Obamacare legislation author gives failing grade to admin's information campaign


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Sen. Max Baucus, a key author of the legislation, made headlines by warning of a looming "train wreck" for Obamacare as its major provisions get implemented next year, just as many vulnerable Democrats stand for re-election.
"The administration's public information campaign on the benefits of the [Patient Protection and] Affordable Care Act deserves a failing grade," Baucus also sternly told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
In other words, Baucus was saying: We passed the bill, but people still don't know what's in it. Last week, the New York Times reported on Democratic senators in addition to Baucus (who subsequently decided to retire rather than stand for re-election) raising alarms to the administration about how implementation could put them at risk in 2014."

Philip Klein: Obamacare's shifting expectations | WashingtonExaminer.com

He's bailing out. Rats. Ship. Sinking.

Well the real ghouls won't desert, they'll stay around to watch people croak...but there are a lot who were just playing politics who really didn't understand how it was going to play out. They're beginning to understand what it all means, and the human ones are running for the exits.
"The New Republic's Jonathan Cohn wrote, "It's not going to work as well as many of us would like, and the initial adjustment may not be easy." The Washington Post's Ezra Klein predicted that the law "will have a much tougher first year than was initially anticipated but it won't be the catastrophe that Republicans hope."
Though Klein and Cohn both still tout benefits from the law, there's been a clear attempt to shift expectations in the run up to implementation. Three years ago, its supporters were selling Obamacare as a political asset to Democrats, if only it passed. Now, the best they can argue is that it may not be that big of a liability."

Philip Klein: Obamacare's shifting expectations | WashingtonExaminer.com
They're beginning to understand what it all means ...

10/4 - That is usually the case when legislation becomes law ... all is going to be just fine and even better when made into a national single payer program.

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