Of Tigers, Crocodiles,…and Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And, yes.....they have something in common.

1.We’ve all heard of certain cautionary aphorisms, but some of us forget to apply them to real life situations. Hence, there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

A careful inspection of current political vistas will show that the Democrats are in the above positions.

2. We live in a nation with some 400 million folks….and many have no time nor interest in the due diligence that should go into their political decisions, their votes. One doesn’t elect a candidate….one institutes polices that live on long after a candidate has left office.

Here is one dunce who decried the importance of what a candidate stands for, his policies:
"Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Biden Voter: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.” Why We Lost America…. post #21

Of course, that same poster is unable to defend what Biden has ordered.

3. Lots of folks simply go with what they hear from the state media. There is a saying for that: “IF YOU DON’T READ THE NEWSPAPER, YOU’RE UNINFORMED. IF YOU DO, YOU’RE MISINFORMED.”
Put simply, they lie about everything.

4. And there are lots of cowards who fear the cancel culture so as to never question the propaganda…the lies. They simply do as they’re told. Ask a Democrat voter to explain Trump policies they opposed or Biden policies they champion, and they’re flummoxed.

5. But in addition to the folks who fit into these groups, the Democrats have organized felons, thugs, arsonists, killers…..who are the tigers and crocodiles. They believe they can control the groups that they have authorized and encouraged to riot and assault in hundreds of riots.

6. One of the most offensive policies in the Democrat firmament is racism. This is the party of the Confederacy, of segregation, of second class citizenship for blacks, and it is now cementing its strength among certain elements of the black population, the Melanin Mafia, by pretending that they are anti-white racists now.

It certainly is true that without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election, but the corrupt message they are sending is “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.'
It won't. And the eating has begun.

7. .... the foolish Democrat elites actually believe that they can control the demons they have unleashed.

“Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa ‘Pets’”

Daily......it's a trip to the zoo.
It's interesting that even though by hook or crook the democrats got Trump out of the WH, we're still seeing riots and destruction in some major cities. And they're bitching about Biden's immigration policies and failures to get the $15 M-Wage, defunding the police, and other things. And of course the democrats in charge of those cities are doing nothing about it. Again. As crime rates rise.
And, yes.....they have something in common.

1.We’ve all heard of certain cautionary aphorisms, but some of us forget to apply them to real life situations. Hence, there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

A careful inspection of current political vistas will show that the Democrats are in the above positions.

2. We live in a nation with some 400 million folks….and many have no time nor interest in the due diligence that should go into their political decisions, their votes. One doesn’t elect a candidate….one institutes polices that live on long after a candidate has left office.

Here is one dunce who decried the importance of what a candidate stands for, his policies:
"Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Biden Voter: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.” Why We Lost America…. post #21

Of course, that same poster is unable to defend what Biden has ordered.

3. Lots of folks simply go with what they hear from the state media. There is a saying for that: “IF YOU DON’T READ THE NEWSPAPER, YOU’RE UNINFORMED. IF YOU DO, YOU’RE MISINFORMED.”
Put simply, they lie about everything.

4. And there are lots of cowards who fear the cancel culture so as to never question the propaganda…the lies. They simply do as they’re told. Ask a Democrat voter to explain Trump policies they opposed or Biden policies they champion, and they’re flummoxed.

5. But in addition to the folks who fit into these groups, the Democrats have organized felons, thugs, arsonists, killers…..who are the tigers and crocodiles. They believe they can control the groups that they have authorized and encouraged to riot and assault in hundreds of riots.

6. One of the most offensive policies in the Democrat firmament is racism. This is the party of the Confederacy, of segregation, of second class citizenship for blacks, and it is now cementing its strength among certain elements of the black population, the Melanin Mafia, by pretending that they are anti-white racists now.

It certainly is true that without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election, but the corrupt message they are sending is “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.'
It won't. And the eating has begun.

7. .... the foolish Democrat elites actually believe that they can control the demons they have unleashed.

“Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa ‘Pets’”
View attachment 463344

Daily......it's a trip to the zoo.
Democrats act horribly....attack us at every possible opportunity......and when we say anything.....they call us Nazis.

My solution is keep pointing this out to everyone.....and when they attack us in person.....kick their fucking teeth in.
It's interesting that even though by hook or crook the democrats got Trump out of the WH, we're still seeing riots and destruction in some major cities. And they're bitching about Biden's immigration policies and failures to get the $15 M-Wage, defunding the police, and other things. And of course the democrats in charge of those cities are doing nothing about it. Again. As crime rates rise.

