OCTAs, Your Chance to Say it Directly to Victims Families


When you use the terms "Bush Lies" or "OCT", do these terms include the government's explanations for the collapse of the Twin Towers, the collapse of WTC7, the crash of the plane in PA, and the plane crashing into the Pentagon?

It's a real easy question.

Yes or no?
Email the group and tell them they are fucking morons for not accepting the OCT.

Come CurveLight you coward.

You made the accusation that the NYCCAN group doesn't believe/accept the OCT. Everyone knows that when people refer to the OCT, that term refers to ALL events leading up to, including, and after 9/11. That also includes the OFFICIAL explanation about the towers collapsing, the OFFICIAL explanation about how WTC7 collapsed, the OFFICIAL explanation in the plane crashing in PA, and the OFFICIAL explanation about the plane smashing into the Pentagon.

You know full well you meant the above blanket statement about the NYCCAN not believing the OCT to encompass the OFFICIAL explanations as to the above mentioned events and tried to use it a a way to push your bullshit beliefs.

The unfortunate thing for you is that the NYCCAN PDF document with all their questions has no mention of "explosives", "thermite", "thermate", "free-fall", "demolition", or "fake".

So tell me coward, why did you make a blanket statement like that when it is completely false?

Is that why you keep tap dancing around my question as to what exactly your version of the term "OCT" or "Bush Lies" encompasses? Because it will expose you as being completely wrong?

Maybe we should pass on your little diatribe at the beginning of this thread and let them know that you are using it to show that they do not believe the explanations of the towers and such coming down and that they want answer to a vast government conspiracy that murdered thousands of it's own people.
I wanna know if all involved are certain enough to ante up the money it will take for an investigation?

between 1997 and 2003, they spent 100 milion on unused tix on commercial flights for the DOD

they spent 70 million to investigate a stain on a blue dress....

1 million to investigate if prayer makes people well faster....

7 million to investigate 9.11

you blithering idiot.
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I wanna know if all involved are certain enough to ante up the money it will take for an investigation?

between 1997 and 2003, they spent 100 milion on unused tix on commercial flights for the DOD

they spent 70 million to investigate a stain on a blue dress....

1 million to investigate if prayer makes people well faster....

7 million to investigate 9.11

you blithering idiot.


Where are you getting your numbers?

What is the Commission's budget?

* Public Law 107-306 provided for the reprogramming of $3 million for the Commission. Congress subsequently appropriated, and the President signed into law, an additional $11 million appropriation for the Commission. Recent legislation authorized an additional $1 million, bringing the Commission’s total budget to $15 million.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
Was this money given to NIST out of the $15 million Commission budget mentioned above?

How is the investigation being funded?

The agency received $16 million for the investigation in September 2002 from the FY 2002 supplemental appropriation. NIST redirected $3.4 million in fiscal year 2002 to begin a three-part plan in response to the WTC disaster. The FY 2003 appropriation included an increase of $3 million for related research and development.

The President's FY 2005 budget request of $9 million (including a $4 million increase) focuses on using the results of the World Trade Center investigation to provide the technical basis for improving standards, technology, and practices for building construction and for the safety of emergency first responders.

NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions
Your failure to grasp the op is not my concern.

Your sick penchant for using the families of the fallen to score points on a political message board is really not my concern either.

Have fun back in Ghoul land.

Hahaha....you use your misunderstanding to make a false charge.......

You use your idiotic penchant for conspiracy theories to try and lure posters from this board into a nasty confrontation with families of victims.

Like I said, Ghoulish behavior.
Your sick penchant for using the families of the fallen to score points on a political message board is really not my concern either.

Have fun back in Ghoul land.

Hahaha....you use your misunderstanding to make a false charge.......

You use your idiotic penchant for conspiracy theories to try and lure posters from this board into a nasty confrontation with families of victims.

Like I said, Ghoulish behavior.

