Official Moscow GDP instead may be severely overestimated. Moscow was not able to develop its colonies to a level even comparable with war-ravaged Geo


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
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Official Russian GDP instead may be severely overestimated.

The robust growth reported by the 11th biggest economy in the world with the second largest army should have raised the eyebrows of economists – and I am not excluding myself here – a long time ago. After all, financing an army that is oversized with respect to the economy always represents a drag on other goals, such as infrastructure investment, innovation and social spending.

Potential overestimates of Russia’s economy were made easier to believe by the development of major cities and significant raw materials and energy exports. Barring Chechnya and maybe Crimea, Russia was not able to develop its federal provinces to a level even comparable with war-ravaged Georgian regions. The failure to boost the attractiveness of its model to those living in territories bordering Russia is a telling sign of underdevelopment, to say the least.

Official Russian GDP instead may be severely overestimated.

The robust growth reported by the 11th biggest economy in the world with the second largest army should have raised the eyebrows of economists – and I am not excluding myself here – a long time ago. After all, financing an army that is oversized with respect to the economy always represents a drag on other goals, such as infrastructure investment, innovation and social spending.

Potential overestimates of Russia’s economy were made easier to believe by the development of major cities and significant raw materials and energy exports. Barring Chechnya and maybe Crimea, Russia was not able to develop its federal provinces to a level even comparable with war-ravaged Georgian regions. The failure to boost the attractiveness of its model to those living in territories bordering Russia is a telling sign of underdevelopment, to say the least.

After all, financing an army that is oversized with respect to the economy always represents a drag on other goals, such as infrastructure investment, innovation and social spending.

Doesn't appear the army was well financed at all.
And of course their GDP was overestimated. Commies lie. Always have.
Their economies suck. Always have.
After all, financing an army that is oversized with respect to the economy always represents a drag on other goals, such as infrastructure investment, innovation and social spending.

Doesn't appear the army was well financed at all.
And of course their GDP was overestimated. Commies lie. Always have.
Their economies suck. Always have.
Doesn't appear the army was well financed at all.
It was financed well enough, the funds just didn't make it to the army.

It's why the Orlan 10 costs the Russian MoD $100K (USD equiv), and uses a hobby airplane engine, a water bottle for a fuel tank, and a Canon Rebel as an optic.

Megayachts and villas on the Riveria ain't cheap...
It was financed well enough, the funds just didn't make it to the army.

It's why the Orlan 10 costs the Russian MoD $100K (USD equiv), and uses a hobby airplane engine, a water bottle for a fuel tank, and a Canon Rebel as an optic.

Megayachts and villas on the Riveria ain't cheap...

It was financed well enough, the funds just didn't make it to the army.

It's why the Orlan 10 costs the Russian MoD $100K (USD equiv), and uses a hobby airplane engine, a water bottle for a fuel tank, and a Canon Rebel as an optic.

Megayachts and villas on the Riveria ain't cheap...


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