Obesity Crisis: Two Billion People Now Overweight and U.S. Is One of the Fattest Nations on Earth


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Jun 25, 2016
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More than two million people across the globe are now either overweight or obese, according to global report studying tens of millions of people. By analyzing data on 195 countries, researchers have found the fattest nations on Earth, with American Samoa topping the list for the proportion of obese people.

When looking just at the 100 most populated countries, scientists found Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the U.S. had the highest obesity levels, with 27.5, 26.8 and 26.5 percent of people respectively having a body mass index over 30 (the criteria to classify a peFindings reveal that 2.2 billion people across the globe are now either overweight or obese—this represents around 30 percent of all people on Earth as obese).

The Global Burden of Disease 2015 Obesity Collaborators looked a data on 68.5 million people to assess body weight trends between 1980 and 2015. The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date view of the ongoing obesity crisis around the globe.


Article: Two billion people are now overweight or obese—and the U.S. is among the heaviest nations
More than two million people across the globe are now either overweight or obese, according to global report studying tens of millions of people. By analyzing data on 195 countries, researchers have found the fattest nations on Earth, with American Samoa topping the list for the proportion of obese people.

When looking just at the 100 most populated countries, scientists found Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the U.S. had the highest obesity levels, with 27.5, 26.8 and 26.5 percent of people respectively having a body mass index over 30 (the criteria to classify a peFindings reveal that 2.2 billion people across the globe are now either overweight or obese—this represents around 30 percent of all people on Earth as obese).

The Global Burden of Disease 2015 Obesity Collaborators looked a data on 68.5 million people to assess body weight trends between 1980 and 2015. The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date view of the ongoing obesity crisis around the globe.


Article: Two billion people are now overweight or obese—and the U.S. is among the heaviest nations
Better not FAT SHAME anyone, or the liberals will be all over your fat ass......:banghead:
In fact, Nauru is the fattest country with 95 % being overweight and 72 % being obese. And they are driving on their only street all day. Speedlimit: 30 mph. They have so much in common with the Schweinevolk. Driving around over and over again like mad while stuffing food into them one-handed. What the Nauru drivers lack, though, are the little made-up boys on the pillion seats.
Slimming down the Hispanic community...

Community Experiment to Reduce Obesity Among Latinos Promotes Healthier Habits
October 31, 2017 — The luncheon special has brought a crowd into El Puente de Oro, a Salvadoran restaurant in Langley Park, Maryland. Owner and chef, Ciro Castro, has put together a meal with a large plate of chicken, beans and rice, salad, and a bottle of water. “The plate that costs $10, for them costs only $5,” he says.
The meal deal is not only saving his customers money, it's encouraging them do what they usually don't - drink water. “When they are over here eating, they ask for juice or soda, or any other stuff - no water,” Castro says. “I ask the waiters to offer water, even if they have a beer or any other soda or other drink, they can sometimes get a sip of water.” Castro is pleased to be part of a positive change in his customers’ eating habits. El Puente de Oro is one of five restaurants in this largely Latino suburb that joined a pilot program called the Water Up Project. Its goal is to get the community to drink more water and reduce their consumption of sugary beverages.

Neighbors and Friends

The campaign depends on volunteers, like local leader Brenda Barrios, who's been explaining the program to neighbors and restaurant owners. “It’s not like convincing (the business’ owners), it’s more like informing,” she explains. "It’s more like, you know why we need to change these menus. Can you, please help your families because at the end we are a big family, a big Latino family. We want to be healthy.” Cindy Aguiler is one of her neighbors who have become supporters of the campaign. “I like the idea and very excited about the Water Up Project because it promotes water. One of the simple, healthy and cheap things is water.” She’s now drinking more water, and helping her five children develop this healthy habit by not buying soda drinks at home. “I buy juices. It’s maybe on the weekends, but try to make them drink a lot of water.”

Make it Visible, Make it Accessible

Uri Colon-Ramos, assistant professor of global heath at Milken Institute of Public Health in George Washington University, is co-principal investigator of the Water Up Project. She says the question was how to promote drinking water instead of sugary drinks. “One of the things we noticed right away that you go to these businesses, to the restaurants and you sit down and they don’t offer you water to drink,” she says. “You go here in DC and elsewhere, you sit down and this is the first thing they bring you, or there is a place where you can just grab water for free. That’s a big barrier because people would come thirsty, they would say, well give me a beer or horchata or tamarind or something really sugary. And they don’t drink water because they don’t have access there, and even if they ask for water, they would bring you a bottle of water that costs more than sugary drinks.”

And, she says, ads target Latinos encouraging them to consume more sugary drinks. “Also in their home countries, they are targeted as well, and the globalization is very real. They’re used to drinking or seeing the promotion of soft drinks as well. They come here to the U.S. and they have more access to these drinks.”

The commercials downplay the serious health risks linked to sugary drinks.

“Sugary drinks are the number one risk factor for diabetes that we don’t need to have in in our diet,” the researcher explains. “There is no reason why we need the calories that are coming from sugary drinks. At least other foods provide other kinds of nutrients. These are nutrient poor type of food that contributes nothing but calories. And those calories come all in the form of sugar.” The four-month long Water Up project started a few months ago, and researchers are now evaluating the results and feedback, hoping to make it more impactful and expand it to more neighborhoods. They hope this pilot project will inspire other communities around the United States and the world to think about what they drink and choose more water.

Community Experiment to Reduce Obesity Among Latinos Promotes Healthier Habits
How long before the earth collapses under the weight
It is very distressing to walk down the street and see so few people who actually appear to be physically fit. And to hear about how the culture promotes healthy eating and exercise. Right.

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