Obomination: Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama Than Carter...


I blame our oil addiction on Ben Franklin!
Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark - both saw gas prices double in their first term of office.

In fact, while just barely, Obama has seen an even higher gas price increase than Carter dealt with under his administration.

Under the Carter administration, gas prices increased by 103.77 percent. Gas prices since Obama took office have risen by 103.79 percent. No other presidents in recent years have struggled as much with soaring oil prices. Under the Reagan administration, gas prices actually dropped 66 percent. When Bill Clinton was president, gas prices grew by roughly 30 percent, and under both Bush presidencies, gas prices rose by 20 percent.

The National Republican Congressional Committee called attention to Obama's recent "dishonorable distinction," blaming the Democrats' rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline as a major factor for skyrocketing gas prices.

Gas Prices averaged $1.86 a gallon when Obama took office.

Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Obama is on record for wanting higher gas prices.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRzKutZMrHo]Obama Admits He Wants Higher Gas Prices - YouTube[/ame]
Which was the easy road that left us more dependant on foriegn oil than ever before. Which led to the collapse of the US Oil Patch. Thanks Ronnie.

Exactly. Carter predicted that dependence on petroleum in general, and on the middle east in particular would eventually destroy the American economy. He asked the nation to move 30% of its energy use off petroleum - this would allow the US to keep energy costs lower and protect food costs, which skyrocket when oil goes up. He called for a temporary sacrifice as we made the transition to alternatives, conservation, and enlightened energy-conscious urbanization. He knew that if we used less oil, prices would go down. [Do talk radio Republicans understand supply/demand? Conservation literally means lower oil costs]

Carter asked Reagan to price of oil to the middle east military budget so that Americans could understand the real cost of energy. He knew that if people understood the real cost of oil, there would be a greater push for alternative energy and less sprawl based living patterns. [Do Republicans understand the energy costs of sprawl, e.g., single use dwellings separated by large distances, requiring exponentially higher energy costs, not only for transportation but materials, etc]

Carter asked the country to sacrifice, like they did during WWII. Reagan - the snake - chose to give America an easy answer - zero sacrifice, no transition to alternative energy. Jump into the middle east, the water's fine! He gave us a 30 year vacation from the most pressing problem of our time. He trumpeted the Soviet Union as the real threat - and spent trillions on useless weapons like Star wars - when Carter wanted to devote the same amount to getting off petroleum. Bush 43 made a similar mistake when he ignored the real threat - the housing bubble - for a politically useful threat, terrorism.

Reagan was begged to take the energy problem seriously. BUT, his first act in the White House was to have Carter's solar panels taken down. Reagan and his big oil supporters waged a vicious information war against alternative energy, framing the Left as crazy for worrying about middle eastern oil or thinking the nation needed greater energy competition. Carter said that the USA could not afford the cost of the military extraction of oil - Carter said that we simply could not afford to stabilize Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Reagan winked, then he increased the Pentagon budget tenfold, then he hid the military cost of oil and prevented the nation from slowly moving toward a more diversified basket of energy solutions. Carter warned that the $5 dollar gallon would lower middle class consumption to the point of destroying job growth. Reagan laughed at him and took us deeper into the middle east. Had we take Carter seriously, our nation would not be in such an economic stupor. Suburban commuters cannot consume as much when they're spending so much on gas. And when people cannot consume, lay-offs follow.

American swallowed poison in 1980. People don't get. The game is over. We needed to be moving toward alternative energy and conservation for the last 30 years, instead... Reagan laid the foundation for Hummers and McMansions. He told America that it did not need to worry about using too much oil. Today, the USA uses more oil than any country by an unimaginable factor. This means that when prices go up, they hurt the U.S. the most.

Thanks Ronnie! You destroyed a great nation.

Wow...talk about a blinders wearing world view! We should have listened to Carter? The guy who told us the solution to our energy crisis was to buy sweaters and turn down the heat? Reagan didn't destroy anything. He brought America it's longest period of sustained economic growth since the end of WWII.

And why, pray tell is the game "over"? There is plenty of oil both here and elsewhere. Will it run low at some point? Of course. What will happen then? The increased cost of fossil fuels will automatically create a market for a replacement source of energy. Big Oil is already spending billions of dollars on developing those sources because they know the profit potential that will exist in alternate sources. It's no different then when we switched over from whale oil lamps to the incandescent bulb. Supply and demand. When the demand is strong enough then inovative people will come up with a new way to supply that demand. You know what's REALLY wonderful! We don't need to spend billions of the taxpayers money to have that happen! What a concept...
Warped Obamabots. Waddayagonnado? :lol:

Paul, the only one here that sounds like any sort of a mindless drone "bot" is you.

I think you need to stop the continuous and repetitive "obamabot" blathering, because it's super annoying, pointless, and again makes you sound like the robot.

The irony... lol.
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Warped Obamabots. Waddayagonnado? :lol:

Paul, the only one here that sounds like any sort of a mindless drone "bot" is you.

I think you need to stop the continuous and repetitive "obamabot" blathering, because it's super annoying, pointless, and again makes you sound like the robot.

The irony... lol.

Forgive me, but i'll have to pass on your Obamabot dummy advice. ;)
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Warped Obamabots. Waddayagonnado? :lol:

Paul, the only one here that sounds like any sort of a mindless drone "bot" is you.

I think you need to stop the continuous and repetitive "obamabot" blathering, because it's super annoying, pointless, and again makes you sound like the robot.

The irony... lol.

How many alts does Jake Starkey have?
I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?
Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark - both saw gas prices double in their first term of office.

