Obama's J.V. Team- ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers' Iraqi Base


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Glad to see Obama's Bad News Bears ISIS JV team is of no concern. Gloing back to sleep now


ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers' Iraqi Base

As The Wall Street Journal reports,

U.S. officials said eight Islamic State militants struck a small building at the edge of the huge al-Asad Air Base before being repelled by Iraqi forces. All eight were killed.

Military officials said American and other coalition trainers were “several kilometers” away from the attack and under no direct threat. There are 400 U.S. Marines and other service members at the base.

An Iraqi security-force official said that at the time of the attack, Islamic State militants also were firing rockets and mortars at the base.

The attacks on the base came after Islamic State fighters moved against the nearby Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi earlier on Thursday. The militants, according to an Iraqi official, took control of a number of government buildings after the local police fled following a pair of suicide bombings. It isn’t clear how much of the town the militants control.

Friday’s assault was the first in which Islamic State forces sent an armed team to attack the base. U.S. military officials said Iraqi forces repelled the attack, which occurred at 7:20 a.m. Iraqi time on Friday, killing all eight attackers. The U.S. provided overhead surveillance for the Iraqi force.

“Eight guys going after al-Asad—that is a suicide mission. They have no chance,” said a U.S. defense official. “But they have an interest in al-Asad and I would venture to say they will have an interest anywhere we have people.”

The defense official said Islamic State fighters have been targeting the base because of the propaganda value of the attacks. Even ineffective attacks in the vicinity of the base have generated widespread newspaper and television headlines.

ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers Iraqi Base Zero Hedge
Well, if the ISIS regulars get into a head on firefight with the US Marines, the survivors may have a differant view of the 'soft West'.
This is a key area strategically for Iraq. ISIS is simply using old strategies to test the waters there...........Suicide attacks and bombings are nothing new to the region as they were common place and still are common place even when we had all our troops there.

ISIS wants the Euphrates River choke points.........They have attempted to take the Haditha Dam as recent as December and failed...........U.S. aircraft pummeled them there as they know ISIS can't be allowed to get the dam..........as it controls the water supply to Bagdad and much of Iraq................ISIS knows this as does the Iraqi army...................

It is a place that Iraq, nor the U.S. can allow ISIS to take.......................so it will always be a hot spot of fighting in the ongoing War..................

Should ISIS attempt to take the airfield in force every plane at our disposal will hit them with everything they have and the small contingent of Marines will open a can of whoop ass on ISIS.................

CENTCOM will never allow ISIS to take this place.
ISIS attack on Haditha Dam foiled - Iraqi News

(IraqiNews.com) On Thursday, Iraqi army forces foiled an attack by militants of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Haditha Dam western Anbar, and were able to restore villages in Salahuddin province.

A spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, Brigadier Tihssin Ibrahim said, ”The army force, the tribesmen and the people were able to thwart an ISIS attack, which inflicted big losses in the ranks the IS organization.

In Salahuddin province, the army was able to restore villages that were under the control of the Islamic State, on the road that links between the city of Tikrit, Salahuddin province, and Balad district.
On the bright side of the equation, if there is one at all...............

This strategic choke point gets ISIS's dandruff up............and they attack in numbers easy to kill...............Perhaps we should encourage them to do more large scale attacks there...........as it leads to many dead on the ISIS side of the equation.
If only there were some rightards willing to go beyond sucking vicarious machismo from real soldiers in the belief that waving their pom poms at them vigorously established patriotism. What we need is some more rightards with overly compensating, macho avatars.
If only there were some rightards willing to go beyond sucking vicarious machismo from real soldiers in the belief that waving their pom poms at them vigorously established patriotism. What we need is some more rightards with overly compensating, macho avatars.
Standard liberal response............to be ignored...........

Many have served in the military here............and even had I not served I still have the right to state my opinions on these topics....................

I've stated that this is a Strategic area and believe I'm correct in that assumption.........

I've also stated that these areas get ISIS forces in the open, which makes them easier to kill with firepower........

Exactly what is wrong with those assumptions, aka opinions, that get your little panties in a wad.....................
Glad to see Obama's Bad News Bears ISIS JV team is of no concern. Gloing back to sleep now


ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers' Iraqi Base

As The Wall Street Journal reports,

U.S. officials said eight Islamic State militants struck a small building at the edge of the huge al-Asad Air Base before being repelled by Iraqi forces. All eight were killed.

Military officials said American and other coalition trainers were “several kilometers” away from the attack and under no direct threat. There are 400 U.S. Marines and other service members at the base.

An Iraqi security-force official said that at the time of the attack, Islamic State militants also were firing rockets and mortars at the base.

The attacks on the base came after Islamic State fighters moved against the nearby Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi earlier on Thursday. The militants, according to an Iraqi official, took control of a number of government buildings after the local police fled following a pair of suicide bombings. It isn’t clear how much of the town the militants control.

