Obamas Choose Elite Private School for Kids


The Failed Corporate Record of George W. Bush

Early life and military career of John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCain graduated 5th from the Bottom of his class and crashed how many planes before the final crash which landed him in the POW camp?

Like I said...gross underachievers who without the virture of the silver spoon stuck up their butts wouldn't have accomplished anything compared to what was handed to them.
he didnt "crash" his plane, it was shot out from under him
get off the partisan bullshit for a change
he didnt "crash" his plane, it was shot out from under him
get off the partisan bullshit for a change

oh my bad...one plane out of five he wasn't responsible for crashing.. that makes all the difference in the world I guess :clap2:
yeah, that couldn't possibly be a joke aimed at the right wing radio talk shows or Fox news now could it? :cuckoo:

Hold on a second sweetie obama doesn't joke. He is 100% sincere in everything he says and does. He is unlike any politician in the history of the entire world and any other world in the universe for that matter. He has never told a lie or exaggerated his rhetoric or misrepresented his opponents positions because he is different I say

He is change personified and change is no joke so obama is incapable of joking.
who the fuck said Obama was middle class? he's not, even HE says he's not. ya'll are making statements that just don't prove truthful.

You're right. Who the fuck DID say Obama was middle class? Certainly not the post you're putatively responding to.

and when "poor" people spend their time getting educated and building a better life for themselves then they CAN send their kids to better schools.

Good. When the poor people spend their time getting educated and building a better life for themselves then they CAN have the same medical care as rich people. I'm so glad we're finally on the same page about wealth distribution.

Do you think the Government is going to pay for his kids tutition? did they when they were in private school in Chicago? NO. He will pay for it through his salary and earnings from the books he's sold and I'm guessing they have a savings account from when Michelle worked and earned a six figure income as well.

Um, actually, his salary will be coming from the government, just in case you've forgotten.

It's so funny to me that ya'll are bitching about this because IF Obama put forth a plan that said he would offer tutition assistance to any low income student who had the grades and desire to attend a school like his daughters ya'll would be screaming to high heaven about him being a freakin socialist and commie.

It's so funny to me that y'all AREN'T bitching about this because you're always so appalled by the notion that working and earning more money entitles those who do so to have better lives in any other area. You DO know you're going to hear this quoted back to you every single time you ever try to argue in favor of any of Obama's wealth redistribution and entitlement programs, don't you?

By the way, no one is asking Obama to put forth any plans for tuition assistance. All anyone is asking for is to be allowed to use the money that's ALREADY BEING SPENT on their children's educations to ensure they actually get educated. THAT, of course, brings the response from Obama that public schools are just wonderful and plenty good enough for everyone . . . except him.

ya'll are ridiculous in the things you seem to cling onto to bitch about.

Y'all are ridiculous in the things you seem to be willingly blind to. Hey, while you have your head up Obama's ass, perhaps you could check his colon for polyps.
oh my bad...one plane out of five he wasn't responsible for crashing.. that makes all the difference in the world I guess :clap2:
i still havent seen anyone post proof he "crashed" or "caused the crash" of any other planes

its still just more partisan bullshit
he was an asshole for saying shit like that, and you morons lapped it up.

no bigger of an asshole that Bush making fucking jokes about finding WMD or not caring where Bin Laden was, which you assholes lapped up too I guess huh?

You're right. Who the fuck DID say Obama was middle class? Certainly not the post you're putatively responding to.

Good. When the poor people spend their time getting educated and building a better life for themselves then they CAN have the same medical care as rich people. I'm so glad we're finally on the same page about wealth distribution.

Um, actually, his salary will be coming from the government, just in case you've forgotten.

It's so funny to me that y'all AREN'T bitching about this because you're always so appalled by the notion that working and earning more money entitles those who do so to have better lives in any other area. You DO know you're going to hear this quoted back to you every single time you ever try to argue in favor of any of Obama's wealth redistribution and entitlement programs, don't you?

