demand going up that mean Cha ching. More record prices.

So why sit on these leases and not drill.

Oh yeah they have billions of reason not to.

Assuming that you read the article you linked, and based on the content in your OP I'd say that's a rather large assumption, you seem to lack a certain level of reading comprehension. A level that would allow you to post with something close to being informed. Instead you just come off as ignorant of the topic you wish to address.

Sidebar: You would also benefit from doing a little research in to what it takes to get a rig up and running, how many years and other such stuff.
No amount of SPIN will save Democrats from voters this Nov. Now Dems will pay the price for screwing over the poor and working class with their climate BS. Bend over Dems it's your turn soon.
Biden is 100 percent right

Look what our reliance on fossil fuels is buying us
That's so stupid, it's hard to believe you said it & exactly the opposite of reality.
What is wrecking things is the forced removal from abundant & much cheaper fossil fuels in favor of "cleaner, greener energy" pipedreams designed to reduce our standard of living.
Fake climate science & an irrational fear of weather is what drives the ignorant masses to buy into this grift
They don't have enough crews for one thing.

I'm not putting it at the feet of the crackdown on illegal immigrants but that certainly didn't help. Also, having a lease on the books is not an indication of it being, to borrow an Obama term..."shovel ready".

I'm sure the profit motive has something to do with it. But it's not a simple money grab.

"the crackdown on illegal immigrants"

What "crackdown"? Jesus, they are flooding in at record #'s!

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