"...by hook or crook the democrats got Trump out of the WH..."

....and hoax.

'Lucky': Adviser described COVID-19 as 'best thing that ever happened to' Biden
“COVID is the best thing that ever happened to him,” senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn told another campaign associate in late March 2020 after then-President Trump had announced initial stay-at-home guidelines for the nation."

Anita Dunn was also the Obama adviser who praised the greatest mass killer in history....Mao.

Jane Fonda Says COVID-19 Is 'God's Gift To The Left'

And, yes.....they have something in common.

1.We’ve all heard of certain cautionary aphorisms, but some of us forget to apply them to real life situations. Hence, there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

A careful inspection of current political vistas will show that the Democrats are in the above positions.

2. We live in a nation with some 400 million folks….and many have no time nor interest in the due diligence that should go into their political decisions, their votes. One doesn’t elect a candidate….one institutes polices that live on long after a candidate has left office.

Here is one dunce who decried the importance of what a candidate stands for, his policies:
"Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Biden Voter: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.” Why We Lost America…. post #21

Of course, that same poster is unable to defend what Biden has ordered.

3. Lots of folks simply go with what they hear from the state media. There is a saying for that: “IF YOU DON’T READ THE NEWSPAPER, YOU’RE UNINFORMED. IF YOU DO, YOU’RE MISINFORMED.”
Put simply, they lie about everything.

4. And there are lots of cowards who fear the cancel culture so as to never question the propaganda…the lies. They simply do as they’re told. Ask a Democrat voter to explain Trump policies they opposed or Biden policies they champion, and they’re flummoxed.

5. But in addition to the folks who fit into these groups, the Democrats have organized felons, thugs, arsonists, killers…..who are the tigers and crocodiles. They believe they can control the groups that they have authorized and encouraged to riot and assault in hundreds of riots.

6. One of the most offensive policies in the Democrat firmament is racism. This is the party of the Confederacy, of segregation, of second class citizenship for blacks, and it is now cementing its strength among certain elements of the black population, the Melanin Mafia, by pretending that they are anti-white racists now.

It certainly is true that without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election, but the corrupt message they are sending is “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.'
It won't. And the eating has begun.

7. .... the foolish Democrat elites actually believe that they can control the demons they have unleashed.

“Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa ‘Pets’”
View attachment 463344

Daily......it's a trip to the zoo.
Democrats act horribly....attack us at every possible opportunity......and when we say anything.....they call us Nazis.

My solution is keep pointing this out to everyone.....and when they attack us in person.....kick their fucking teeth in.

“Nolte: Celebrating Rush’s Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

Never forget the following: that the monsters openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death are not Internet trolls, are not the dregs of social media. No, these are the same mainstream Democrats who want to rule over us.

These wicked and vicious people enjoy verified social media accounts and social status. These godless people who brim with bitterness and hate, who feast off death as some sort of cosmic retribution against us, have been normalized and accepted and embraced by the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Worse still, these are the people who want to rule over us… Not only those who openly hate us so much they celebrate our deaths, but those who accept and enable this hate.

Look at this. And this. And this. And this. There’s more out there. So much more that #RestInPiss trended on Twitter.”

Democrat elites are mostly white folks...… there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

8. “School Sends Parents INSANE "White Identities" Chart

Either treat persons as individuals, based what they do......or this:

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...
Nunes explains why the Melanin Mafia is going after a Democrat in good standing….

9. "Rep. Nunes: Govs. Cuomo and Newsom 'Are Expendable Now,' Because 'They're a Threat' to Kamala Harris

(CNSNews.com) - It's no accident that Democrat Governors Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo are under fire, even from Democrats, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

They need to be eliminated as competitors for president-in-waiting Kamala Harris, Nunes said:
Well, I think it's real easy. The Democratic Party is really a socialist party with a politburo system. It's how it runs out in California.

And I have said this on your show before. Kamala Harris never really had to run for anything. And when she did run from something, she couldn't even get 1 percent in the Democratic primary. She had to drop out after blowing through $100 million.

So, what they're doing here, what I believe they're doing here is, is that Cuomo and Newsom are expendable now. They're a threat. They're a threat to the politburo system.

