Diamond Member
- Aug 4, 2015
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Natl Border Patrol Council VP: Immigration Laws Being 'Carved Out,' Agents 'Basically' 'Letting Everyone We Catch Out' - Breitbart
Providing for this nation's national security is the 1st and foremost responsibility of the federal government, and President Obama has intentionally been undermining and taking action to do the complete opposite.
Obama refuses to secure the border, even as specOps troops are training to thwart dirty-bomb carrying invaders and USBPAs are even carrying radiation detectors as they patrol our borders.
He has engaged in Human Trafficking while protecting Human Traffickers ('Human Trafficker finally arrested after being detained 24th time').
He has been found in Contempt of court' for refusing to divulge the locations of illegals he has scattered across the nation without 1st informing local / state authorities and agencies.
He refuses to keep violent illegals jailed or to deport the,. refuses to end federal-law violating Sanctuary Cities who provide safe havens for these violent illegals and gang members.
He and his administration armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of weapons, resulting in the murders of over 500 people - t include 2 US citizens: 1 US BPA and the other a member of the US military killed in Tn by a terrorist with one of those guns Obama gave to Mexican Drug Cartels
He refused to sign Kate's Law that would protect American citizens
He has given visas to terrorists, allowing them to come into the US and kill 12 Americans, demonstrating his background check system does not work but STILL wants to bring in another 100,000+ Non-Christian military-aged men-only from a religion/civil-war-torn nation noted for its terrorism and hatred for the US and everything it stands for...despite the continuing mounting death toll of Americans being killed and victimized by Illegals
Just recently an illegal was arrested for raping a child - that is on OBAMA'S hands!
Out own 'troops / law enforcers on the ground are screaming about how Obama has made this nation so extremely vulnerable and how Obama and his administration is directly responsible for the murders and crimes being perpetrated against American citizens by the criminals / illegals Obama is AIDING. On his hands are the blood of all those people murdered by his weapons given to criminals / murderers during Fast and Furious. On his hands is the blood of all the Americans who have died as a result of HIS refusal to secure the border and protect Americans. On his hands is the blood of 12 citizens who were murdered by the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa and welcomed into the country, as he MOCKED Americans for their concern for our national security and their safety!
This THREAT to our nation's security should have been Impeached long ago!
He should be dragged out on the street in front of the WH, forced to publicly apologize to every American victimized by illegals and to every family member of those murdered by his precious illegals...right before he is publicly caned, Impeached, and sent to prison for an 'aiding and abetting' criminal charge for EVER crime perpetrated against a US citizen during his administration.
Mexico's money should be frozen here in the US. A huge check should be written from those accounts to those victimized and to the families of those killed by Illegals. Money should be used form those accounts to then secure the border - build the wall and do whatever needs to be done...and then and ONLY then should their remaining money be returned to them
It's time M*ersF*ers like this POS in the WH start adhering to his oath of office, tot make our national security, this nation, and our citizens higher priorities than illegals and terrorists - those who do not respect this nation, our people, our laws, and those who want to kill us. It should start with Impeaching that SOB who has violated the Constitution and our laws to push his own personal CRIMINAL agenda!
Providing for this nation's national security is the 1st and foremost responsibility of the federal government, and President Obama has intentionally been undermining and taking action to do the complete opposite.
Obama refuses to secure the border, even as specOps troops are training to thwart dirty-bomb carrying invaders and USBPAs are even carrying radiation detectors as they patrol our borders.
He has engaged in Human Trafficking while protecting Human Traffickers ('Human Trafficker finally arrested after being detained 24th time').
He has been found in Contempt of court' for refusing to divulge the locations of illegals he has scattered across the nation without 1st informing local / state authorities and agencies.
He refuses to keep violent illegals jailed or to deport the,. refuses to end federal-law violating Sanctuary Cities who provide safe havens for these violent illegals and gang members.
He and his administration armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of weapons, resulting in the murders of over 500 people - t include 2 US citizens: 1 US BPA and the other a member of the US military killed in Tn by a terrorist with one of those guns Obama gave to Mexican Drug Cartels
He refused to sign Kate's Law that would protect American citizens
He has given visas to terrorists, allowing them to come into the US and kill 12 Americans, demonstrating his background check system does not work but STILL wants to bring in another 100,000+ Non-Christian military-aged men-only from a religion/civil-war-torn nation noted for its terrorism and hatred for the US and everything it stands for...despite the continuing mounting death toll of Americans being killed and victimized by Illegals
Just recently an illegal was arrested for raping a child - that is on OBAMA'S hands!
Out own 'troops / law enforcers on the ground are screaming about how Obama has made this nation so extremely vulnerable and how Obama and his administration is directly responsible for the murders and crimes being perpetrated against American citizens by the criminals / illegals Obama is AIDING. On his hands are the blood of all those people murdered by his weapons given to criminals / murderers during Fast and Furious. On his hands is the blood of all the Americans who have died as a result of HIS refusal to secure the border and protect Americans. On his hands is the blood of 12 citizens who were murdered by the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa and welcomed into the country, as he MOCKED Americans for their concern for our national security and their safety!
This THREAT to our nation's security should have been Impeached long ago!
He should be dragged out on the street in front of the WH, forced to publicly apologize to every American victimized by illegals and to every family member of those murdered by his precious illegals...right before he is publicly caned, Impeached, and sent to prison for an 'aiding and abetting' criminal charge for EVER crime perpetrated against a US citizen during his administration.
Mexico's money should be frozen here in the US. A huge check should be written from those accounts to those victimized and to the families of those killed by Illegals. Money should be used form those accounts to then secure the border - build the wall and do whatever needs to be done...and then and ONLY then should their remaining money be returned to them
It's time M*ersF*ers like this POS in the WH start adhering to his oath of office, tot make our national security, this nation, and our citizens higher priorities than illegals and terrorists - those who do not respect this nation, our people, our laws, and those who want to kill us. It should start with Impeaching that SOB who has violated the Constitution and our laws to push his own personal CRIMINAL agenda!