Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Oh brother Meister? Do you deny that Republicans made a strategic decision during the health care debate to "make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."???

Seems that the republicans input were quickly rejected early on which led to their rejection of the healthcare debacle, BFGRN.
As far as Clinton's Waterloo......was he re elected in '96? Not much of a Waterloo :eusa_whistle:

Denial is not an argument Meister...it is an emotional response. The President reached across the aisle on health care, and Republicans LIED about wanting to work with him and the Democrats, JUST LIKE Bush's speechwriter said.

Sen. Chuck Grassley vowed to the American people that he would work with Max Baucus and the Senate Committee on Finance on a bipartisan health care bill. Then he went home to Iowa and parroted the biggest LIE of the year...death panels.

You are the one truely in denial, bfgrn. Pelosi and Reid were not wanting any input from the republicans, because they didn't need it. Only when there were democrats not on board with the debacle did the president "throw them a bone" for the media. Don't kid yourself.

God help us if we allow either side to run a muck.

You guys want to destroy this country from the inside out. Spending like there is no tomorrow and pushing this nation closer towards a socialistic regime. Conservatives want to slow down the spending and protect our freedoms. If it were not for conservatives we would owe our souls to the nanny state in every manner conceivable to the point that we would even have to ask permission to wipe our own asses.

Conservatives AND liberals are necessary to keep this country from going too far in either direction... too far left and becoming a Socialistic nightmare or too far right and becoming a pure "free market" Capitalistic society. Either one of those alternatives would ruin this nation.


True Conservatives focus on the Constitution and the Founders' intent when they wrote, passed, and ratified it. Liberals, in very small numbers, perhaps keep us reminded to keep things more personal and to take measures to alleviate short term pain as much as possible when we are going for long range goals. But that Constitution, at least as it was intended, makes sure that a free market, Capitalistic society will be restrained from violating anybody's unalienable, civil, legal, or Constitutional rights. That restraint is sufficient to allow the people, with their rights secured, to pursue whatever dreams or goals they envision.

The Left, however, has been chipping away at that concept for decades now, taking more and more self determination and freedom from the people and shifting it to an ever more powerful, more invasive, more intrusive, and more authoritarian government. That was what the Founders most rejected and most feared. And rightly so.

Our Fearless Leader is so far left of most of the left that he can see no plan, no idea, no ideal that does not speed up the process of the federal government becoming the only authority of everything. His current jobs proposal includes little or no free market concept, but rather is a whip and cattle prod to hurry big government to be the total authority.

Bullshit. The arguments you make have been raging since our founder's days. Every generation has had them, and the best minds and scholars have weighed in. The history of what each generation built is our legacy. Conservatives today have the audacity to spew that only THEY know our founder's intent, when history and even how our founders governed totally flies in the face of that strict constructionist radical extreme.

America is a nation of people, human beings, entities that can be harmed or even extinguished. It is the responsibility of the government of We, the People, to keep that from happening.

My favorite quote from the Great Depression came from Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins.

During the Great Depression conservatives raised objections to F.D.R.’s work programs and relief programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

How much better would it have been if FDR had cut taxes, provided regulation relief, and otherwise encouraged the private sector to produce those jobs, man the soup kitchens, provide shelter etc. etc.? Yes the "New Deal" provided short term relief but at the price of long term unintended consequences. Many economist now believe that if FDR had not meddled as he did, the country would have recovered much more quickly than it did and would have avoid the second wave of depression that hit in 1937.
Great Depression: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Obama knows little of U.S. history and has apparently learned even less.
Pardon me for trying to foil a reelection of the worst US president in modern history.
Haven't you heard? Opposing Dear Leader is treason. The Brownshirts told me so.

There is a ethical role in this country that the minority party is bound to, if this nation is to remain a democratic republic. It is called the LOYAL minority. That role is to always put the people and the country before party.

Republicans have refused...
Were you in a coma during the Bush Administration? :lol:
Seems that the republicans input were quickly rejected early on which led to their rejection of the healthcare debacle, BFGRN.
As far as Clinton's Waterloo......was he re elected in '96? Not much of a Waterloo :eusa_whistle:

Denial is not an argument Meister...it is an emotional response. The President reached across the aisle on health care, and Republicans LIED about wanting to work with him and the Democrats, JUST LIKE Bush's speechwriter said.

Sen. Chuck Grassley vowed to the American people that he would work with Max Baucus and the Senate Committee on Finance on a bipartisan health care bill. Then he went home to Iowa and parroted the biggest LIE of the year...death panels.

