Each day.....dumber than the previous......very much like you.

Look, I get it. Your cult has a secret language of stupid that the other cultists understand.

What you need to get is that nobody else can understand it, or cares to understand it. To normal people, you're just wild-eyed sandwich-board-wearers screaming on the street corners. Nobody pays any attention.

Well are they any different than those like you that cry about Trump daily?
Wow. This is seriously kooky AOC Derangement Syndrome. Her haters are off-the-rails. They don't even understand that they don't make any sense to normal people.

Hate her????

No, you dope.....I love her, she's the gift that keeps on giving!!!!


Each day.....dumber than the previous......very much like you.

That she is. She just keeps on shoveling her bullshit and I keep on loving it.

What a gift to the Reps.
The Democrat Politicians regard the Taxpayers to be their slaves.
That is why they never care how much anything costs.
Let's review.

1. Like the children they are, Democrats/Liberals mistake their fantasies for reality.

"I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?"
Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

2. "Ocasio-Cortez Tax Plan Creates 82.7% Top Income Tax Rate for New Yorkers
You are being redirected...

3. When the Democrats are forced to recognize that the hated "top 1%" are simply lawyers, doctors, working people....
The top 1 percent of American households had pretax income above $394,000 last year. The top 10 percent had income exceeding $114,000. Richest 1% earn biggest share since Roaring '20s

I see a police officer in Nassau County, Long Island, making over $170,000
Long Island Maps, Special Projects & Data

....their tax increases will be extended to the middle class and lower.

4. And, staring this latest dunce leading the Democrats in the face, is the lesson from her own mom.....

"I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

5. What Democrat voters are incapable of learning:

"George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating
In 1988, I invested most of the earnings from this lecture circuit acquiring the leasehold on Connecticut’s Stratford Inn.
In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, ...I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender." George McGovern On Why Politicians Who Haven't Built A Business Are Bad At Regulating

So.....Democrats picked a bartender as their economic adviser....
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca Ocasio-Cortez.....you've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

She has no concept that Liberals like her own daughter would also like to raise her Florida Property tax to 10,000 as well... Those damn red states and their reasonable taxes!


I've seen it in Virginia......the refugees from NY and NJ rushed to Virginia, and vote Democrat.

The disease has no cure, it seems.
What a sad (and scared) response. You can’t even attempt to make up a response to the astounding reality that AOC’s own mother is running from AOC’s policies.

See? You don't understand that screeching about a politician's mother is seen as nuts by normal people.

You really are desperate to mooch off of society, uh mammaries?

Speaking of mooching, how about you show everyone your wager-mooch trick again?

You know, where you demand a wager from me, poutingly refuse to be bound by the same wager yourself, and then retreat in tears. That never gets old.

I'm still game for that wager you offered ... so long as you accept the same terms for yourself.

You can run again now.
Wow. This is seriously kooky AOC Derangement Syndrome. Her haters are off-the-rails. They don't even understand that they don't make any sense to normal people.
The fact that her own mother had to leave the city over taxes is lost on you. Not surprised.
look dude - she diverts a million dollars to her boyfriends account and you're ok with this?

No,. she didn't. A propaganda website made that up, and you fell for it.

That's the lesson here. You Trumpflakes fall for anything, because you're not very bright, and because you love being lied to. That's why you're Trumpflakes.

"No,. she didn't. A propaganda website made that up, and you fell for it."

This is gonna hurt....but couldn't happen to a nicer

"AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies"
AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff accused of hiding more than $1 million in campaign cash"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti hit with FEC complaint

"Ocasio-Cortez, chief of staff illegally moved $885G in campaign contributions 'off the books,' FEC complaint alleges"
Ocasio-Cortez, chief of staff illegally moved $885G in campaign contributions 'off the books,' FEC complaint alleges

"Surprise, Surprise! Emerging Campaign Finance Scandal Reveals That Self-Righteous AOC Isn’t As Clean As She Says"
Surprise, Surprise! Emerging Campaign Finance Scandal Reveals That Self-Righteous AOC Isn’t As Clean As She Says

"Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's chief of staff is accused of illegally funneling nearly $1MILLION in political donations to his own firms, according to an explosive complaint filed with the FEC"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff faces Federal Election Commission complaint | Daily Mail Online

I have sooooo much fun when you show up, you dunce.

