Obama's a weasel


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
While he's been insulting us by sucking up to the muslims in the mosques in USA, his trade rep Froman has been pushing the TPP agenda. in New Zealand. He's becoming more and more a black bill clinton (nafta). Not a word about this in our newspapers of course. They'd be johnny on the spot reporting if megan kelley got a new hairdo though. By the way, when has obama ever gone down to the Black community to maybe offer them any help, other than scold them to get off their asses and get with the program?

Maybe calling Obama a weasel is being too kind. He's more like a black simon legree.

Obama Just Quietly Signed the TPP | The Daily Sheeple

Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal signed in Auckland - BBC News
Of course he is a weasel. He IS a politician and all of them are weasels. He is just worst than most.
I have far more colorful perjoratives for Pres. Crybaby than "weasel." Like the most race-card-instigating, hate-filled, hissy-fit little Pisslam rentboy human tapeworm who lives underneath rocks with the lichen and that's an insult to lichen. After his hissy-fit speech following the Paris massacre, Typhoid Barry cemented himself as my most detested living creature in the history of this planet. He thinks he's the King Turd of Shit Mountain but in reality, Obama is nothing but a tiny, worm-like little particle of uric acid floating around the great toilet bowl of life.

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