You are the one truely in denial, bfgrn. Pelosi and Reid were not wanting any imput from the republicans, because they didn't need it. Only when there were democrats not on board with the debacle did the president "throw them a bone" for the media. Don't kid yourself.

President ELECT Obama went up on the Hill to meet with House Republicans. Boehner issued marching orders before Obama even arrived that they were not going to work with him.

President Obama held more than one health care summit where he welcomed all ideas.

But you refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo
Denial is not an argument Meister...it is an emotional response. The President reached across the aisle on health care, and Republicans LIED about wanting to work with him and the Democrats, JUST LIKE Bush's speechwriter said.

Sen. Chuck Grassley vowed to the American people that he would work with Max Baucus and the Senate Committee on Finance on a bipartisan health care bill. Then he went home to Iowa and parroted the biggest LIE of the year...death panels.

You are the one truely in denial, bfgrn. Pelosi and Reid were not wanting any imput from the republicans, because they didn't need it. Only when there were democrats not on board with the debacle did the president "throw them a bone" for the media. Don't kid yourself.

President ELECT Obama went up on the Hill to meet with House Republicans. Boehner issued marching orders before Obama even arrived that they were not going to work with him.

President Obama held more than one health care summit where he welcomed all ideas.

But you refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Before Obama was elected, he wanted the single payer healthcare....Hell yeah Boehner stated what he stated....sheesh.
You are the one truely in denial, bfgrn. Pelosi and Reid were not wanting any imput from the republicans, because they didn't need it. Only when there were democrats not on board with the debacle did the president "throw them a bone" for the media. Don't kid yourself.

President ELECT Obama went up on the Hill to meet with House Republicans. Boehner issued marching orders before Obama even arrived that they were not going to work with him.

President Obama held more than one health care summit where he welcomed all ideas.

But you refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Before Obama was elected, he wanted the single payer healthcare....Hell yeah Boehner stated what he stated....sheesh.

Boehner's marching orders were not just on health care. They were on any legislation.

But you keep avoiding my question. You refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo
President ELECT Obama went up on the Hill to meet with House Republicans. Boehner issued marching orders before Obama even arrived that they were not going to work with him.

President Obama held more than one health care summit where he welcomed all ideas.

But you refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Before Obama was elected, he wanted the single payer healthcare....Hell yeah Boehner stated what he stated....sheesh.

Boehner's marching orders were not just on health care. They were on any legislation.

But you keep avoiding my question. You refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Now it wasn't just with healthcare like what you inferred earlier. deflection

I tend not to comment on things I haven't researched, bfgrn.
But...right off the cuff....it was a smart route to go considering what Obama's policies have shown...note, I said policies and not Bills.
Before Obama was elected, he wanted the single payer healthcare....Hell yeah Boehner stated what he stated....sheesh.

Boehner's marching orders were not just on health care. They were on any legislation.

But you keep avoiding my question. You refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Now it wasn't just with healthcare like what you inferred earlier. deflection

I tend not to comment on things I haven't researched, bfgrn.
But...right off the cuff....it was a smart route to go considering what Obama's policies have shown...note, I said policies and not Bills.

Too partisan to be able to condemn Republicans, eh Meister? They made a collective decision BEFORE any debate: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing."

Please explain to me HOW Obama or any Democrat could possibly work in a bipartisan way with people who have already decided: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing?"

An interesting side note on David Frum. His "Waterloo" article got him fired from a 6 figure job at the the America Enterprise Institute, a right wing think tank.

Bruce Bartlett (domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush) who was earlier banished by the right for being critical of G.W. Bush had an interesting comment.

"Since, he (Frum) is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind | Capital Gains and Games
Boehner's marching orders were not just on health care. They were on any legislation.

But you keep avoiding my question. You refuse to address what David Frum revealed:

At the beginning of this process we (Republicans) made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo

Now it wasn't just with healthcare like what you inferred earlier. deflection

I tend not to comment on things I haven't researched, bfgrn.
But...right off the cuff....it was a smart route to go considering what Obama's policies have shown...note, I said policies and not Bills.

Too partisan to be able to condemn Republicans, eh Meister? They made a collective decision BEFORE any debate: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing."

Please explain to me HOW Obama or any Democrat could possibly work in a bipartisan way with people who have already decided: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing?"

An interesting side note on David Frum. His "Waterloo" article got him fired from a 6 figure job at the the America Enterprise Institute, a right wing think tank.

