Official Election results thread

The pollsters also showed Clinton with an Electoral college win, which wipes out your national vs. state theory, bub.

Pardon my French, but bullshit.

The national polls are different than the state polls.

Clinton had a massive amount of votes from dark blue states over what she needed to win those states. Trump also had some, but the difference was 3.9% of the total votes cast in the last presidential election.

For her to start even in the swing states, she needed to lead in the national polls by 3.9%. Any less and the swing states start falling trumps way, and the marginally blue states go red.

I posted this two weeks before the election. I also posted that Clinton would win the popular vote and Trump the EC.

And that extra cash I now have in my pocket because folks (even pollsters), are too damn lazy to run a simple spreadsheet, sure feels good too!
Yep...Not many people understand this concept( state vs national) and quite frankly those are the people that pollsters target. The uninformed and those too lazy to do their own homework.
This is not the first time polling data for a presidential election was out of touch with the voters.
I was watching CNN and one talking head with a sneer on her face mentioned polling data that showed a Clinton win was skewed by those who either refused to answer pollsters or to avoid being criticized claimed they were for Clinton. She was in essence crying "no fair".....Whiners

People make premises based on the idea that the pollsters aren't corporate arms. Hillary was artificially ahead the entire time so that the media could control the pro Hillary sell / narrative. The most reputable pollers Gallup curiously dropped out of presidential polling because they understood that the books were being cooked and their people were undoubtedly paid off to not be f'ing with the narrative.

Bullshit. Hillary got more votes, even after Comey screwed her.
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I call SHEnanigans. There is no way that Comey had Sexual Relations with That Wymmens.

Enjoy yourself . You won the right. That clown's behavior is all on you now. When will he start that wall and make Mexico pay for it? I'll be waiting.
Bullshit. Hillary got more votes, even after Comey screwed her.
View attachment 97727
Is that the excuse for Hillary's failed bid for President? "It's all Comey's fault!"?

Sorry, dude, but the reasons for the election turnout go a lot deeper than the Left's on again, off again love affair with the Director of the FBI. It will take months to analyze why the vote turned out as it did and, no doubt, the usual suspects will do a lot of finger-pointing.

In the meantime, here are some stats:
How anti-establishment outsider Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States
  • Blue-collar whites turned red
There was a time when white men without a college education — men who worked with their hands, including those in unions — were a backbone of the Democratic coalition FDR forged.

But this year, they gave Trump his most avid support, embracing his message that unwise trade deals and competition for jobs from illegal immigrants had cost them their place in the middle class. They backed him by more than 3-1, 72%-23%.. While Clinton was endorsed by the leadership of most labor unions, voters from union households backed her only narrowly

In an analysis of counties where the most people work in manufacturing, Trump was leading by an overwhelming 70%-26%. He was winning by another huge margin, 60%-37%, in the 121 reporting counties with the highest rates of unemployment.

With that, he cracked the so-called "blue wall" of reliably Democratic states across the industrial Midwest

It appears the Democrats have shit on middle-class, blue collar workers for one election too many.
Pardon my French, but bullshit.

The national polls are different than the state polls.

Clinton had a massive amount of votes from dark blue states over what she needed to win those states. Trump also had some, but the difference was 3.9% of the total votes cast in the last presidential election.

For her to start even in the swing states, she needed to lead in the national polls by 3.9%. Any less and the swing states start falling trumps way, and the marginally blue states go red.

I posted this two weeks before the election. I also posted that Clinton would win the popular vote and Trump the EC.

And that extra cash I now have in my pocket because folks (even pollsters), are too damn lazy to run a simple spreadsheet, sure feels good too!
Yep...Not many people understand this concept( state vs national) and quite frankly those are the people that pollsters target. The uninformed and those too lazy to do their own homework.
This is not the first time polling data for a presidential election was out of touch with the voters.
I was watching CNN and one talking head with a sneer on her face mentioned polling data that showed a Clinton win was skewed by those who either refused to answer pollsters or to avoid being criticized claimed they were for Clinton. She was in essence crying "no fair".....Whiners

People make premises based on the idea that the pollsters aren't corporate arms. Hillary was artificially ahead the entire time so that the media could control the pro Hillary sell / narrative. The most reputable pollers Gallup curiously dropped out of presidential polling because they understood that the books were being cooked and their people were undoubtedly paid off to not be f'ing with the narrative.

Bullshit. Hillary got more votes, even after Comey screwed her.
View attachment 97727

Only in libtard land is not investigating a series of felons considered "screwing" someone.

It's done now, so I won't bother explaining yet again how that was all bullshit, because you don't care about facts anyway, but it's disgusting to see a party that claims religious beliefs willing to behave so dishonorably.

