O’Donnell: Why Was Mills Allowed To Sit In on Hillary’s FBI Interview When Mills Was A Suspect?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” MSNBC’s “The Last Word” host Lawrence O’Donnell stated of the FBI’s report on its investigation of Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, “Cheryl Mills is one of the principals, investigators would call her a suspect at that point. What is she doing in the interview with Hillary Clinton? … That was really peculiar, really strange."

The more the Hillary E-Mail scandal and the FBI's investigation is put under scrutiny the more people begin to wonder 'WTF', 'Was it Amateur hour at the FBI?'

Hillary was NOT placed under oath.
No recordings or notes of any kind were taken during her questioning.
Cheryl mills, a 'Suspect' was allowed to sit in on the Questioning of Hillary Clinton (providing them an opportunity to corroborate their stories...

Good thing there isn't anything in Comey's background to question his objectivity...like him being connected to Clinton by being a board member at the Foundation's HSBC bank.


FBI Director Comey is a board member of Clinton Foundation connected bank HSBC. « InvestmentWatch

How 'beneficial' and 'convenient' for Hillary that she 'owns' the Director of the FBI conducting / in charge of her investigation...
And then of course is that "handy" meeting with Bill Clinton and the DOJ on the tarmac...

You had a great link...

The letter, sent by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, and Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina states:
“[Clinton] clearly placed our nation’s secrets in peril. No one is above the law, and the American people deserve a more robust explanation for your decision to not recommend criminal charges.”
The letter mentions emails deleted by Clinton, but forensically recovered by the FBI and asks if they had any connection to the Clinton Foundation.
Recent revelations have shown, however, that Comey still sits as a Director of the Swiss mega-bank, HSBC Holdings, as a member of their Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.
Wealthy HSBC clients have donated mightily to the Clinton Foundation, including convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein.
According to Judicial Watch, the Clintons may be guilty of 200 incidents of conflict of interest as they amassed at least $48 million dollars in speaking fees while Hillary Clinton was serving as Secretary of State and hiding all email traffic through her illegal home server.
Although Comey’s connection to the Clinton Foundation is probably tenuous at best, no one knows for sure. Any sort of connection to one of the world’s biggest banks would be enough to cause Clinton to receive kid glove treatment while others accused of lesser crimes paid the full penalty.
According to Rep. Matt Salmon of Arizona, Comey’s connections to HSBC should be investigated by a special prosecutor.
Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio seems to agree as today, he accused the FBI of being “steeped in political bias” and also said there should be an “independent and impartial” investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s abuse of classified emails.

FBI Director Comey is a board member of Clinton Foundation
Obama.....desperate to save his 'Legacy' and the only way he can do that is ensure Hillary wins the Presidency, Obama...her, boss who appointed her the Secretary of state....Obama, who has already protected from jail Holder, Castro, and Reid....protects Hillary from prosecution.

Loretta Lynch, Obama's 'pet' AG who replaced Perjurous Eric holder....Lynch, who declared before the investigation was anywhere near completion declared she saw no reason for criminal charges, Lynch...who unethically met with Bill Clinton alone days before the decision to press charges on his wife was made, did her master's bidding and ensured no charges were filed.

Comey, Director of the FBI and who happens to be tightly connected to the Clintons as a board member of their foundation's HSBC Bank, declared she had lied and broken the law but declared he recommended no charges.

If ever there was a case for taking a criminal case out of the hands of a government administration and putting it in the hands of a INDEPENDENT COUNCIL that would be NOW!

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