Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

What do you mean "abortion is based on behaviors. The nation peaked in the early 1970's?"

Let me tell you what I know. It was Republicans who made it a point to try to overturn Roe v Wade. Something that conservative SCOTUS judges got nominated on. To the point of stealing judges nominated by a Democratic president. It is hilarious to now see people on the right now trying to disown what they have done.
It was the same Supreme Court who got involved in it in the early 1970'swhen they should not have. Abortion is a serious issue. Our society now screws with the young and the elderly in part due to abortions and the numbing of life. From my understanding Europe is 15 weeks on abortions. Whatever it is it will probably align up as we are blended into the world government. The nationalization of our authoritarian law enforcement/security/intelligence/etc. will also happen.
It was the same Supreme Court who got involved in it in the early 1970'swhen they should not have. Abortion is a serious issue. Our society now screws with the young and the elderly in part due to abortions and the numbing of life. From my understanding Europe is 15 weeks on abortions. Whatever it is it will probably align up as we are blended into the world government. The nationalization of our authoritarian law enforcement/security/intelligence/etc. will also happen.
Saying that the States don't have a right to restrict abortion before a certain cutoff is saying the government shouldn't be involved.

Roe v Wade didn't make anyone have an abortion. It simply made it impossible to prevent it in certain circumstances.

As for your " numbing of life" again not exactly clear what you mean but I think you mean abortion diminishes the value of life.

That's just your point of view. Making it a personal choice wether or not you put a life on the planet to me is an acknowledgement that life has no meaning if you aren't allowed to take responsibility for it. Is mine. I'm perfectly happy to agree to disagree on it.

The issue you guys are having is that your position is that I don't have that right.
It's time to get some new candidates. The choices in #3 are for me unelectable.
Agreed. However, the GOP base sees Trump as their best candidate for some reason.
Possibly because he was fucked over by the "deep state" and the FBI, and we know he will reconfigure the Federal government to be more politically neutral. Desantis is a proven candidate by the great job he's doing in FL. Nikki Haley is also a great candidate who would steal many women's votes from the dems and is the most electable Republican.

We'll see how the primaries shake out. I hope its Nikki or Ron.
I'm not forgetting anything. I'm noting that Democrats did very well yesterday. I'm noting that there's a different dynamic from primary season to general election season. And at the moment Trump can get away from not addressing the issue. Something that'll be a lot harder when he's running in the general.

You are putting your hopes on the results of a few polls. A full year before actual voting occurs when Trump isn't needing to address the issue. In a race that features someone who will do most of his campaigning from the inside of a courtroom. Claiming you know how most voters perceive the candidates a year from now is folly.

As I said. I agree that for most conservatives including most evangelicals sticking with Trump is a given. I do believe that for some though anything less than full throated support for abortion restrictions by Trump would mean they stay home. I'm not trying to be combative. But if we are simply gaming this thing out, you should stop pretending that the issue can be avoided and that it won't have an effect when it comes up.
1. I agree that the dems did very well yesterday. The VA gains by dems show that voters don't trust one-party rule. In KY Bashear won while two Republicans won the next two spots, so voters split their ticket. In the general all Trump has to say is that abortion is a state issue not a Federal one.

2. I'm not just hoping that Biden will become unelectable in 2024, its obvious that his age and intellectual decline disqualifies him, its not "folly", Biden will only get worse. The polls just confirm what voters see every day. Trump may be in court fighting malicious prosecutions, but voters see how weaponized the "Law" has become under Biden's DOJ.

3. No one who cares about family values and parental rights will stay home in 2024 when the alternative is:


1. I agree that the dems did very well yesterday. The VA gains by dems show that voters don't trust one-party rule. In KY Bashear won while two Republicans won the next two spots, so voters split their ticket. In the general all Trump has to say is that abortion is a state issue not a Federal one.

2. I'm not just hoping that Biden will become unelectable in 2024, its obvious that his age and intellectual decline disqualifies him, its not "folly", Biden will only get worse. The polls just confirm what voters see every day. Trump may be in court fighting malicious prosecutions, but voters see how weaponized the "Law" has become under Biden's DOJ.

