Official Presidential Debate Thread --- Round 3 --- 2016

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One thing I will thank Donald Trump for is showing the pathetic joke this election cycle is!

Rand Paul in 2020!

For trump voters that will be Alec Baldwin!
Ew. No thanks.



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I knew a girl that could swallow that much... ( Thank the lard I am not running for President! )

Would she vote for you?

Actually yes!

She would actually vote for me and tell everyone it was her choice and I never forced her... Well unless Gloria " Lucifer wife " Allred get involved then I can not be that confident!
Obvious she's using a teleprompter
It's SO obvious that Hillary is 1000x more qualified than Trump. All Trump has are stupid right wing talking points from Breitbart, the Gateway Pundit and the National Enquirer. When Hillary speaks, you can tell that she's coming from a place of serious experience.
It's SO obvious that Hillary is 1000x more qualified than Trump. All Trump has are stupid right wing talking points from Breitbart, the Gateway Pundit and the National Enquirer. When Hillary speaks, you can tell that she's coming from a place of serious experience.
She hasn't said anything yet...
Trump missed a big opening. Hilly would impose a no fly zone. Russia today is moving anti aircraft artillery into Aleppo. Who do you imagine that is to be shot down?
Russia has S 300 and S400 advanced anti aircraft Missile system at least that we know they may have other stuff we dont know of
It's SO obvious that Hillary is 1000x more qualified than Trump. All Trump has are stupid right wing talking points from Breitbart, the Gateway Pundit and the National Enquirer. When Hillary speaks, you can tell that she's coming from a place of serious experience.

Serious experience. Great job Brownie.........lick those lips.
He's just f**ing rude, says "wrong" repeatedly while it's her turn to speak

Says the guy posting in bold.

Oh, and the f-bomb didn't help you either.
Yeah when did Matty start typing in bold?

I dunno.
Maybe it's empowering. Hmm...

Must be.

I guess I'll start posting in italics.
Whoa. Dude...... this is amazing. Do I dare mess with the underline? ........:eek:
People have such memory loss about what has taken place in the former administration. The Arab Spring, a botched Egypt scenario where he backed Morsi, the Iran deal, 20% of uranium sold or given to the Russians, Lybia, Terrorism here Ft. Hood, Boston marathon etc. Suing or shutting down businesses because of the gay agenda, anti-God, Anti-American, starting or influencing situations that get innocent cops killed, standing up for thugs, and not attending the funeral of a great supreme Court judge, sitting in a church full of racist etc.
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