Obama: Wrong About So Much; Right About This


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
“…Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence.”
Eight Years Ago, Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence. They Hold the Whip Hand Now.

1. Let’s consider the current consequences of the huge mistake Democrat voters made:

Today we find posts actually complementing Biden and the Democrats, in the face of huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda, and ignoring the detailed and well thought out Trump plan to leave Afghanistan.

2. “Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’” Exclusive — Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

3. “Biden: US ‘May Have’ Shared List of Names With Taliban

President Joe Biden on Thursday didn’t deny reports that the administration handed the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allied personnel in an attempt grant them entry to Kabul’s international airport, saying that it “may have” happened.” Biden: US 'May Have' Shared List of Names With Taliban

4. “Refugees Redux. Here we go again. After the calamitous refugee movement on Western Europe in 2015, where Germany and Sweden accepted over one million Syrians and others, the Afghan surge is about to begin. Watch Turkey here. Strongman Erdogan, not wanting to expand the more than four million refugees already inside Turkey, will shakedown the Europeans for a deal lest he open the floodgates. Turkey won’t become Europe’s “refugee warehouse,” he warned.

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair however offered a stunning rebuke saying that Joe Biden’s decision to pullout of Afghanistan was “Imbecilic… dangerous and unnecessary.” Clearly it’s not the planned withdrawal but How it’s being done.” Who signed off on Bagram? The hinge of fate

5. When will Democrat dolts learn that adults vote for policies, not persons.
It is not Biden, and impeachment nor the 25th amendment make any difference.
The consequences are due to voting Democrat.

Nothing Biden has done is any different from Hussein's policies with the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

This is what you get when you vote Democrat: murder, mayhem, catastrophe.
“…Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence.”
Eight Years Ago, Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence. They Hold the Whip Hand Now.

1. Let’s consider the current consequences of the huge mistake Democrat voters made:

Today we find posts actually complementing Biden and the Democrats, in the face of huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda, and ignoring the detailed and well thought out Trump plan to leave Afghanistan.

2. “Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’” Exclusive — Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

3. “Biden: US ‘May Have’ Shared List of Names With Taliban

President Joe Biden on Thursday didn’t deny reports that the administration handed the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allied personnel in an attempt grant them entry to Kabul’s international airport, saying that it “may have” happened.” Biden: US 'May Have' Shared List of Names With Taliban

4. “Refugees Redux. Here we go again. After the calamitous refugee movement on Western Europe in 2015, where Germany and Sweden accepted over one million Syrians and others, the Afghan surge is about to begin. Watch Turkey here. Strongman Erdogan, not wanting to expand the more than four million refugees already inside Turkey, will shakedown the Europeans for a deal lest he open the floodgates. Turkey won’t become Europe’s “refugee warehouse,” he warned.

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair however offered a stunning rebuke saying that Joe Biden’s decision to pullout of Afghanistan was “Imbecilic… dangerous and unnecessary.” Clearly it’s not the planned withdrawal but How it’s being done.” Who signed off on Bagram? The hinge of fate

5. When will Democrat dolts learn that adults vote for policies, not persons.
It is not Biden, and impeachment nor the 25th amendment make any difference.
The consequences are due to voting Democrat.

Nothing Biden has done is any different from Hussein's policies with the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

This is what you get when you vote Democrat: murder, mayhem, catastrophe.
Obama and HillBill totally wrecked Libya along with Susan Rice

Oh wait. Obama and HillBill wrecked Iraq too...along with susan Rice

Now this

Obama did so much damage overseas is incredible. And he knew this man was sickly and out of it. Obama screwed Afghanistan too

Again, every libturd on this board is responsible for all this....Elections have DEADLY consequences

But I love his Martha Vs home built on so much blood spilled
No matter how poorly another politician does, it in no way makes Trump a better choice. It may make the other choice as poor of a choice but in no way does it make Trump a good one.
No matter how poorly another politician does, it in no way makes Trump a better choice. It may make the other choice as poor of a choice but in no way does it make Trump a good one.
Trump was better then advertised. He actually tried to keep many of his promises. He was lambasted for everything he did. Inflation is here now. And it is only beginning. Wait until the reconciliation bill is passed. Inflation and cost increases of products and services and utilities because of massive tax increases along with more inflation.
Trump was better then advertised. He actually tried to keep many of his promises. He was lambasted for everything he did. Inflation is here now. And it is only beginning. Wait until the reconciliation bill is passed. Inflation and cost increases of products and services and utilities because of massive tax increases along with more inflation.

