Oh this is hysterical: rules that were in place in Obama’s first two years in office that...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...made it easier to confirm lower level positions in the senate have been restored by senate republicans because they have realized how useless Trump is in filling basic low level positions in the senate. When Repubs took over in 2010, they intentionally made it more difficult for Obama to fill these positions as a power grab. Because Trump is useless to Obama in comparison, McConnell has restored the rules that were in place before the GOP came to power in 2010.

“In a series of procedural votes, the Republicans indefinitely restored rules in place during the first couple years of President Barack Obama's second term. Those rules had lapsed, allowing any senator to force 30 hours of debate on a nominee.

The new rules limit debate on most nominees to two hours instead of 30. White House selections for the Cabinet, Supreme Court and appeals courts would be exempted. Every Democrat opposed the maneuver in a pair of 51-48 votes, and they were joined by two Republicans: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mike Lee of Utah.”

Less debate time for Trump picks after Senate rules change
...made it easier to confirm lower level positions in the senate have been restored by senate republicans because they have realized how useless Trump is in filling basic low level positions in the senate. When Repubs took over in 2010, they intentionally made it more difficult for Obama to fill these positions as a power grab. Because Trump is useless to Obama in comparison, McConnell has restored the rules that were in place before the GOP came to power in 2010.

“In a series of procedural votes, the Republicans indefinitely restored rules in place during the first couple years of President Barack Obama's second term. Those rules had lapsed, allowing any senator to force 30 hours of debate on a nominee.

The new rules limit debate on most nominees to two hours instead of 30. White House selections for the Cabinet, Supreme Court and appeals courts would be exempted. Every Democrat opposed the maneuver in a pair of 51-48 votes, and they were joined by two Republicans: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mike Lee of Utah.”

Less debate time for Trump picks after Senate rules change

When Repubs took over in 2010, they intentionally made it more difficult for Obama to fill these positions as a power grab.

Repubs didn't take over the Senate in 2010, silly twat.
Also from the linked article.

This is a very sad day for the Senate. At a time when Leader McConnell brags about confirming more judges than anyone has done in a very long time, he feels the need to invoke the terribly destructive and disproportionate procedure of the 'nuclear option' in order to fast-track even more of President Trump's ultra-conservative nominees to the federal bench," Schumer said.

Schumer, however, supported this step in a 2013 vote orchestrated by then Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., that eliminated the filibuster on Cabinet nominees and most judicial appointees. The maneuver allows the majority to change the rules on a party-line vote.

Republicans said at the time that Reid and Democrats would come to regret the change, which has given Trump largely free rein to fill numerous judicial vacancies that have piled up over the years.

"I share some of the responsibility for where we find ourselves today," said Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo. He said McConnell "said at the time that 'you're going to come to regret this decision,' and I will say this about him, he was right. I do."
Proof that the Left is mired in apoplectic rage. This was done to facilitate the ease of confirmation.
Funny how they had no trouble using the nuclear option but when the Reps do its bad.

Reid sure thought his Dems would be in power longer than they were and his decision has bitten the Dems in the ass once again.

Way ta go Reid.
Funny how they had no trouble using the nuclear option but when the Reps do its bad.

Reid sure thought his Dems would be in power longer than they were and his decision has bitten the Dems in the ass once again.

Way ta go Reid.
It's like Gerrymandering, it only works when anti American democrats use it
Complaints about Trump being president and beating the snot out of Cankles in the 2016 election are now being taken at Resistance HQ.


[email protected]

Now to you topic. Really Dumb Thread, since delays in approving nominees are actually the result of your stupid "Resistance" movement where the Senate Dems are trying to prevent the nominees from taking The Bench.

Now I know why you have been on Ignore for the last two years.
...made it easier to confirm lower level positions in the senate have been restored by senate republicans because they have realized how useless Trump is in filling basic low level positions in the senate. When Repubs took over in 2010, they intentionally made it more difficult for Obama to fill these positions as a power grab. Because Trump is useless to Obama in comparison, McConnell has restored the rules that were in place before the GOP came to power in 2010.

“In a series of procedural votes, the Republicans indefinitely restored rules in place during the first couple years of President Barack Obama's second term. Those rules had lapsed, allowing any senator to force 30 hours of debate on a nominee.

The new rules limit debate on most nominees to two hours instead of 30. White House selections for the Cabinet, Supreme Court and appeals courts would be exempted. Every Democrat opposed the maneuver in a pair of 51-48 votes, and they were joined by two Republicans: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mike Lee of Utah.”

Less debate time for Trump picks after Senate rules change

Ummm, Reid was Senate Majority leader until January of 2015, so when did he become Republican?
Also from the linked article.

This is a very sad day for the Senate. At a time when Leader McConnell brags about confirming more judges than anyone has done in a very long time, he feels the need to invoke the terribly destructive and disproportionate procedure of the 'nuclear option' in order to fast-track even more of President Trump's ultra-conservative nominees to the federal bench," Schumer said.

Schumer, however, supported this step in a 2013 vote orchestrated by then Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., that eliminated the filibuster on Cabinet nominees and most judicial appointees. The maneuver allows the majority to change the rules on a party-line vote.

Republicans said at the time that Reid and Democrats would come to regret the change, which has given Trump largely free rein to fill numerous judicial vacancies that have piled up over the years.

"I share some of the responsibility for where we find ourselves today," said Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo. He said McConnell "said at the time that 'you're going to come to regret this decision,' and I will say this about him, he was right. I do."
I think there’s gonna be a lot more boomeranging of things coming back to bite the dims’ worthless asses leading up to ‘20 and into Trump’s second term.
Trump fought the law and the law won
It's not just a pretty please request. It's backed by the law.


Trump Personal And Business Taxes Requested From IRS By House Cmte Chairman - The Intellectualist
The Chairman of the House Ways And Means Cmte has requested Trump's tax returns from the IRS.

No its not a law. Its a request that the IRS doesn't have to grant.

A request that's only been used three times since 1924.

Smacks of desperation by the dumbass Dems who are looking for anything they can hang on Trump.

Of course Trump has book keepers and accountants up the ass and was being audited which is why he didn't release his tax returns.

You idiots sure are whinny ass bitches.
A little background on the ... qualification of Mr. Trump's nominees:

When President Donald Trump's pick for ambassador to the Bahamas testified before Congress to make the case for his nomination, he incorrectly stated that the island nation was part of the U.S. It is an independent country.

For ambassador to the United Arab Emirates — a job so sensitive in the tense Middle East that every previous president gave it to a career diplomat — Trump picked a wealthy real estate developer with no diplomatic experience.

The ambassador to Morocco? A well-heeled car dealer. The nominee for Iceland? While well-traveled, he had never been to that Nordic country. For Melania Trump's native country of Slovenia? The founder of an evangelical charity who frequently reposted false far-right social media posts on her Facebook page.

None have diplomatic experience, but they share one trait: All were big donors to Trump's presidential inaugural committee, which is now under federal investigation.​

The whole piece is worth a read, as it details quite well how, under Trump's oversight and with the gloating agreement of Trumpletons all around, the Swamp broadens and deepens - and the stench becomes unbearable to anyone else.

Small wonder, then, that Mick "RubberSpine" McConnell opts for these nominees to be spared the scrutiny they so obviously warrant.

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