Bruce Bartlett (domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush) who was earlier banished by the right for being critical of G.W. Bush had an interesting comment.

"Since, he (Frum) is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind | Capital Gains and Games

I think my opinion in my prior post stated how I felt.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out Obama and his policies. I fully agree in what the republicans have done. If Obama had his way we would have a single payer healthcare, cap and trade, higher taxes, more spending, higher unemployment, etc.
Spin it which ever way that floats you boat, BFGRN. Fact is that Obama lost his support with the majority of independents....that should speak volumes to any liberal. They don't like the direction the country is going.
So I expect you to strongly condemn Obama on threatening a veto on a medicaid reform bill Bfgrn, if no tax increases are attached. It is the same sort of thing you accuse Republicans of doing.
Now it wasn't just with healthcare like what you inferred earlier. deflection

I tend not to comment on things I haven't researched, bfgrn.
But...right off the cuff....it was a smart route to go considering what Obama's policies have shown...note, I said policies and not Bills.

Too partisan to be able to condemn Republicans, eh Meister? They made a collective decision BEFORE any debate: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing."

Please explain to me HOW Obama or any Democrat could possibly work in a bipartisan way with people who have already decided: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing?"

An interesting side note on David Frum. His "Waterloo" article got him fired from a 6 figure job at the the America Enterprise Institute, a right wing think tank.

Bruce Bartlett (domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush) who was earlier banished by the right for being critical of G.W. Bush had an interesting comment.

"Since, he (Frum) is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind | Capital Gains and Games

I think my opinion in my prior post stated how I felt.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out Obama and his policies. I fully agree in what the republicans have done. If Obama had his way we would have a single payer healthcare, cap and trade, higher taxes, more spending, higher unemployment, etc.
Spin it which ever way that floats you boat, BFGRN. Fact is that Obama lost his support with the majority of independents....that should speak volumes to any liberal. They don't like the direction the country is going.

Nice try partisan hack... ALL this before the guy took office and before the health care debate? Obama NEVER pushed for single payer as President. He even said early on that a public option was not necessary for him to sign a reform bill to the chagrin of progressive Democrats. Like the Individual Mandate, Cap and trade was a Republican idea. The American people overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the wealthy. SO partisan hack, your epic fail is complete.
Too partisan to be able to condemn Republicans, eh Meister? They made a collective decision BEFORE any debate: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing."

Please explain to me HOW Obama or any Democrat could possibly work in a bipartisan way with people who have already decided: "no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing?"

An interesting side note on David Frum. His "Waterloo" article got him fired from a 6 figure job at the the America Enterprise Institute, a right wing think tank.

Bruce Bartlett (domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush) who was earlier banished by the right for being critical of G.W. Bush had an interesting comment.

"Since, he (Frum) is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind | Capital Gains and Games

I think my opinion in my prior post stated how I felt.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out Obama and his policies. I fully agree in what the republicans have done. If Obama had his way we would have a single payer healthcare, cap and trade, higher taxes, more spending, higher unemployment, etc.
Spin it which ever way that floats you boat, BFGRN. Fact is that Obama lost his support with the majority of independents....that should speak volumes to any liberal. They don't like the direction the country is going.

Nice try partisan hack... ALL this before the guy took office and before the health care debate? Obama NEVER pushed for single payer as President. He even said early on that a public option was not necessary for him to sign a reform bill to the chagrin of progressive Democrats. Like the Individual Mandate, Cap and trade was a Republican idea. The American people overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the wealthy. SO partisan hack, your epic fail is complete.

Like I said....spin it which ever way floats your boat, BFGRN. :cuckoo:

Side note: You should stand tall not being a partisan hack, yourself, huh? :lol:
I think my opinion in my prior post stated how I felt.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out Obama and his policies. I fully agree in what the republicans have done. If Obama had his way we would have a single payer healthcare, cap and trade, higher taxes, more spending, higher unemployment, etc.
Spin it which ever way that floats you boat, BFGRN. Fact is that Obama lost his support with the majority of independents....that should speak volumes to any liberal. They don't like the direction the country is going.

Nice try partisan hack... ALL this before the guy took office and before the health care debate? Obama NEVER pushed for single payer as President. He even said early on that a public option was not necessary for him to sign a reform bill to the chagrin of progressive Democrats. Like the Individual Mandate, Cap and trade was a Republican idea. The American people overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the wealthy. SO partisan hack, your epic fail is complete.

