Obama's chances of winning continue to increase


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

I saw some varying polls out this AM with good Romney numbers also, though. So the race is still very, very close. There wll be no landslide...either way.

There are two things that I think will make the ultimate difference:

1. Early voting

2. Ground Game

We will see. Have a Great Weekend everyone. We are expecting a visit from Hurricane Sandy on the east coast this weekend. That should be interesting.
wow you are going to be quite upset if Obama loses ..

First, no I wouldn't because since I know Willard will change his positions more than he changes his underwear, if he is elected, I expect he will be a moderate President. The Tea Party will be very upset.

Second, math and science tell me that Obama is ahead. As the vote draws closer, the feeling is getting stronger.

You do have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Hey. Whatever floats your boat.

Of course the SS Obama is sinking fast.

Hope you've got a life preserver. Your gonna need it.
I am not concerned at this point. Willard is putting on a good face on the campaign trail. I am happy for him...:eusa_clap:

EV is the Key...
An incumbent polling below 50% is gonna have a tough go of it. Just saying.

Oh, and gasoline is below $3.00 in Ohio now. You might want to change your Avatar...:lol:

You're happy with $3.00 a gallon?? Holy sh*t!! :eek:

It's still over $3.50 here in the ATL, wasn't it Obama that said if gas goes down it means the economy isn't so good?? Why yes, yes he did. :eusa_shhh:

Avatar isn't going anywhere for a while. :D
Hey. Whatever floats your boat.

Of course the SS Obama is sinking fast.

Hope you've got a life preserver. Your gonna need it.

Those who are putting money on the election are putting their money on Obama
An incumbent polling below 50% is gonna have a tough go of it. Just saying.

Oh, and gasoline is below $3.00 in Ohio now. You might want to change your Avatar...:lol:

Do you know what that tells average people? It says, "Gee, Obama was certainly able to control gas prices when it suits him to" and "Gee, Obama said that low gas prices equal a crashing economy".
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

I saw some varying polls out this AM with good Romney numbers also, though. So the race is still very, very close. There wll be no landslide...either way.

There are two things that I think will make the ultimate difference:

1. Early voting

2. Ground Game

We will see. Have a Great Weekend everyone. We are expecting a visit from Hurricane Sandy on the east coast this weekend. That should be interesting.

Yes, his chances went from "snowball in hell" to "not happening." Wow, what an improvement. But I will say it is just: Obama's re-election performance mirrors his economic performance.
I dunno. Obama's a pretty smart guy so there's cause for concern on our side.

Here's just one example. Recall he campaigned in '08 that he'd cut the deficit in half in his first term, or else it would likely be a one term deal for him.

We all know instead the many trillions of dollars he's added to the deficit.

So yesterday I see him in a campaign ad in which he said in his second term he'd cut the deficit!
Granted, he didn't say he'd cut it in half this time, just that he'd cut it. See how smart he is. He knows millions of idiots fell for it the first go-round, so he naturally figures they'll swallow it again this time.

The guy's brilliant, a very savvy campaigner.
If Willard is still behind in the EV count a week from the vote, well, he might be toast. We will know in a few days...
"I don't have a 5 Trillion Dollar tax cut plan. Who told you that"

The Lie of the Century

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