Sure, 8 trillion in debt under Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the current inflation did it?
No matter how poorly another politician does, it in no way makes Trump a better choice. It may make the other choice as poor of a choice but in no way does it make Trump a good one.

"No matter how poorly another politician does, it in no way makes Trump a better choice."

Let's check.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/21/world/asia/Afghanistan-Kabul-airport-evacuations.html

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript

In your face, boooooooyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Sure, 8 trillion in debt under Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the current inflation did it?

1. Let’s consider the current consequences of the huge mistake Democrat voters made:

Today we find posts actually complementing Biden and the Democrats, in the face of huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda, and ignoring the detailed and well thought out Trump plan to leave Afghanistan.

Admit the truth: stop being a coward.
"No matter how poorly another politician does, it in no way makes Trump a better choice."

Let's check.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/21/world/asia/Afghanistan-Kabul-airport-evacuations.html

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript

In your face, boooooooyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

IF Trump knew what he was doing he should have done so. As we see so often with Trump words are easy, actions are so much harder. We never did get that trade deal with China did we?

He speaks a wonderful plan but carrying it out was entirely different. I'm still waiting on that great health care plan he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.

Trump was as big of a coward here as Obama.
Who is in charge of the WH?

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel, so that the current vp - traitor Joe, who like LBJ would lie about it - could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies

Who loves the Taliban?


Who convinced W to flip off TNA and let Taliban win the afghan civil war?


Who tells senile traitor Joe what to do?


Why does Israel love the Taliban?

Most likely answer is that the Taliban leader is another Zionist people fraud like col Tim osman and Simon Elliot
IF Trump knew what he was doing he should have done so. As we see so often with Trump words are easy, actions are so much harder. We never did get that trade deal with China did we?

He speaks a wonderful plan but carrying it out was entirely different. I'm still waiting on that great health care plan he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.

Trump was as big of a coward here as Obama.

You lying scum: Trump is a private citizen.

Elections, even stolen ones, have consequences.
Mine? I had no idea I had one. It was Trump pushing for $2000 a person, not me.
You Leftists abjure taking responsibility for what you've created.

You, voting them into power, are responsible.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

You Leftists abjure taking responsibility for what you've created.

You, voting them into power, are responsible.

You call me a liar but yet you continue to accuse me of things you know are a lie.

I did not vote for Joe but I am very happy he is getting us out of Afghanistan. I said I would have supported Trump doing the same but he never did.
You call me a liar but yet you continue to accuse me of things you know are a lie.

I did not vote for Joe but I am very happy he is getting us out of Afghanistan. I said I would have supported Trump doing the same but he never did.

I don't believe you.
“…Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence.”
Eight Years Ago, Obama Told Republicans That Elections Have Consequence. They Hold the Whip Hand Now.

1. Let’s consider the current consequences of the huge mistake Democrat voters made:

Today we find posts actually complementing Biden and the Democrats, in the face of huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda, and ignoring the detailed and well thought out Trump plan to leave Afghanistan.

2. “Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’” Exclusive — Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

3. “Biden: US ‘May Have’ Shared List of Names With Taliban

President Joe Biden on Thursday didn’t deny reports that the administration handed the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allied personnel in an attempt grant them entry to Kabul’s international airport, saying that it “may have” happened.” Biden: US 'May Have' Shared List of Names With Taliban

4. “Refugees Redux. Here we go again. After the calamitous refugee movement on Western Europe in 2015, where Germany and Sweden accepted over one million Syrians and others, the Afghan surge is about to begin. Watch Turkey here. Strongman Erdogan, not wanting to expand the more than four million refugees already inside Turkey, will shakedown the Europeans for a deal lest he open the floodgates. Turkey won’t become Europe’s “refugee warehouse,” he warned.

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair however offered a stunning rebuke saying that Joe Biden’s decision to pullout of Afghanistan was “Imbecilic… dangerous and unnecessary.” Clearly it’s not the planned withdrawal but How it’s being done.” Who signed off on Bagram? The hinge of fate

5. When will Democrat dolts learn that adults vote for policies, not persons.
It is not Biden, and impeachment nor the 25th amendment make any difference.
The consequences are due to voting Democrat.

Nothing Biden has done is any different from Hussein's policies with the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

This is what you get when you vote Democrat: murder, mayhem, catastrophe.

Obama was also right when he said to never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to screw somethng up.
You call me a liar but yet you continue to accuse me of things you know are a lie.

I did not vote for Joe but I am very happy he is getting us out of Afghanistan. I said I would have supported Trump doing the same but he never did.

Are you happy with the way he is screwing up the withdrawal? Because nobody else in the world is.

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