Obolshevik Supports Extending USAPATRIOT Act ...Who didn't See this Coming?


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.
When I read the article, all I could hear was this song. I believe that is what a lot of people are singing to the President.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGu0m08Etm8]YouTube - Courtship of Eddie's Father theme song[/ame]
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy”

James Madison.

It is a shame that so many people seem to believe, that in order for us to be safe and free, we have to give the federal government more power over us.
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.

Now would be a good time to find all the (primarily) liberals that opposed Mr Bush for doing this and see if they will shout just as loud.
Now would be a good time to find all the (primarily) conservatives that supported Mr Bush for doing this and see if they shout just as loud.
I predicted if there was anything about him that I'd be disappointed about, it would be this. You can usually count on those who get the power to not willfully cede any of it.
How was I duped? He voted to modify then extend it while in the Senate, leaving these key provisions intact. A fact which is public record and widely known. I can't say I love it, but why would I have had rational reason to believe he voted for it in 2006 but is now suddenly against it?
I'm laughing long and hard at the stupid fucking liberals that voted for this clown.

He duped the crap out of you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never said I was surprised by this and I still don't regret my vote despite this...

...especially considering that the lipstick-wearing pig would have been a heartbeat away from having this power otherwise.

:eek: WHAT? :eek:

So you're telling me that Gitmo is still open; US troops remain in Iraq; as force levels increase in Afghanistan... and the USAPA is being extended?


I tell ya... it's as IF everything the Left stands for just will NOT work; no matter HOW HARD one wishes reality would just step aside and let fantasy do its thing.

The USA PA is indeed a dangerous means to the end of pursuing terrorism... and Dude can make light of it all he wants and it's not going to change the hole in Manhatten where the WTC used to be.

Elections have consequences... the idiots have put Marxists throughout the US Federal government and they LOVE POWER.

But to be perfectly honest, at this point, I'd happily accept the threat of foreign terrorists... if in exchange we could get rid of the Communist Insurgents which we're suffering in the US Federal government.
Now would be a good time to find all the (primarily) liberals that opposed Mr Bush for doing this and see if they will shout just as loud.
Now would be a good time to find all the (primarily) conservatives that supported Mr Bush for doing this and see if they shout just as loud.

The primary of Conservatives who supported this in the first place are now against this, obviously because it's Obama.

However, I thought this was a horrible idea THEN, and a horrible idea NOW. None of you believe me when I say Obama isn't that much of a Liberal. However, this only further proves I am right.


A Liberal
I see Patriot Act as unconstitutional. It was during the Bush, and still is. I can't beleive that Supreme Court let let it pass. So much about "change" that came to Washington.

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.

Is this the same patriot act they bitched President Bush out about? That one?
It's tepid, but at least the imbecile you guys elected President is finally making a little bit of sense.

(I know some of my conservative compatriots and libertarian leaning buddies strongly disagree with me, but I still approve of the USA PATRIOT Act. I was warned that I might not like it quite so much if Shrillary was to get elected President. I responded that I would HATE having her as President, but I didn't want any President to be denied the perfectly rational powers properly granted [complete with oversight and checks and balances] by the PATRIOT Act. And I can say I have not changed my point of view on that just because Shrillary got her wide-load, fat-ass kicked and President Obama won the Office, instead.)
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.

Is this the same patriot act they bitched President Bush out about? That one?

The same USAPATRIOT act that republicans blocked time and again, when Bubba and Reno tried to pass it on a piecemeal basis.

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