Would you be so kind as to state or link the post number where I claimed a conspiracy theory? I've not done that so is your life so boring you invent shit then criticize others based on those inventions?

I'm also not trying to lure anyone but simply pointing out the hypocrisy of some OCTAs. Can you show me where you have condemned those who have actually done what you are accusing me of, or does your soap box only slide down a one way street?
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Would you be so kind as to state or link the post number where I claimed a conspiracy theory? I've not done that so is your life so boring you invent shit then criticize others based on those inventions?


In addition, virtually any other post you make regarding 9-11 evokes some sort of conspiracy theory.

Your threads are auto-directed to the conspiracy zone on accident, bucko.

I'm also not trying to lure anyone but simply pointing out the hypocrisy of some OCTAs. Can you show me where you have condemned those who have actually done what you are accusing me of, or does your soap box only slide down a one way street?

You are trying to hide behind the victims to fight you own battles. If the people that lost a loved one on 9-11 believe that it was an alien conspiracy, I am not going to argue with them out of respect for their loss.

You don't share that respect and seem to want to prompt a confrontation between those that think you are nuts and people who have had a tangible loss, because you are that lame.

In other words, simply because we are so rude as to confront people who have lost family members in 9-11 for their beliefs doesn't make us hypocrites. It makes us polite. You should try it.

I'll redirect you to your opening post if you are further confused.
Email the group and tell them they are fucking morons for not accepting the OCT.

Come CurveLight you coward.

You made the accusation that the NYCCAN group doesn't believe/accept the OCT. Everyone knows that when people refer to the OCT, that term refers to ALL events leading up to, including, and after 9/11. That also includes the OFFICIAL explanation about the towers collapsing, the OFFICIAL explanation about how WTC7 collapsed, the OFFICIAL explanation in the plane crashing in PA, and the OFFICIAL explanation about the plane smashing into the Pentagon.

You know full well you meant the above blanket statement about the NYCCAN not believing the OCT to encompass the OFFICIAL explanations as to the above mentioned events and tried to use it a a way to push your bullshit beliefs.

The unfortunate thing for you is that the NYCCAN PDF document with all their questions has no mention of "explosives", "thermite", "thermate", "free-fall", "demolition", or "fake".

So tell me coward, why did you make a blanket statement like that when it is completely false?

Is that why you keep tap dancing around my question as to what exactly your version of the term "OCT" or "Bush Lies" encompasses? Because it will expose you as being completely wrong?

Maybe we should pass on your little diatribe at the beginning of this thread and let them know that you are using it to show that they do not believe the explanations of the towers and such coming down and that they want answer to a vast government conspiracy that murdered thousands of it's own people.

I never claimed NYCCAN claimed a conspiracy as I simply pointed out they don't accept the OCT. I have absolutely no idea which members of the group believe what parts. Obviously their calls for a new investigation mean they don't accept the OCT on some level. Are you done whining yet or should we help you find a new home in Wisconsin?
Email the group and tell them they are fucking morons for not accepting the OCT.

Come CurveLight you coward.

You made the accusation that the NYCCAN group doesn't believe/accept the OCT. Everyone knows that when people refer to the OCT, that term refers to ALL events leading up to, including, and after 9/11. That also includes the OFFICIAL explanation about the towers collapsing, the OFFICIAL explanation about how WTC7 collapsed, the OFFICIAL explanation in the plane crashing in PA, and the OFFICIAL explanation about the plane smashing into the Pentagon.

You know full well you meant the above blanket statement about the NYCCAN not believing the OCT to encompass the OFFICIAL explanations as to the above mentioned events and tried to use it a a way to push your bullshit beliefs.

The unfortunate thing for you is that the NYCCAN PDF document with all their questions has no mention of "explosives", "thermite", "thermate", "free-fall", "demolition", or "fake".

So tell me coward, why did you make a blanket statement like that when it is completely false?