3. No one who cares about family values and parental rights will stay home in 2024 when the alternative is:

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I'll only address point 2 and 3. You have your point of view. I do however think the "mental decline" of Biden is something that you overestimate the effect of. First, I don't doubt it's an issue that's hammered on Fox every single day. Not everyone watches Fox though. Believe me from what information I see from my preferred sources. I see your "mental decline of Biden" and I raise you the bloviations of a 77-year-old man-child, ranting at 3 o'clock in the morning on truth social in a typo-ridden diatribe. Not to mention in front of a federal judge.

I don't doubt you don't agree with my characterization, on the other hand, from that follows that I don't agree with yours.

As for point 3. They don't have to vote for a Democrat. I'm simply stating they won't vote for Trump.
I'll only address point 2 and 3. You have your point of view. I do however think the "mental decline" of Biden is something that you overestimate the effect of. First, I don't doubt it's an issue that's hammered on Fox every single day. Not everyone watches Fox though. Believe me from what information I see from my preferred sources. I see your "mental decline of Biden" and I raise you the bloviations of a 77-year-old man-child, ranting at 3 o'clock in the morning on truth social in a typo-ridden diatribe. Not to mention in front of a federal judge.
I don't doubt you don't agree with my characterization, on the other hand, from that follows that I don't agree with yours.
As for point 3. They don't have to vote for a Democrat. I'm simply stating they won't vote for Trump.
1. True that every time Biden's senility is on display it is shown on FNC. Just because the MSM hides his obvious mental decline doesn't help inform voters of their choice for president. Biden can't do real press conferences like Trump used to do several times a day. Biden only reads the teleprompter, he's a figurehead not a real president. I like the old commercial where they said that we don't let our 80-year old grandfather touch the TV controller, and Biden has the nuclear football!!

2. As for Trump, J6 should be disqualifying, but apparently it is not. So we'll see how 2024 shakes out between the court cases and the primaries. We both agree that Trump has a very abrasive personality. However Trump had to take the "slings and arrows" from the MSM, the deep state, the FBI, prosecutors who ran on getting him, and democrats pushing all manner of lies against him. Here is the short version:

3. Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016 and lost?? Biden got 81m votes my ass. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.
They need to stop answering the "what would happen if..." booby trap question....There's next to zero chance any abortion ban would make it through nearly any legislature, so answering the question has zero upside.

Let them keep killing their own offspring, it will take them out of the majority eventually, and they'll answer for it someday.
If I was running for office and was asked I'd tell them straight up that I support the utility of abortion.

Any red state that does not get the issue on the ballot ASAP are fools. In fact their legislatures need to just take the issue away from the dems altogether by approving the practice and giving the dems nothing to argue about but the guardrails.

The problem with that is that you're going against your own beliefs and therefore you are leaving integrity at the door in order to get votes, which is exactly what the left does. If conservatives continue to lose by sticking to their convictions and morals, then so be it. In the end, the immoral society will reap the consequences of their choices, and they should. Let them keep moving left to their supposed 'utopia', they will pay the price for it eventually.
Shit, anyone with two brain cells to rub together to create a spark knew this would happen. Never throw in your lot with holy-rollers.

It has nothing to do with 'holy rollers', if you think killing your own child is okay just because you don't believe there is a God, then you're a shit person, simple as that. I guess murder is okay as well since there isn't a God, if not, why not? Man thinks he is so sophisticated and knows everything there is to know about human existence, complete arrogance, yet what he knows in actuality is nothing. Humans will pay the price for their arrogance.
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Its not a lie. Late term abortions are allowed in many Deep Blue states.

Most countries in the world dont allow it. Your side sure does.
It is necessary for it to remain legal because of late term fatal fetal anomalies that still arise. Doctors and women should have a legal option in those cases where the infant, when born, would suffer from the moment of birth until their dying breath.

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