Oil and Gas in ANWAR


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
This from Early 2021....while Trump was still in office:

The myth that Biden's pause stemmed the tide of oil companies drilling on federal land is simply ridiculous.

From the piece:

One of the Trump administration's biggest environmental rollbacks suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself.

Alaska's state-owned economic development corporation was the only bidder on nine of the parcels offered for lease in the northernmost swath of the refuge, known as the coastal plain. Two small companies also each picked up a single parcel.

Half of the offered leases drew no bids at all."
This from Early 2021....while Trump was still in office:

The myth that Biden's pause stemmed the tide of oil companies drilling on federal land is simply ridiculous.

From the piece:

One of the Trump administration's biggest environmental rollbacks suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself.

Alaska's state-owned economic development corporation was the only bidder on nine of the parcels offered for lease in the northernmost swath of the refuge, known as the coastal plain. Two small companies also each picked up a single parcel.

Half of the offered leases drew no bids at all."
Did you read your own link?

"An incoming administration that opposes drilling"


Good God liberals are dumb

Yeah presidents don't control oil prices myth continues
Last edited:
We all know which party that has fought to kill the fossil fuel industry!

Washington Watch​

House Democrats want curbs on big-bank lending to fossil-fuel industry​

Published: Sept. 15, 2021 at 2:43 p.m. ET

Greg Robb​


Legislation would require the Federal Reserve mandate curbs in investment in energy sector​

Dip shit did you read your own link?

"An incoming administration that opposes drilling"


Good God liberals are dumb

Yeah presidents don't control oil prices myth continues
In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.
In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.
Because the next president was anti drilling biden, your link is dated January 6 2021

P.s. Sorry about the personal attacks thought you were Winco
This from Early 2021....while Trump was still in office:

The myth that Biden's pause stemmed the tide of oil companies drilling on federal land is simply ridiculous.

From the piece:

One of the Trump administration's biggest environmental rollbacks suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself.

Alaska's state-owned economic development corporation was the only bidder on nine of the parcels offered for lease in the northernmost swath of the refuge, known as the coastal plain. Two small companies also each picked up a single parcel.

Half of the offered leases drew no bids at all."
In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.

You seem to be forgetting the one bid they were trying to get, 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico was cancelled in January 2022 by an Obama Judge because “climate change”. The claim was the government’s analysis (Trump era) was “flawed”, and Biden could do a new analysis to try to get the sale approved, but of course hasn’t done jack shit.
Democrats are desperate to blame gas prices and inflation on putin.

If Democrats were serious about gas prices they would green light all domestic production... but they just won't do that.

Democrats want to force Americans out of their cars
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
Typical anti-poor lefty
In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.
States leasing land, or the Federal government auctioning off, and issuing drilling permits are one thing. . . that is rhetoric used by the left.

None of that matters if companies don't actually USE any of that. Why would they not? I don't know.. . .YOU TELL ME. Who has funded the Biden administration, what has been it's rhetoric toward the hydrocarbon industry?

It is like you are being disingenuous, equivocating, and living in an alternative universe, and EXPECT everyone to live in the media bubble filled with the lies that you live. . .

WHY?! :dunno: I'm sure that green capitalists are. . . "very fine people," :auiqs.jpg:But? They aren't going to help right now. Unless they want to help finance the oil and gas industry?


Financial institutions and investors seem timid as well. . .

“Just because you have a lease doesn’t mean there’s actually oil and gas in that lease, and there has to be a lot of development that occurs between the leasing and then ultimately permitting for that acreage to be productive,” said Mike Sommers, chief executive of the API.


". .. .Oil companies may believe it prudent to hold onto drilling permits now in case Biden — who campaigned on pledges to combat climate change, accelerate the transition into renewables and limit new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters — clamps down on drilling later. The administration initially halted oil and gas lease sales --a move later reversed by a Louisiana-based federal district court — and the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management has yet to auction onshore oil leases under Biden. It is still issuing permits on existing leases, with nearly 4,000 authorized onshore last year, in line with recent, pre-2020 levels. And more of those leases actually have wells in production, according to Bureau of Land Management data cited by the industry. . . . "


“The energy industry doesn't have a permitting problem,” said Aaron Weiss, a deputy director at the Center for Western Priorities, which is conducting its own analysis of federal drilling permits. “It has a financing problem.”
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
So you don't buy groceries? You don't use products delivered by trucks that haul products to the store?

Are sailing ships transporting goods now?

What do you think happens to the price of fuel used to ship products. . . do you think the shipping companies just eat those costs?

. . . you CAN'T be this ignorant. . .

You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
I know. Democrats want high gas prices.

Just be honest. Joe looks like a fool begging counties to pump oil.
This from Early 2021....while Trump was still in office:

The myth that Biden's pause stemmed the tide of oil companies drilling on federal land is simply ridiculous.

From the piece:

One of the Trump administration's biggest environmental rollbacks suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself.

Alaska's state-owned economic development corporation was the only bidder on nine of the parcels offered for lease in the northernmost swath of the refuge, known as the coastal plain. Two small companies also each picked up a single parcel.

Half of the offered leases drew no bids at all."

And xiden put a stop to ALL OIL & GAS RELATED ACTIVITIES in ANWR two weeks later, so what's your point commie?

So you don't buy groceries? You don't use products delivered by trucks that haul products to the store?

Are sailing ships transporting goods now?

What do you think happens to the price of fuel used to ship products. . . do you think the shipping companies just eat those costs?

. . . you CAN'T be this ignorant. . .

I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.
I know. Democrats want high gas prices.

Just be honest. Joe looks like a fool begging counties to pump oil.
Not about "want" it's about being a man and getting on with my life.

Just be honest: Joe won by 7 million votes and isn't going away for years. Go cry about it Lord helmet.

Democrats are desperate to blame gas prices and inflation on putin.

If Democrats were serious about gas prices they would green light all domestic production... but they just won't do that.

Democrats want to force Americans out of their cars

So...what is stopping Chevron (just to name an oil and gas company) from using their proven reserves?


2.3 Billion barrels of oil seems like a lot.

Are you under the impression that oil and gas companies are just sitting around with nowhere left to drill?

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