In fact, while just barely, Obama has seen an even higher gas price increase than Carter dealt with under his administration.

Under the Carter administration, gas prices increased by 103.77 percent. Gas prices since Obama took office have risen by 103.79 percent. No other presidents in recent years have struggled as much with soaring oil prices. Under the Reagan administration, gas prices actually dropped 66 percent. When Bill Clinton was president, gas prices grew by roughly 30 percent, and under both Bush presidencies, gas prices rose by 20 percent.

The National Republican Congressional Committee called attention to Obama's recent "dishonorable distinction," blaming the Democrats' rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline as a major factor for skyrocketing gas prices.

Gas Prices averaged $1.86 a gallon when Obama took office.

Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Technically they have risen more but I would say it is statistically close enough to say it has raised the Same, not more, under Obama as under Carter.

So far anyway, give it 2 more months and then you can say it is more ;)
I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?

Last I checked Republicans complained about NAFTA (which does what you describe above) and people like Romney have said we need to address china's impact on us.

Again which CEO, that is shipping jobs to china, is also an Obama advisor? C'mon man its not like the republicans have a solo responsibility on this issue you brought up, democrats are just as guilty if not even more so.
I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?

Last I checked Republicans complained about NAFTA (which does what you describe above) and people like Romney have said we need to address china's impact on us.

Again which CEO, that is shipping jobs to china, is also an Obama advisor? C'mon man its not like the republicans have a solo responsibility on this issue you brought up, democrats are just as guilty if not even more so.

Yup. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has been a wonderful 'Jobs Czar'...For China. :(
Forgive me, but i'll have to pass on your Obamabot dummy advice. ;)

You have been forgiven, but I urge you to reconsider. I don't think anyone stands to gain anything (and no opinions will be swayed on either side of the coin) from someone who's only response is calling you an "obamabot".

When it comes to myself - I don't even particularly like Obama. I didn't vote for him in 2008, I think he plays the populist card too often, and will shy away from making the "hard decisions" a leader must make for the greater good of his country (vs the greater good of his party). He certainly hasn't changed (or even really tried to change) Washington in the way he promised - especially when it comes to campaign financing and getting some of that excessive and corrupting money out of our political system.

I certainly don't think he's the apocalyptic, satanic, and Muslim "force of darkness" from Kenya some of the drama queen conservatives like to paint him as, but I won't be voting for him come November unless he does some big things to change my opinion of him.

Point I'm making is that by calling everyone who disagrees with you an "obamabot", you just muddy the conversation by oversimplifying things, you continually push the discussion towards a 3rd grade complexity level (well, maybe a 4th grade level I'll give you that), and make unnecessary enemies with people who might actually agree with some of your views.

Just might want to give that some thought.
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I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?

Why haven't the Mod banned this alt TM?
I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?

What's amusing to me is that you're naive enough to buy the bullshit that job losses overseas is a "conservative" thing when Barry's own jobs Czar has been moving jobs to China. Try using your head for something other than a hat rack, Ravage...you're embarrassing yourself with this kind of nonsense.
I don't mean to point out the hypocrisy of you conservatives or anything, but why is American gasoline apparently a sacrosanct commodity when it comes to the world market, but American jobs can be shipped off to Communist China because it's good for the "free market" ?

What's amusing to me is that you're naive enough to buy the bullshit that job losses overseas is a "conservative" thing when Barry's own jobs Czar has been moving jobs to China. Try using your head for something other than a hat rack, Ravage...you're embarrassing yourself with this kind of nonsense.

Bear in mind, I believe that Ravage = TruthMatters, so head as hat rack is a big improvement
Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark - both saw gas prices double in their first term of office.

In fact, while just barely, Obama has seen an even higher gas price increase than Carter dealt with under his administration.

Under the Carter administration, gas prices increased by 103.77 percent. Gas prices since Obama took office have risen by 103.79 percent. No other presidents in recent years have struggled as much with soaring oil prices. Under the Reagan administration, gas prices actually dropped 66 percent. When Bill Clinton was president, gas prices grew by roughly 30 percent, and under both Bush presidencies, gas prices rose by 20 percent.

The National Republican Congressional Committee called attention to Obama's recent "dishonorable distinction," blaming the Democrats' rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline as a major factor for skyrocketing gas prices.

Gas Prices averaged $1.86 a gallon when Obama took office.

Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Technically they have risen more but I would say it is statistically close enough to say it has raised the Same, not more, under Obama as under Carter.

So far anyway, give it 2 more months and then you can say it is more ;)

well now they have risen 105%, you can now say they have risen more under obama ;)
Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark - both saw gas prices double in their first term of office.

In fact, while just barely, Obama has seen an even higher gas price increase than Carter dealt with under his administration.

Under the Carter administration, gas prices increased by 103.77 percent. Gas prices since Obama took office have risen by 103.79 percent. No other presidents in recent years have struggled as much with soaring oil prices. Under the Reagan administration, gas prices actually dropped 66 percent. When Bill Clinton was president, gas prices grew by roughly 30 percent, and under both Bush presidencies, gas prices rose by 20 percent.

The National Republican Congressional Committee called attention to Obama's recent "dishonorable distinction," blaming the Democrats' rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline as a major factor for skyrocketing gas prices.

Gas Prices averaged $1.86 a gallon when Obama took office.

Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Technically they have risen more but I would say it is statistically close enough to say it has raised the Same, not more, under Obama as under Carter.

So far anyway, give it 2 more months and then you can say it is more ;)

well now they have risen 105%, you can now say they have risen more under obama ;)

Yup. It's very sad.

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