They're a threat to Harris, as -- because, before -- all this stuff about Cuomo was known for a long time. This isn't new information…So, this is all about eliminating -- eliminating the opposition. Eliminate the opposition, so that she has a free run in 2024 and isn't challenged by one -- prominent governors from two of the biggest states, New York or California."
Rep. Nunes: Govs. Cuomo and Newsom 'Are Expendable Now,' Because 'They're a Threat' to Kamala Harris

It's no accident that Democrat Governors Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo are under fire, even from Democrats, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

Hmm......Nunes could be right.
A preemptive attack by the Radical Melanin Mafia of the Wehrmacht.......er, Democrats.

They ran on anti-white racism.....and this explanation fits.

They can simply keep white folks as ........slaves.
And, yes.....they have something in common.

1.We’ve all heard of certain cautionary aphorisms, but some of us forget to apply them to real life situations. Hence, there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

A careful inspection of current political vistas will show that the Democrats are in the above positions.

2. We live in a nation with some 400 million folks….and many have no time nor interest in the due diligence that should go into their political decisions, their votes. One doesn’t elect a candidate….one institutes polices that live on long after a candidate has left office.

Here is one dunce who decried the importance of what a candidate stands for, his policies:
"Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Biden Voter: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.” Why We Lost America…. post #21

Of course, that same poster is unable to defend what Biden has ordered.

3. Lots of folks simply go with what they hear from the state media. There is a saying for that: “IF YOU DON’T READ THE NEWSPAPER, YOU’RE UNINFORMED. IF YOU DO, YOU’RE MISINFORMED.”
Put simply, they lie about everything.

4. And there are lots of cowards who fear the cancel culture so as to never question the propaganda…the lies. They simply do as they’re told. Ask a Democrat voter to explain Trump policies they opposed or Biden policies they champion, and they’re flummoxed.

5. But in addition to the folks who fit into these groups, the Democrats have organized felons, thugs, arsonists, killers…..who are the tigers and crocodiles. They believe they can control the groups that they have authorized and encouraged to riot and assault in hundreds of riots.

6. One of the most offensive policies in the Democrat firmament is racism. This is the party of the Confederacy, of segregation, of second class citizenship for blacks, and it is now cementing its strength among certain elements of the black population, the Melanin Mafia, by pretending that they are anti-white racists now.

It certainly is true that without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election, but the corrupt message they are sending is “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.'
It won't. And the eating has begun.

7. .... the foolish Democrat elites actually believe that they can control the demons they have unleashed.

“Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa ‘Pets’”
View attachment 463344

Daily......it's a trip to the zoo.
Democrats act horribly....attack us at every possible opportunity......and when we say anything.....they call us Nazis.

My solution is keep pointing this out to everyone.....and when they attack us in person.....kick their fucking teeth in.

“Nolte: Celebrating Rush’s Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

Never forget the following: that the monsters openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death are not Internet trolls, are not the dregs of social media. No, these are the same mainstream Democrats who want to rule over us.

These wicked and vicious people enjoy verified social media accounts and social status. These godless people who brim with bitterness and hate, who feast off death as some sort of cosmic retribution against us, have been normalized and accepted and embraced by the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Worse still, these are the people who want to rule over us… Not only those who openly hate us so much they celebrate our deaths, but those who accept and enable this hate.

Look at this. And this. And this. And this. There’s more out there. So much more that #RestInPiss trended on Twitter.”

Cop killers they morn...
You and me....they want to kill.
And, yes.....they have something in common.

1.We’ve all heard of certain cautionary aphorisms, but some of us forget to apply them to real life situations. Hence, there is a great deal of truth in the warnings such as “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.’

A careful inspection of current political vistas will show that the Democrats are in the above positions.

2. We live in a nation with some 400 million folks….and many have no time nor interest in the due diligence that should go into their political decisions, their votes. One doesn’t elect a candidate….one institutes polices that live on long after a candidate has left office.

Here is one dunce who decried the importance of what a candidate stands for, his policies:
"Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Biden Voter: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.” Why We Lost America…. post #21

Of course, that same poster is unable to defend what Biden has ordered.

3. Lots of folks simply go with what they hear from the state media. There is a saying for that: “IF YOU DON’T READ THE NEWSPAPER, YOU’RE UNINFORMED. IF YOU DO, YOU’RE MISINFORMED.”
Put simply, they lie about everything.

