Obama's new spending bill to stimulate the economy met it's first road block already when the CBO noted in a report that most of the called for spending when not even get into the economy until the recession is actually over.
First it is highly debatable whether gov't spending has EVER turned an economy around. Second, if the economic situation as dire as everyone and Obama seem to believe, you would think he would want to a more immediate boost to the economy. Unfortunately the most immediate method of boosting the economy is a bad word (well two words) on the left; tax cuts.
It is rumored that Obama also has plans to set up a central bank to buy up the bad loans of any bank. So let's see, the plan to fix this problem is to do the exact same thing that got us in the problem in the first (gov't garunteeing loans).
This stimulus plan is where the Republicans and right in general need to make their first stand if they want to maintain any credibility whatsoever. It is also where Obama needs to show some of his professed bipartisanship and taking on ALL ideas.
First it is highly debatable whether gov't spending has EVER turned an economy around. Second, if the economic situation as dire as everyone and Obama seem to believe, you would think he would want to a more immediate boost to the economy. Unfortunately the most immediate method of boosting the economy is a bad word (well two words) on the left; tax cuts.
It is rumored that Obama also has plans to set up a central bank to buy up the bad loans of any bank. So let's see, the plan to fix this problem is to do the exact same thing that got us in the problem in the first (gov't garunteeing loans).
This stimulus plan is where the Republicans and right in general need to make their first stand if they want to maintain any credibility whatsoever. It is also where Obama needs to show some of his professed bipartisanship and taking on ALL ideas.