Like I said....spin it which ever way floats your boat, BFGRN. :cuckoo:

Side note: You should stand tall not being a partisan hack, yourself, huh? :lol:

I am partisan. The Republican Party has lost it's way. I had a lot of respect for men like Dwight Eisenhower, Everett Dirksen, Barry Goldwater and Bob Dole. I could never vote Republican again in a national election.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?
Coming from an Obama sycophant, your observation is not shocking.
Yes, we should keep Obama in office because YOU say so.
The 60% of the people who do not approve of Obama's performace, have stated as one they wish Obama well in the private sector.
Yes, the GOP are really concerned about the US people.

Remember this?
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

What a destructive and revealing statement.
How can anyone take their motives seriously after that?

What's "destructive" about getting a disaster like Obama out of office? I can't imagine anything more constructive.

Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.
We are trying to rebuild the economy, but Democrats keep suggesting the most insane ways to try. Pull money away from individuals and turn it over to Wall Street and the government. The two most power hungry institutions in the country.
What's "destructive" about getting a disaster like Obama out of office? I can't imagine anything more constructive.

Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

Such BULLSHIT and ass licking of the opulent. The 'job creators' had a decade of government that catered to their every whim. Tax cuts, deregulation, agencies run by lobbyists... WHERE ARE THE FUCKING JOBS???


For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. economy has grown at a steady clip, generating perpetually higher incomes and wealth for American households. But since 2000, the story is starkly different.

The past decade was the worst for the U.S. economy in modern times, a sharp reversal from a long period of prosperity that is leading economists and policymakers to fundamentally rethink the underpinnings of the nation's growth.

It was, according to a wide range of data, a lost decade for American workers. The decade began in a moment of triumphalism -- there was a current of thought among economists in 1999 that recessions were a thing of the past. By the end, there were two, bookends to a debt-driven expansion that was neither robust nor sustainable.

There has been zero net job creation since December 1999. No previous decade going back to the 1940s had job growth of less than 20 percent. Economic output rose at its slowest rate of any decade since the 1930s as well.

Middle-income households made less in 2008, when adjusted for inflation, than they did in 1999 -- and the number is sure to have declined further during a difficult 2009. The Aughts were the first decade of falling median incomes since figures were first compiled in the 1960s.

And the net worth of American households -- the value of their houses, retirement funds and other assets minus debts -- has also declined when adjusted for inflation, compared with sharp gains in every previous decade since data were initially collected in the 1950s.

"This was the first business cycle where a working-age household ended up worse at the end of it than the beginning, and this in spite of substantial growth in productivity, which should have been able to improve everyone's well-being," said Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank.
Washington Post
What's "destructive" about getting a disaster like Obama out of office? I can't imagine anything more constructive.

Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that they have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?
Last edited:
Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

1st if all the government does not create " private sector jobs,' the private sector does. Government creates a business friendly environment, less taxes, less regulation and off the private sector goes with expanding their business's, hiring new employees etc. etc. This government under the( Socialist in Chief) Obama has declared war on the private sector, with threatening to raise their taxes, increased regulation and last but not least Obama care. Business will sit on trillions of dollars in profit because of the uncertainly that the ( Socialist in Chief) has brought down on them. You will sit unemployed until we kick the socialist to the curb and we get a real President in there who has taken econ 101.

I would suggest you read Mitt Romney's job's plan a real one, not just talking points and you will like this, he has a double major from HARVARD in law and an MBA in BUSINESS, plus he HAS created thousands of jobs in the private sector. He knows what it takes and how to do it. The socialist who has never worked one day in the private sector is as dumb as a duck on this.
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Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

1st if all the government does not create " private sector jobs,' the private sector does. Government creates a business friendly environment, less taxes, less regulation and off the private sector goes with expanding their business's, hiring new employees etc. etc. This government under the( Socialist in Chief) Obama has declared war on the private sector, with threatening to raise their taxes, increased regulation and last but not least Obama care. Business will sit on trillions of dollars in profit because of the uncertainly that the ( Socialist in Chief) has brought down on them. You will sit unemployed until we kick the socialist to the curb and we get a real President in there who has taken econ 101.

I would suggest you read Mitt Romney's job's plan a real one, not just talking points and you will like this, he has a double major from HARVARD in law and an MBA in BUSINESS, plus he HAS created thousands of jobs in the private sector. He knows what it takes and how to do it. The socialist who has never worked one day in the private sector is as dumb as a duck on this.

Didn't they have less taxes and less regulations under the previous administration?
Didn't employment fall under Bush?

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