Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

The free market disagrees with the premise of this thread.

The Two-Year Rise of U.S. Health-Care Stocks

On top of all that, Obamacare has proven to slow premium increases to just under 4% for the last 4 years after decades of them going up anywhere from 10-15% a year.

1. Those slow downs are explainable. Part of it had to do with the economy.
2. The reduction in GDP that is a problem and was hilited as part of the big sell (big lie) has not happened. It's still at 17.5%.
3. There is no way to know who is actually benefiting. Obamacare sells catastrophic plans that people can't afford to use. They violate every principle that Obamacare was sold on.
No, congress did. The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the obozocare exchanges are going broke.

Sure, you like ACA if you are getting it free, but for all those who are paying for this BS, it sucks.

The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away. It doesn't matter what the people want or if the government has to borrow some more $billions to support them.


is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away.

are you nutz

the insurance companies hate it

They wrote it
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.

Not this patent lie again......:bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

Heritage is not the GOP.

Romneycare is not Obamacare.

Mass. is not the United States.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank and the plan came from them. Were the GOP to have any new ideas, it would come from places like the Heritage Foundation. The ACA is comprised of mostly GOP healthcare ideas as its basis. To deny it is to deny reality...and it is why the GOP offers no alternatives. They don't have any because they were put into the ACA.

Now...if the GOP were to propose to get rid of employee sponsored healthcare plans and require everyone to purchase their plans as individuals...well, that would be new and different.
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.

Not this patent lie again......:bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

Heritage is not the GOP.

Romneycare is not Obamacare.

Mass. is not the United States.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank and the plan came from them. Were the GOP to have any new ideas, it would come from places like the Heritage Foundation. The ACA is comprised of mostly GOP healthcare ideas as its basis. To deny it is to deny reality...and it is why the GOP offers no alternatives. They don't have any because they were put into the ACA.

Now...if the GOP were to propose to get rid of employee sponsored healthcare plans and require everyone to purchase their plans as individuals...well, that would be new and different.
Likewise, if they were to propose repealing all the legislation propping up the current system, that would also be new and different.
"End of Obamacare!" Yall been singing this tune since 2010.

I'm sure the republican congress will repeal obamacare any day now !! Lol!!

You're not paying attention, it's imploding upon itself. Like we said it would

Yes! Like you've said for 5 years now !! Scuse me if not buying it.

Well it IS imploding, Assurant was the first to bail, United Health Care is pulling out in 17.

As of Jan1 2016 UHC will no longer pay any commissions to agents, meaning no agents will sell it...meaning UHC doesn't want any more of the "uninsured".

The Republicans have no real need to put anything out, next up is NHS style healthcare run by the Gov.

My prediction is that the big dogs (BCBS, UHC, Coventry, although not in their current incarnations) will administrate the program for them.
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.

Not this patent lie again......:bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

Heritage is not the GOP.

Romneycare is not Obamacare.

Mass. is not the United States.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank and the plan came from them. Were the GOP to have any new ideas, it would come from places like the Heritage Foundation. The ACA is comprised of mostly GOP healthcare ideas as its basis. To deny it is to deny reality...and it is why the GOP offers no alternatives. They don't have any because they were put into the ACA.

Now...if the GOP were to propose to get rid of employee sponsored healthcare plans and require everyone to purchase their plans as individuals...well, that would be new and different.
Likewise, if they were to propose repealing all the legislation propping up the current system, that would also be new and different.

Uh, no...that would be what they've been trying and failing to do for the last 6 years...54 votes or something like that.
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.

Not this patent lie again......:bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

Heritage is not the GOP.

Romneycare is not Obamacare.

Mass. is not the United States.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank and the plan came from them. Were the GOP to have any new ideas, it would come from places like the Heritage Foundation. The ACA is comprised of mostly GOP healthcare ideas as its basis. To deny it is to deny reality...and it is why the GOP offers no alternatives. They don't have any because they were put into the ACA.

Now...if the GOP were to propose to get rid of employee sponsored healthcare plans and require everyone to purchase their plans as individuals...well, that would be new and different.
Likewise, if they were to propose repealing all the legislation propping up the current system, that would also be new and different.

Uh, no...that would be what they've been trying and failing to do for the last 6 years...54 votes or something like that.
They haven't been trying that at all.
"End of Obamacare!" Yall been singing this tune since 2010.

I'm sure the republican congress will repeal obamacare any day now !! Lol!!

You're not paying attention, it's imploding upon itself. Like we said it would

Yes! Like you've said for 5 years now !! Scuse me if not buying it.

I feel sorry for you rubes. It's imploding, losing millions, eventually it will fail, it can't be saved

I thought the GOP congress was going to fix things ??

Why would they fix something they didnt want in the first place Timmy?
The free market disagrees with the premise of this thread.

The Two-Year Rise of U.S. Health-Care Stocks

On top of all that, Obamacare has proven to slow premium increases to just under 4% for the last 4 years after decades of them going up anywhere from 10-15% a year.

Total bullshit.
First of all there are examples of 55% percent increases which I am one.

Regulators approve premium jumps averaging as much as 49 percent for some in Minnesota

You are either woefully misinformed or a liar...which is it?
No, congress did. The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the obozocare exchanges are going broke.

Sure, you like ACA if you are getting it free, but for all those who are paying for this BS, it sucks.

The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away. It doesn't matter what the people want or if the government has to borrow some more $billions to support them.


Borrow more money?:lmao:
Yeah that'll fix everything....
You realize the dollar is getting ready to be replaced by the Yen right?
When that happens this country is totally fucked.
Obamacare on life support.....
My healthcare is just fine...and it's the one I got to keep.

Yup...I got to keep BOTH of my plans...and they got better.

So you were on medicaid to begin with...

Uh no dear...I have an employee provided plan and Tricare Prime...familiar with that? You have to have served...

And if I was a liberal I would say you are on government assistance.
But as a conservative I believe our service men and women deserve those benefits......dear.

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