Offical democrat party statement

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

The glorious revolution in Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP is at an end. Evil capitalist "police" forces are taking control of the commune as we speak, in response to some -ahum- minor problems of the revolutionary government like robberies, rapes and a couple of murders.

Therefore, as per Niemitz's Law(1), the Current Truth has been updated and CHAZ/CHOP was NOT real socialism! It was never real socialism! Next time when we try REAL socialism - perhaps on a different scale, like the entire USA - it will certainly work. Because this was NOT real socialism, ok?

Please refer all earlier statements about "summer of love" and "block party" and "community effort" to your nearest memory holes. The robbed, raped and murdered victims of this NOT-socialism will join the long forgotten mass of people (the "statistic") who were sacrificed on the altar of NOT-real-socialism.

That will be all for now,

Comrade Minitrue

(1) Niemitz's Law: (Socialism: The failed idea that never dies — Institute of Economic Affairs)

Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

You think they didn't like obama cause he was black ?
Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard rotflmao

Omg you're a simplistic idiot
Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

heh. Hick I can't argue with.
Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

For Marxists like Agit8r , everything is about race and identity politics. Without it, he’d had to present actual ideas.
Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

For Marxists like Agit8r , everything is about race and identity politics. Without it, he’d had to present actual ideas.

Unfortunately we already know what they are to
Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

For Marxists like Agit8r , everything is about race and identity politics. Without it, he’d had to present actual ideas.

Lol. I thught the Chop was a quixotic distraction. Also thought glen beck was pretty silly. I'm more of a classical radical. Marx was too wordy for a hick like me ;)
Remember the good old days when right-wingers needed to have utopias to escape the reality of having a black president?

What does skin color have to do with anything ya stupid hick?

For Marxists like Agit8r , everything is about race and identity politics. Without it, he’d had to present actual ideas.

Lol. I thught the Chop was a quixotic distraction. Also thought glen beck was pretty silly. I'm more of a classical radical. Marx was too wordy for a hick like me ;)
Oh boy

They're like carbon copies of each other

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