Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States

What does any bureaucrat get out of exercising authority they don't have, it establishes a precedence for them to claim the authority in the future. Your turn.

Congress gave them that authority over the last few decades. Think about it.

You made a claim, you got a link?

You know all those big fucking bills congress passes? Well, all these powers are within those stacks of bills.

This is where our president gets his powers to fuck with different people. A link would be millions of them.
Congress gave them that authority over the last few decades. Think about it.

You made a claim, you got a link?

You know all those big fucking bills congress passes? Well, all these powers are within those stacks of bills.

This is where our president gets his powers to fuck with different people. A link would be millions of them.

So you're talking out your ass.

Indian Affairs | FAQs

From everything I see, the Dept of Interior Indian Affairs office has jurisdiction, but then I haven't read all those bills you claim, but refuse to prove exist.
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OP fail "Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States " Riverton belongs to the Indian nation but is still part of the US

Now the whites know what it is like when a treaty is broken

Why is it always about race???

Why does riverton want to leave America. Do they like America???

Riverton belonged to the reservation. But over the years, encroachment happened. The town was part of that encroachment. The native americans complained to no avail. Until now. So, riverton, which is on native american land, is now back under tribal jurisdiction....where it belongs since it was theirs to begin with.
Well, if the "Free Patriot" says that's what happened then I'm sure that's what happened.

The crack reporters over at the "Free Patriot" seem like they're right on top of this one, all the relevant facts and context. I'm sure CNN and Fox will be breaking it tomorrow and these guys at the "Free Patriot" will get a Pulitzer.
OP fail "Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States " Riverton belongs to the Indian nation but is still part of the US

Now the whites know what it is like when a treaty is broken

Why is it always about race???

Why does riverton want to leave America. Do they like America???

Riverton belonged to the reservation. But over the years, encroachment happened. The town was part of that encroachment. The native americans complained to no avail. Until now. So, riverton, which is on native american land, is now back under tribal jurisdiction....where it belongs since it was theirs to begin with.

The lie makes it to page 2 before the truth can even put its pants on
I'm sure some of y'all have seen this:

An old Indian chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking a ceremonial pipe and eyeing two US government officials sent to interview him.
One US Official asked Chief Two Eagles,

"You have observed the white man for 90 years.
You've seen his wars and his technological advances.
You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute and then calmly replied.
"When white man found the land, Indians were running it . .
No taxes,
No debt,
Plenty buffalo,
Plenty beaver,
Women did all the work,
Medicine man free,
Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex."

Then the Chief leaned back and smiled.....
"Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."
This thread makes me wanna change my avie again. So I think I will. In February..i will go back to Black History Month avie.
OP fail "Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States " Riverton belongs to the Indian nation but is still part of the US

Now the whites know what it is like when a treaty is broken

What treaty has been broken? It sounds like the EPA violted Federal statute here. And that should give anyone concern.
obamas' America.
If anything has proven how lawless this admit has become this is it.
EPA is now defining US boundaries. Disenfranchises town. Now has to go to supreme court.
divide divide divide

EPA Takes Entire Town Away From Wyoming and Gives it to the Indians...Disenfranchises American Citizens » The Free Patriot

Hmmmmm, someone at the EPA didn't do their homework when considering the tribes request. That's one hell of an oopsie! Leave it to a government bureaucrat to make something simple into a multimillion dollar federal lawsuit.
OP fail "Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States " Riverton belongs to the Indian nation but is still part of the US

Now the whites know what it is like when a treaty is broken

Why is it always about race???

Why does riverton want to leave America. Do they like America???

Riverton belonged to the reservation. But over the years, encroachment happened. The town was part of that encroachment. The native americans complained to no avail. Until now. So, riverton, which is on native american land, is now back under tribal jurisdiction....where it belongs since it was theirs to begin with.

If they are entitled to the city, let Congress give it back. Why the heck should the EPA be allowed to violate US statutes in this regard?
Who hasn't? We wouldn't be a very big nation if we didn't.

Go back to the roman republic, the combining of Briton, the Germanic tribes, and even the central American Indian empires.

I am glad we have America today...

The Romans simply conquered the Gauls and the Brits. They didn't sign any solemn treaties promising to leave them alone in certain areas.

Seen any Romans lately? :laugh:

I saw a very happy Roman just the other day.

He was glad he ate her.
OP fail "Obama's epa has declared Riverton Wy. no longer part of United States " Riverton belongs to the Indian nation but is still part of the US

Now the whites know what it is like when a treaty is broken

Riverton doesn't belong to the Indian nation, dipstick.

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