4. And there are lots of cowards who fear the cancel culture so as to never question the propaganda…the lies. They simply do as they’re told. Ask a Democrat voter to explain Trump policies they opposed or Biden policies they champion, and they’re flummoxed.

5. But in addition to the folks who fit into these groups, the Democrats have organized felons, thugs, arsonists, killers…..who are the tigers and crocodiles. They believe they can control the groups that they have authorized and encouraged to riot and assault in hundreds of riots.

6. One of the most offensive policies in the Democrat firmament is racism. This is the party of the Confederacy, of segregation, of second class citizenship for blacks, and it is now cementing its strength among certain elements of the black population, the Melanin Mafia, by pretending that they are anti-white racists now.

It certainly is true that without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election, but the corrupt message they are sending is “having a tiger by the tail,’ and ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last.'
It won't. And the eating has begun.

7. .... the foolish Democrat elites actually believe that they can control the demons they have unleashed.

“Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa ‘Pets’”
View attachment 463344

Daily......it's a trip to the zoo.
Democrats act horribly....attack us at every possible opportunity......and when we say anything.....they call us Nazis.

My solution is keep pointing this out to everyone.....and when they attack us in person.....kick their fucking teeth in.

“Nolte: Celebrating Rush’s Death Is Acceptable to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Democrat Party

Never forget the following: that the monsters openly celebrating Rush Limbaugh’s death are not Internet trolls, are not the dregs of social media. No, these are the same mainstream Democrats who want to rule over us.

These wicked and vicious people enjoy verified social media accounts and social status. These godless people who brim with bitterness and hate, who feast off death as some sort of cosmic retribution against us, have been normalized and accepted and embraced by the establishment media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat Party.

Worse still, these are the people who want to rule over us… Not only those who openly hate us so much they celebrate our deaths, but those who accept and enable this hate.

Look at this. And this. And this. And this. There’s more out there. So much more that #RestInPiss trended on Twitter.”

Cop killers they morn...
You and me....they want to kill.

There is historic precedent for the savages of the Wehrmacht.....er, Democrats....

.The new morality did away with the old-fashioned insistence on distinguishing between the guilty and the innocent. What an advance, what progress in the search for freedom! Lenin’s orders: “Shoot more professors!” (Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,”p.43)

…even Saint-Just had never given such an order! Bolsheviks willingness to put to death random crowds without knowing their political view….why, they were merely following Baudelaire’s directive, ‘In politics, the true saint is the man who uses his whip and kills the people for their own good.”
The Atheist Conservative: » The cultivation of evil, the sickness of Europe
10. “NY AG Receives Permission to Probe Cuomo Harassment Allegations


New York attorney general Letitia James announced on Monday that her office has received a referral from the administration of Governor Andrew Cuomo, allowing for an independent investigation of harassment claims against him.

Former aide Lindsey Boylan has accused Cuomo of kissing her on the lips without consent, while another former aide, Charlotte Bennett, alleges that the governor asked intrusive questions about her sex life, including whether she was willing to sleep with older men.”

This is what the Democrats and their Melanin Mafia are going to cut Cuomo’s throat over……

…..and this is the party of Harvey Weinstein, of giving a standing ovation to child rapist, Roman Polanski, of Anthony Weiner, of murderer Ted Kennedy and actual rapist Bill Clinton, …

See what is going on…….and where this sick party is taking America???
11. The Republican Party isn’t equipped to defeat the party of death and destruction. But….the Democrats have the power and the ability to eat themselves alive….evil does that. Ask Andrew Cuomo about that.

Where have we seen this before?

In the Democrat’s predecessors….their political godfathers….the Bolsheviks, there were show trials in which Stalin liquidated his political rivals on bogus charges.

“The Moscow Trials were a series of show trials held in the Soviet Union at the instigation of Joseph Stalin between 1936 and 1938 against Trotskyists and members of Right Opposition of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.” Wikipedia

"... where facts are discarded for their gross incompatibility with principles of ideology,..." Diana West.

As we have witnessed by the cancel culture…..anyone may be attacked,estroyed, to advance the political aims of the Left. We can cheer it on when one of the enemies of the Right is the target…..Andrew Cuomo for instance….but we mustn’t overlook that they are simply moving forward with Marxist goals in mind.

“We are Trained Marxists,” says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors
“We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said, during an interview with Real News Network, further adding to the parallels between her movement and the rise of Mao Zedong’s Marxist movement in China."
"We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors - Back to Jerusalem

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