Friday’s assault was the first in which Islamic State forces sent an armed team to attack the base. U.S. military officials said Iraqi forces repelled the attack, which occurred at 7:20 a.m. Iraqi time on Friday, killing all eight attackers. The U.S. provided overhead surveillance for the Iraqi force.

“Eight guys going after al-Asad—that is a suicide mission. They have no chance,” said a U.S. defense official. “But they have an interest in al-Asad and I would venture to say they will have an interest anywhere we have people.”

The defense official said Islamic State fighters have been targeting the base because of the propaganda value of the attacks. Even ineffective attacks in the vicinity of the base have generated widespread newspaper and television headlines.

ISIS Breaches US Military Advisers Iraqi Base Zero Hedge

Why say they breached the base when they didn't breach the base?
Again, not seeing this as any of our business.
I believe we got that message after you have posted that same thing about a thousand times on this board.............................

Again, who's business is it in the world when the world sees Genocide...............crimes against humanity that are being conducted by ISIS...................

In your view, the world should just let the Genocide continue.......................

I've stated that the world needs to anti up on this one, and not just the United States............but when they are systematically killing off other religions eventually those of common ground are going to say that's enough and kick their asses back into Hades from where they spawned..................

Oh, I forgot you don't believe in Heaven and Hell anyway........another broken record you will spew.................

So, post a hundred times on this thread your usual BS............save us the trouble just quote your first post a hundred times and get it over with.
Okay, guy, nobody is going to miss the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis.. Fuck, you probably didn't know what a Yazidi was until they became something else you could blame on Obama.


But there's a simple solution to this. You and all your other right wing buddies can form volunteer brigades and go over there to save them. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, since he obviously knows more about military strategy than the Generals who said invading Iraq was a really stupid idea.
Okay, guy, nobody is going to miss the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis.. Fuck, you probably didn't know what a Yazidi was until they became something else you could blame on Obama.


But there's a simple solution to this. You and all your other right wing buddies can form volunteer brigades and go over there to save them. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, since he obviously knows more about military strategy than the Generals who said invading Iraq was a really stupid idea.
Funny you should say that quote bitch............Devil worshiping Yazidis..................right out of the hand book for ISIS......................

That's what they call them..............and when they drove them out of the region believed to be the resting place of Noah's ark Obama came on TV and stated they must be saved...................as they were dying of starvation and dehydration in the desert escaping ISIS...................Problem was, even though Hundreds of thousands fled ISIS, 10's of thousands were left behind only to be slaughtered by ISIS..........Raping young girls and selling them off as SEX SLAVES in countries throughout the Middle East..............

To be done with as their MASTERS SEE FIT...............and to be beaten and or killed if they disobey their masters...................

Some in the world and look at this say THIS EVIL SHIT NEEDS TO END................and some, like you, look the other way as the WORLD WATCHES GENOCIDE and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY without coming together and ending it......................

Before this happened I didn't have a need to know who the hell Yazidis were at all...........................I had no reason to know, until I found out they were being butchered by ISIS...............................

And when I saw this, I went..............WHAT A BUNCH OF EVIL BASTARDS these ISIS asshats are.........

and continue to say the same................as you turn a blind eye to the extermination of an entire people...........

FUCK YOU and your opinion as little girls are savagely raped and killed...............and sold into slavery for to men that treat them no better than dogs.
That's why you got fired btw because of your weak attitude, you were there just for a pay check Joe, I see it now
ISIS used to be called Al Qaeda In Iraq.......................

Al Qaeda ditched them because they were too extreme............saying they were hurting their global jihad effort by their actions......................

In essence, ISIS the MOST EXTREME OF AL QAEDA.................

Which is an organization that we are and have been at WAR WITH.
Okay, guy, nobody is going to miss the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis.. Fuck, you probably didn't know what a Yazidi was until they became something else you could blame on Obama.


But there's a simple solution to this. You and all your other right wing buddies can form volunteer brigades and go over there to save them. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, since he obviously knows more about military strategy than the Generals who said invading Iraq was a really stupid idea.
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map
Okay, guy, nobody is going to miss the Devil-Worshiping Yazidis.. Fuck, you probably didn't know what a Yazidi was until they became something else you could blame on Obama.


But there's a simple solution to this. You and all your other right wing buddies can form volunteer brigades and go over there to save them. Bill Krystol can be your Colonel, since he obviously knows more about military strategy than the Generals who said invading Iraq was a really stupid idea.
If the US Government calls my 49 year old ass, I will go over to kill them. No problem I want the ISIS wiped off the map

Joe just thinks everyone is a coward like he is

Yea , I never could understand liberals and thinking every ones the same? Because I am not afraid of any boss, I will just tell his ass off and quit, then he will call and beg me to come back, I am not afraid to die what I believe in Is the right thing to do.

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