You are done. You put up a felon for fucking president of these United States of America and then cry when the system shines the light on her crimes. Actually, you didn't even pick her. If you hadn't rigged the primary, you'd have had Bernie Sanders and you'd be crying about his ass getting kicked instead.

Yes he is our president now either we like it or not. We just have to see the results of his promises.
1. Force deportation of illegals
2. Mexico will pay for the wall
3. Bring back jobs from overseas.
4. Trade & tariffs
5. Get rid of NAFTA & TPP
6. Scrap Iran deal
7. Ban muslims
8. Repeal Obamacare.
9. Jobs for black inner cities
10. Unite our country.

It will be a no brainer for Trump to get the economy back on track. After Obama's failures that will be child's play. Just lower taxes and reduce some of the stupid regulations and the economy will be off and running.

Trump is going to have to prioritize his battles because he has a lot of Obama's damage to undo.

Hopefully he will pull it off and if he does the American people will see how toxic the Democrats have been for this country.

I will be very happy to see his success and accomplishments. So will see.
BTW........ you start blaming already?
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Bullshit. Hillary got more votes, even after Comey screwed her.
View attachment 97727
Is that the excuse for Hillary's failed bid for President? "It's all Comey's fault!"?

Sorry, dude, but the reasons for the election turnout go a lot deeper than the Left's on again, off again love affair with the Director of the FBI. It will take months to analyze why the vote turned out as it did and, no doubt, the usual suspects will do a lot of finger-pointing.

In the meantime, here are some stats:
How anti-establishment outsider Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States
  • Blue-collar whites turned red
There was a time when white men without a college education — men who worked with their hands, including those in unions — were a backbone of the Democratic coalition FDR forged.

But this year, they gave Trump his most avid support, embracing his message that unwise trade deals and competition for jobs from illegal immigrants had cost them their place in the middle class. They backed him by more than 3-1, 72%-23%.. While Clinton was endorsed by the leadership of most labor unions, voters from union households backed her only narrowly

In an analysis of counties where the most people work in manufacturing, Trump was leading by an overwhelming 70%-26%. He was winning by another huge margin, 60%-37%, in the 121 reporting counties with the highest rates of unemployment.

With that, he cracked the so-called "blue wall" of reliably Democratic states across the industrial Midwest

It appears the Democrats have shit on middle-class, blue collar workers for one election too many.

Hillary still got more votes. Comey breached the Hatch act.
Hillary still got more votes. Comey breached the Hatch act.
Yes she did. Do you want to rewrite the Constitution? Eliminate the Electoral College? Be careful what you ask for. LOL.

No, he didn't, but I'd love to see your evidence and explain why he isn't being charged.
Leftists are chimping out in NY.

Some people don't respect democracy.

It's their turn, in their own words, to sit back on the bus...

Could you REALLY blame anyone for voting for Obama after the 2008 Crash?

Crash is not a reason for voting for Barry. Blacks and progressives would vote for him regardless.

If telephone pole was running against McCain, it would still win.
Is that why he penned that ridiculous about-nothing letter 11 days before election that dropped Hillary's numbers by a few %? Is that why he never talked about ongoing investigation on Trump's Russian connection?

Yea, Clintons really had that set-for-8-year-term Republican on a short leash :rolleyes:

Nobody has a clue what the hell Comey has been doing. We know that he has not been effectively investigating the crimes of Crooked Hillary.

That is why we need President Trump to have somebody reliable to investigate the crimes of Crooked Hillary and then throw her in jail.

However, for the time being we can all take joy in that fact that barring a miracle tonight the filthy ass bitch will not be President.
Trump will appoint Giuliani to be AG, and he will prosecute Hillary and throw away the key. He doesn't need the FBI if he has a Republican AG who isn't subservient to the Clinton gang.
Don't forget removing the EO where Obama made it law that his birth and school records could be sealed...

Except there is no such EO :rolleyes-41:
Hillary still got more votes. Comey breached the Hatch act.
Yes she did. Do you want to rewrite the Constitution? Eliminate the Electoral College? Be careful what you ask for. LOL.

No, he didn't, but I'd love to see your evidence and explain why he isn't being charged.

No, I don't want to change the constitution. The states determine how electoral votes are allocated. It would be a simple matter to have those votes determined proportionally. Of course, in recent history, only Democrats have had their elections stolen twice (Gore and Clinton) . After it effects the right it will be changed. Until then, we have a faulty election process.
Comey's two unprecedented statements , even after he was advised that it would be improper to make them, gave the false impression of guilt. Voters were left to believe there was actual guilt. The Hatch Act is officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, and specifically forbids the use of offices in the executive branch to intentionally effect elections. No one can deny that his unprecedented, and unnecessary statements directly effected the voters decisions.

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