By the way, no one is asking Obama to put forth any plans for tuition assistance. All anyone is asking for is to be allowed to use the money that's ALREADY BEING SPENT on their children's educations to ensure they actually get educated. THAT, of course, brings the response from Obama that public schools are just wonderful and plenty good enough for everyone . . . except him.

Y'all are ridiculous in the things you seem to be willingly blind to. Hey, while you have your head up Obama's ass, perhaps you could check his colon for polyps.

my stars you're a long winded gas bag. Do you actually think anyone bothers to read your drivel? :cuckoo:

The Failed Corporate Record of George W. Bush

Early life and military career of John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCain graduated 5th from the Bottom of his class and crashed how many planes before the final crash which landed him in the POW camp?

Like I said...gross underachievers who without the virture of the silver spoon stuck up their butts wouldn't have accomplished anything compared to what was handed to them.

poor poor dear,, I can see they still have you plugged into the mainframe! such a pity, such a terrible waste of a mind! you have my sincerest condolences..:lol:
Is that true? I thought members of Congress and the President had different (and better) plans than other government employees (and, of course private industry employees).

They do. Jillian and all the other voices in her head erroneously imagine that Congress and the President are Medicare/Medicaid recipients.
it is when you have no consistency to support your assertions.

you silly little bleeding pussy conservatives crying yourselves to sleep in this thread make me laugh.

I have made my argument very clear as to why I support school choice in the form of vouchers. It has nothing to do with trying to destroy the public schools nor indoctrinate our young with religion (which are your side's baseless assertions).... so read the thread and if you still have issues, we'll have to agree to disagree.
i still havent seen anyone post proof he "crashed" or "caused the crash" of any other planes

its still just more partisan bullshit

FactCheck.org: Did McCain crash five planes? Did he cause the 1967 Forrestal fire?

McCain did lose two Navy aircraft while piloting them. One crash was found to be be McCain's fault, the other due to an engine failure of undetermined cause.. A third was destroyed on the deck of the carrier USS Forrestal when a missile fired accidentally from another plane hit either the plane next to McCain's or, less likely, his own aircraft, triggering a disastrous fire that killed 134 sailors and nearly killed McCain. A fourth plane was lost when he was shot down over North Vietnam on a bombing mission over Hanoi.

A fifth alleged "crash" turns out to be a misinterpretation of a flight accident that did not result in the loss of the aircraft. McCain admitted to causing that incident through "daredevil clowning" but returned safely.

okay fine...he was found to be at fault for ONE crash and then with another he was dickin around and while it didn't destroy the aircraft it apparently registered as some type of "flight accident" so you tell me of another pilot who would've gotten away with shit like that?
so anyone who aspires to and achieves the goal of working in Congress or to the Presidency is automatically an elitist, regardless of their upbringing and values?

No, just the ones who think that makes them better than and superior to everyone else, and the only people in the country entitled to a good life for themselves and their families. Just the ones who think that aspirations and achievement are only good things when THEY do it, and attack those things in others and try to punish them for their "greed" with higher taxes.

I don't think sending your children to private school makes you an elitist, not by itself anyway.

No one except you ever suggested that that was the argument. Well, you and Thorazine addicts like Jillian. It must make you all warm and toasty to know that everyone views you in the same category as her, by the way.

There is an entire behavior and attitude that makes someone an elitist. Usually it entails generations of spoon fed privilege and wealth, never really having to work for anything and/or never actually working for anything but getting certain thing by benefit of your birth.

No, it doesn't require generations of anything to be an elitist. All it requires is the belief that everyone else can make do with less than you, and should be damned happy to get it. And hey! Obama is practically the poster boy for that attitude.

Such as Bush and McCain. Both of these men are gross underachievers yet they've achieved things that most people can't even imagine by virtue of which family they were born into.

"And . . . and . . . and Bush! Bush is evil! Bush is stupid! It's all about Bush!!!!"

