Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

I do disagree with the word implosion, rotting away is a more accurate description of what has been happening, and benevolent apathy in regards to Ocare is a more effective of letting the program die.
Libtards iz dum!

Conservitards iz dum!

Copy and paste.

No, really. Very interesting discussion. Please, carry on.
"End of Obamacare!" Yall been singing this tune since 2010.

I'm sure the republican congress will repeal obamacare any day now !! Lol!!

You're not paying attention, it's imploding upon itself. Like we said it would

Yes! Like you've said for 5 years now !! Scuse me if not buying it.

I feel sorry for you rubes. It's imploding, losing millions, eventually it will fail, it can't be saved

I thought the GOP congress was going to fix things ??

Show were Obama will sign any law that will do away with Obamacare..
"End of Obamacare!" Yall been singing this tune since 2010.

I'm sure the republican congress will repeal obamacare any day now !! Lol!!

You're not paying attention, it's imploding upon itself. Like we said it would
Irrelevant. It is an entitlement now and there is simply no way that Americans getting money for their healthcare plan are going to give that up. There is a reason that the system is based around subsidies - once they get in place they never go away.

Face it, Obamacare is not going anywhere.
The free market disagrees with the premise of this thread.

The Two-Year Rise of U.S. Health-Care Stocks

On top of all that, Obamacare has proven to slow premium increases to just under 4% for the last 4 years after decades of them going up anywhere from 10-15% a year.
You do understand that the rise in Healthcare stocks has absolutely nothing to do with the quality or viability of actual healthcare, right?
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The alternative is simple. Repeal obozocare, There was no healthcare crisis before ACA, no one in the USA was denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Not being insured did not mean you did not receive treatment. Medicaid, medicare, and charities took care of the uninsured. Nothing needed to be changed.

As to the insurance industry, two changes were needed. eliminate lifetime maximum payments and make insurance companies take people with pre-existing conditions. Those two changes could have been made with a one page bill.

ACA was not about fixing healthcare, it was about the federal government taking over a major sector of the economy.

and your geographical bigotry is noted.
Obamacare has depressed job growth, costs are escalating at a higher rate, barely a dent has been made in the numbers of uninsured, and insurers are either exiting the markets or failing altogether

Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

The Chicken Little routine is well-worn by this point.



And here's the annual growth in health care spending--what was expected with the ACA's coverage expansions (red), what was expected had the ACA never been passed (blue), and what actually has happened (green).

Health care cost growth has been the lowest on record since the ACA passed. Much lower than anyone anticipated.
Is this a really, really bad time we told you so? The thing is a disaster and the only good thing that came from it is many democrat legislators lost their seats over it

Democrats gained the political muscle to push the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through Congress on three basic arguments.

they argued that the United States had too many uninsured people, with estimates ranging from 30 million to 45 million.

Second, the rise in costs for health care outstripped inflation, and the market required an intervention that would bend the cost curve downward.

Third, Democrats claimed that insurance companies made too much profit and shorted most consumers on care, while those with generous health plans – so-called “Cadillac plans” – drove up utilization rates and costs for everyone else.

The only solution for these ills was a massive government intervention, complete with mandates for all participants in the market, including providers, insurers, and consumers. Once government ran this market, Democrats promised, consumers would see their premiums decrease (by $2,500 a year, according to Barack Obama), insurers would gain access to vast numbers of new consumers who couldn’t get insurance before, and the lifting of cost burdens would spark a job-creation surge that would lift the economy.

Such were the promises of Obamacare five years ago. The reality began looking much different in the fall of 2013, when the first open-enrollment period turned into a disaster. Millions of insurance policies were canceled even though the health care exchanges failed to work properly.

Obamacare has depressed job growth, costs are escalating at a higher rate, barely a dent has been made in the numbers of uninsured, and insurers are either exiting the markets or failing altogether

Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

isnt everything of the "government" on life support these days

i mean after all we are trillions and trillions of dollars over extended

and either to make ends meet we borrow or simply print up more money

like there is no tomorrow
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.
Of course not. ACA is the corporate sellout they had planned in the first place. They're just peeved because the Dems beat them to it.
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The alternative is simple. Repeal obozocare, There was no healthcare crisis before ACA, no one in the USA was denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Not being insured did not mean you did not receive treatment. Medicaid, medicare, and charities took care of the uninsured. Nothing needed to be changed.

As to the insurance industry, two changes were needed. eliminate lifetime maximum payments and make insurance companies take people with pre-existing conditions. Those two changes could have been made with a one page bill.

ACA was not about fixing healthcare, it was about the federal government taking over a major sector of the economy.
The alternative is simple. Repeal obozocare....

Didn't the tea cult already try that some 50 times?


No, congress did. The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the obozocare exchanges are going broke.

Sure, you like ACA if you are getting it free, but for all those who are paying for this BS, it sucks.
No, congress did. The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the obozocare exchanges are going broke.

Sure, you like ACA if you are getting it free, but for all those who are paying for this BS, it sucks.

The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away. It doesn't matter what the people want or if the government has to borrow some more $billions to support them.

The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.
The GOP has STILL not put a comprehensive alternative health care reform on the table.

After all these years.

That's how you know this is all theater for the rubes.

A DC health care lobbyist laughed when I said that. He said, "And the rubes all live along and below the Mason-Dixon line."

The GOP doesn't have anything to replace the ACA with because it was their idea in the first place.

Not this patent lie again......:bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

Heritage is not the GOP.

Romneycare is not Obamacare.

Mass. is not the United States.
No, congress did. The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the obozocare exchanges are going broke.

Sure, you like ACA if you are getting it free, but for all those who are paying for this BS, it sucks.

The point, which is apparently too complex for your simple mind, is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away. It doesn't matter what the people want or if the government has to borrow some more $billions to support them.


is that the insurance companies like it and as long as they're making $$$ it's not going away.

are you nutz

the insurance companies hate it

out here there are only two left that now offer obamacare

both are plans through medical providers

avera and sanford

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