Is that why you keep tap dancing around my question as to what exactly your version of the term "OCT" or "Bush Lies" encompasses? Because it will expose you as being completely wrong?

Maybe we should pass on your little diatribe at the beginning of this thread and let them know that you are using it to show that they do not believe the explanations of the towers and such coming down and that they want answer to a vast government conspiracy that murdered thousands of it's own people.

I never claimed NYCCAN claimed a conspiracy as I simply pointed out they don't accept the OCT. I have absolutely no idea which members of the group believe what parts. Obviously their calls for a new investigation mean they don't accept the OCT on some level. Are you done whining yet or should we help you find a new home in Wisconsin?

LOL. The entire premise of this thread is you hiding behind them to buoy your own points.

We just called you on it.

Damn, you are a dim-bulb.
Would you be so kind as to state or link the post number where I claimed a conspiracy theory? I've not done that so is your life so boring you invent shit then criticize others based on those inventions?


In addition, virtually any other post you make regarding 9-11 evokes some sort of conspiracy theory.

Your threads are auto-directed to the conspiracy zone on accident, bucko.

I'm also not trying to lure anyone but simply pointing out the hypocrisy of some OCTAs. Can you show me where you have condemned those who have actually done what you are accusing me of, or does your soap box only slide down a one way street?

You are trying to hide behind the victims to fight you own battles. If the people that lost a loved one on 9-11 believe that it was an alien conspiracy, I am not going to argue with them out of respect for their loss.

You don't share that respect and seem to want to prompt a confrontation between those that think you are nuts and people who have had a tangible loss, because you are that lame.

In other words, simply because we are so rude as to confront people who have lost family members in 9-11 for their beliefs doesn't make us hypocrites. It makes us polite. You should try it.

I'll redirect you to your opening post if you are further confused.

You linked a post where I explained the fallacy of a false dilemma and somehow you come up with a conspiracy theory? Lol. Wtf is wrong with you? Are you that desperate?

I'm not trying to hide behind the victims families at all but....shit......I've already explained it....if you wish to keep up your toddler crybaby fest then have at it....your whining is not worthy of dialogue.
Would you be so kind as to state or link the post number where I claimed a conspiracy theory? I've not done that so is your life so boring you invent shit then criticize others based on those inventions?


In addition, virtually any other post you make regarding 9-11 evokes some sort of conspiracy theory.

Your threads are auto-directed to the conspiracy zone on accident, bucko.

I'm also not trying to lure anyone but simply pointing out the hypocrisy of some OCTAs. Can you show me where you have condemned those who have actually done what you are accusing me of, or does your soap box only slide down a one way street?

You are trying to hide behind the victims to fight you own battles. If the people that lost a loved one on 9-11 believe that it was an alien conspiracy, I am not going to argue with them out of respect for their loss.

You don't share that respect and seem to want to prompt a confrontation between those that think you are nuts and people who have had a tangible loss, because you are that lame.

In other words, simply because we are so rude as to confront people who have lost family members in 9-11 for their beliefs doesn't make us hypocrites. It makes us polite. You should try it.

I'll redirect you to your opening post if you are further confused.

You linked a post where I explained the fallacy of a false dilemma and somehow you come up with a conspiracy theory? Lol. Wtf is wrong with you? Are you that desperate?

I'm not trying to hide behind the victims families at all but....shit......I've already explained it....if you wish to keep up your toddler crybaby fest then have at it....your whining is not worthy of dialogue.

Well then, if I have misrepresented you, apologies.

Just what about the "OCT" do you not subscribe too?
Come CurveLight you coward.

You made the accusation that the NYCCAN group doesn't believe/accept the OCT. Everyone knows that when people refer to the OCT, that term refers to ALL events leading up to, including, and after 9/11. That also includes the OFFICIAL explanation about the towers collapsing, the OFFICIAL explanation about how WTC7 collapsed, the OFFICIAL explanation in the plane crashing in PA, and the OFFICIAL explanation about the plane smashing into the Pentagon.