Obama on the other hand was born into a family of working class people to a mother who was barely 19 and who was married to an African student. By virtue of his birth Obama has had NOTHING just handed to him, in fact, he's probably had to work twice as hard to achieve just as much.

And damnit, that makes it okay for him to think that no one else deserves to be successful! Earning your way in life is good . . . unless you're someone other than Obama, in which case, you're a greedy bastard who needs his taxes raised to help the poor and downtrodden. And your damned kids need to go to the public schools!

He and his wife do not appear to live outside the comfort of their incomes, which admittedly are way above middle class (to their own admission). They own one home and apparently one car. They do not appear to have nannies and/or designer clothing draped on their backs. They don't, as far as I know, own a ranch which they will vacation at regularly during his Presidency either. Hell, do they even own a vacation "home" and if not where will they vacation? I mean, gasp, might we actually have a President who isn't out of Washington on vacation for 20% of his time in office?

I wonder if the Presidential kneepads Obama hands out will have his new Seal of Office emblazoned on them. :eusa_think:
How many of you predicted he would be assassinated? And you wonder why he chose private school?

I never predicted his assination and pray it dosen't happen.. But again, if obamalama's children aren't safe in public schools with the secret service all around them then what are your kids doing there?
no bigger of an asshole that Bush making fucking jokes about finding WMD or not caring where Bin Laden was, which you assholes lapped up too I guess huh?

<snipped partisan asshole bullshit image>
first off, who was bush making fun of with his jokes about the WMD????? HIMSELF

so not even close
and the other you assholes took out of context
so go fuck yourself with THAT bullshit
No, just the ones who think that makes them better than and superior to everyone else, and the only people in the country entitled to a good life for themselves and their families. Just the ones who think that aspirations and achievement are only good things when THEY do it, and attack those things in others and try to punish them for their "greed" with higher taxes.

sounds like the Republican party to me. Aren't they the ones who constantly criticized Obama for actually working hard and rising above his less than privileged background?

No one except you ever suggested that that was the argument. Well, you and Thorazine addicts like Jillian. It must make you all warm and toasty to know that everyone views you in the same category as her, by the way.

wow..thanks...I find Jillian to be quite smart so if you want to put us in the same category I'm flattered, however, she's much more informed than I am...most of the time I'm just spouting off my opinions without much factual evidence to back it up.

No, it doesn't require generations of anything to be an elitist. All it requires is the belief that everyone else can make do with less than you, and should be damned happy to get it. And hey! Obama is practically the poster boy for that attitude.

again, sounds like the Republican party to me cuz correct me if I'm wrong but Obama's platform was that ALL people should be able to afford to send their kids to college and that ALL people should have affordable health care and I believe McCain called Obama a socialist for that attitude.

"And . . . and . . . and Bush! Bush is evil! Bush is stupid! It's all about Bush!!!!"

not all about Bush but he is President currently and he didn't send his daughter's to community college now did he!

And damnit, that makes it okay for him to think that no one else deserves to be successful! Earning your way in life is good . . . unless you're someone other than Obama, in which case, you're a greedy bastard who needs his taxes raised to help the poor and downtrodden. And your damned kids need to go to the public schools!

you really are a fucking retard aren't you? have you even listened to one speech or read one policy proposal by Obama? Obama is all about personal responsibility and making your own way in this world, without excuses and without complaint.

I wonder if the Presidential kneepads Obama hands out will have his new Seal of Office emblazoned on them. :eusa_think:

I hope you got some lube with your GOP membership since you don't seem to mind that they've been fucking you for the last 8 years.
so anyone who aspires to and achieves the goal of working in Congress or to the Presidency is automatically an elitist, regardless of their upbringing and values?


Of course not. Voting yourself benefit packages that are above and beyond any private-sector or government-level employee is.
first off, who was bush making fun of with his jokes about the WMD????? HIMSELF

so not even close
and the other you assholes took out of context
so go fuck yourself with THAT bullshit

I don't find it funny to joke about something that thousands of young Americans DIED for...but if that's your sense of humor more power to ya... :cuckoo:

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