Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Still lying. This cowardly shitstain’s life was not in danger. Your ignorance is just astounding. Notice you run away from the fact that officers next to Babbitt did not fire.
I don't have any reason to lie.

It didn't matter that there were police officers present because they were all still on the OTHER side of the door that she was attempting to breach. Had they stayed there or left, no one would have gotten shot.

It was only when Ashli attempted to breach their last barricade that they fired and that shot did exactly what it was intended to do. It kept her and everyone else from further attempting to breach that window.
Pathetic spin attempt. No warning. Shoot then run like a bitch. Murder. Period. Another one okay with murder. Noted for when we start mowing down BLM rioters.
Okay that's it. Who in the hell is "we"? And you've just stated your intention to "mow down" BLM members.

Reported as a threat, and don't even think about wrangling with me.
No you didn’t. There are screenshots of YOU attempting to get somebody to commit murder and break somebody out of prison.
Absolutely there are screenshots of you making this threat.
You're right that Babbitt wasn't a terrorist thug. She was, though, an indiot tool, manipulated by the FBI and their agents that planned and instigated the violent attack. She was stupid enough to fall into the trap of the FBI and she paid the price. That's why the phrase " play stupid games, win stupid prizes" fits here so well. If you want to blame someone, blame Christopher Wray. Blame the FBI. Blame Pelosi. But Michael Byrd is a hero.
A hero that kills unarmed people. :icon_rolleyes:
I don't have any reason to lie.

It didn't matter that there were police officers present because they were all still on the OTHER side of the door that she was attempting to breach. Had they stayed there or left, no one would have gotten shot.

It was only when Ashli attempted to breach their last barricade that they fired and that shot did exactly what it was intended to do. It kept her and everyone else from further attempting to breach that window.
Because it was asking too much of these out of shape “police” who apparently were too stupid to use a radio to communicate, to walk up to the window (they could plainly see she was unarmed) and arrest her if they so chose. Another swing and miss in your poor attempt to defend a murderer.

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