You know full well you meant the above blanket statement about the NYCCAN not believing the OCT to encompass the OFFICIAL explanations as to the above mentioned events and tried to use it a a way to push your bullshit beliefs.

The unfortunate thing for you is that the NYCCAN PDF document with all their questions has no mention of "explosives", "thermite", "thermate", "free-fall", "demolition", or "fake".

So tell me coward, why did you make a blanket statement like that when it is completely false?

Is that why you keep tap dancing around my question as to what exactly your version of the term "OCT" or "Bush Lies" encompasses? Because it will expose you as being completely wrong?

Maybe we should pass on your little diatribe at the beginning of this thread and let them know that you are using it to show that they do not believe the explanations of the towers and such coming down and that they want answer to a vast government conspiracy that murdered thousands of it's own people.

I never claimed NYCCAN claimed a conspiracy as I simply pointed out they don't accept the OCT. I have absolutely no idea which members of the group believe what parts. Obviously their calls for a new investigation mean they don't accept the OCT on some level. Are you done whining yet or should we help you find a new home in Wisconsin?

LOL. The entire premise of this thread is you hiding behind them to buoy your own points.

We just called you on it.

Damn, you are a dim-bulb.

Okay, so you are so fucking desperate you need to invent shit. Couldn't you use that energy more effectively to invent something useful? Naw.....asking too much. Now take your self righteous crybaby tears and be sure to drop some more childish one liners with the rep button.
Okay, so you are so fucking desperate you need to invent shit. Couldn't you use that energy more effectively to invent something useful? Naw.....asking too much. Now take your self righteous crybaby tears and be sure to drop some more childish one liners with the rep button.

I haven't invented anything. That would be your fellow truthers and their theories.

To my memory, I have never "repped" you, positive or negative. I have no idea what you are talking about.
Okay, so you are so fucking desperate you need to invent shit. Couldn't you use that energy more effectively to invent something useful? Naw.....asking too much. Now take your self righteous crybaby tears and be sure to drop some more childish one liners with the rep button.

I haven't invented anything. That would be your fellow truthers and their theories.

To my memory, I have never "repped" you, positive or negative. I have no idea what you are talking about.

You throw out bullshit accusations then refuse to admit when you fuck up. Classic. I also never said you have repped me. For someone posting on the internet you sure display a lack of reading fundamentals. Hahaha....that explains a good bit.
Okay, so you are so fucking desperate you need to invent shit. Couldn't you use that energy more effectively to invent something useful? Naw.....asking too much. Now take your self righteous crybaby tears and be sure to drop some more childish one liners with the rep button.

I haven't invented anything. That would be your fellow truthers and their theories.

To my memory, I have never "repped" you, positive or negative. I have no idea what you are talking about.

You throw out bullshit accusations then refuse to admit when you fuck up. Classic. I also never said you have repped me. For someone posting on the internet you sure display a lack of reading fundamentals. Hahaha....that explains a good bit.

Why don't you just answer the question? You have problems with the official report.

What specifically is your problem? I mean, by reading your post it seems you adhere to a strict regimen of conspiracy theories, but here is your chance to clarify if I have misrepresented you.
I haven't invented anything. That would be your fellow truthers and their theories.

To my memory, I have never "repped" you, positive or negative. I have no idea what you are talking about.

You throw out bullshit accusations then refuse to admit when you fuck up. Classic. I also never said you have repped me. For someone posting on the internet you sure display a lack of reading fundamentals. Hahaha....that explains a good bit.

Why don't you just answer the question? You have problems with the official report.

What specifically is your problem? I mean, by reading your post it seems you adhere to a strict regimen of conspiracy theories, but here is your chance to clarify if I have misrepresented you.

The shit you invented is accusing me of trying to hide behind victims families. Why are you so pathetically hung up that you have to use victims' families to make false accusations? Rhetorical...I never expect dishonest people to give an honest answer.

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