Write soon, y'hear?
This is gonna hurt....but couldn't happen to a nicer

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity, and it's standard Trumpflake behavior. Sources lie to them, the Trumpflakes get burned, but they run right back to the same source, expecting it to be different next time.

But then, if they could learn from mistakes, they'd be liberals.
This is gonna hurt....but couldn't happen to a nicer

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is one definition of insanity, and it's standard Trumpflake behavior. Sources lie to them, the Trumpflakes get burned, but they run right back to the same source, expecting it to be different next time.

But then, if they could learn from mistakes, they'd be liberals.

So let's be clear: you're certain that none of these five reports are true.

I love beatin' this dead horse.

"No,. she didn't. A propaganda website made that up, and you fell for it."

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff Accused of Hiding Campaign Funds"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Chief of Staff Accused of Hiding Campaign Funds

"FEDS PROBE CORTEZ: Chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies"
FEDS PROBE CORTEZ: Chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies – True Pundit

"Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff might have broken campaign finance laws"

Are we havin' fun???

I double dog dare ya' to say it again..."lies....lies.....all lies!!!!!"
look dude - she diverts a million dollars to her boyfriends account and you're ok with this?

No,. she didn't. A propaganda website made that up, and you fell for it.

That's the lesson here. You Trumpflakes fall for anything, because you're not very bright, and because you love being lied to. That's why you're Trumpflakes.
what a fuckapotomous.
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca Ocasio-Cortez.....you've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

She's really got you rattled.
You'd think she was running for POTUS they way you go on.
Fun to watch how one, single socialistic Congresswoman has you peeing your pants.

Admit it.....you know I'm mocking her, and by extension, you, too.

It is my guilty pleasure.

I hope she never changes....and, of course, you're not capable of change.
I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now I have a much lower opinion of you. You probably lose arguments to inanimate objects.


And do you have a link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca Ocasio-Cortez.....you've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

She's really got you rattled.
You'd think she was running for POTUS they way you go on.
Fun to watch how one, single socialistic Congresswoman has you peeing your pants.

Admit it.....you know I'm mocking her, and by extension, you, too.

It is my guilty pleasure.

I hope she never changes....and, of course, you're not capable of change.
I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now I have a much lower opinion of you. You probably lose arguments to inanimate objects.


And do you have a link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

Get lost, worm.
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca Ocasio-Cortez.....you've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

She's really got you rattled.
You'd think she was running for POTUS they way you go on.
Fun to watch how one, single socialistic Congresswoman has you peeing your pants.

Admit it.....you know I'm mocking her, and by extension, you, too.

It is my guilty pleasure.

I hope she never changes....and, of course, you're not capable of change.
I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now I have a much lower opinion of you. You probably lose arguments to inanimate objects.


And do you have a link to unbiased, factual proof of this matter-of-fact statement?

Get lost, worm.

LOL...I will take that as a 'no'.

So...you make matter-of-fact statements that you cannot prove.


Have a nice day.
See? You don't understand that screeching about a politician's mother is seen as nuts by normal people.
Wait a second. You don’t understand that the mother of a devout socialist moving away from the state her daughter was elected in citing her daughter’s policies as the reason for moving, is seen as hilarious and a major indictment on her polices by normal people?

Damn...you are dumber than I thought. And more desperate.
Last edited:
See? You don't understand that screeching about a politician's mother is seen as nuts by normal people.
Wait a second. You don’t understand that the mother of a devout socialist moving away from the state her was elected in citing her daughter’s policies as the reason for moving, is seen as hilarious and a major indictment on her polices by normal people?

Damn...you are dumber than I thought. And more desperate.

I consider that poster to be proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime.

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