Obama Worried Over Bubba's Speech At Convention


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Bill Clinton is well known to have a deep hatred for Barack Obama and insiders have said Bubba has openly said that Obama is an amateur. A lousy president.

The man from Hope AK is busy writing his keynote address at the DNC and he's furious because Obama's campaign keeps calling him and asking what's in it.

Well, if the guy doesn't trust him why the heck did he make him his keynote speaker?

The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

I want to see Bill Clinton's address. To be honest I feel we would be in much better hands if he was in the Oval Office instead of the current occupant. Obama thinks that some of this hope will rub off when Bubba shows up and brightens the mood of that place. I think this convention will be a freakshow but Clinton gives it at least some legitimacy.

But still Barack doesn't trust him.........

Excuse me? Is this any way to run a country?

I can't help but think that if this were going on in the GOP the press would be having a field-day with it.​
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Why would anyone pay attention to an adultering, impeached, lying under oath, disbarred failure like Clinton.
He's not only the best democrats can come up with, he's the only one they can come up with. The democrats are the party of the very old and the very tired.
Obama undid Welfare reform and has run up bigger deficits than every deficit in human history, if Clinton were honest he's say "Don't vote for this guy, the empty chair would be a big improvement because it would do no damage"
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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Nutters sure love to ride that emotional roller coaster. So conflicted!

You sound like you're conflicted........or confused.

You should have fun watching the DNC. They'll have so many Hollywood moguls present that it will seem like an Oscars.

Kind of fits though.

3 nights of fantasy for liberals.
The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

I find this statement rather peculiar due to the fact that the republican convention was the EXACT SAME THING. Did you not notice the focus on minorities and women in the convention? They played it off well but don’t kid yourself, there was a REASON that the speakers were chosen and it is no more hollow than the way the democrats will run theirs.
The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

I find this statement rather peculiar due to the fact that the republican convention was the EXACT SAME THING. Did you not notice the focus on minorities and women in the convention? They played it off well but don’t kid yourself, there was a REASON that the speakers were chosen and it is no more hollow than the way the democrats will run theirs.

I'm sure you would feel that, problem is the DNC is making a point of having almost a totally female night. Their main focus is patronizing to specific groups. Blacks, women, Gays. They're having 2 hours of Muslim prayers before each evening just to make the Muslims feel more welcome.

I don't see where you get off. You outta be ashamed of yourself.

The libs can run a token black presidential candidate but let the RNC feature one woman, one black, one Hispanic, one Black Hispanic woman, and all of the sudden it's blatant tokenism.

You hypocrites.
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Bill Clinton is well known to have a deep hatred for Barack Obama and insiders have said Bubba has openly said that Obama is an amateur. A lousy president.

False premise. Explain why President Clinton will speak at the Democratic Convention and the last two living Republican Presidents were ignored last week at the GOP convention.

The man from Hope AK is busy writing his keynote address at the DNC and he's furious because Obama's campaign keeps calling him and asking what's in it.

Link. Post the evidence to prove this is not a lie.

Well, if the guy doesn't trust him why the heck did he make him his keynote speaker?

More bullshit. You maybe dumb enought to believe what you post but few others are

The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

So celebrating diversity is a shame; I guess that explains the small tent and tokinism we saw last week.

I want to see Bill Clinton's address. To be honest lol, you, honest? I feel we would be in much better hands if he was in the Oval Office instead of the current occupant. Obama thinksYes he does, ;you should try it sometime that some of this hope will rub off when Bubba shows up and brightens the mood of that place. I think this convention will be a freakshow but Clinton gives it at least some legitimacy.

But still Barack doesn't trust him.........


Excuse me? Is this any way to run a country?


I can't help but think you, think? Not apparent in this thead that if this were going on in the GOP the press would be having a field-day with it.​

Ah, the MSM conspires to expose the GOP as it exists - how evil. You're too funny Muddy, too funny.
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Bill Clinton is well known to have a deep hatred for Barack Obama and insiders have said Bubba has openly said that Obama is an amateur. A lousy president.

False premise. Explain why President Clinton will speak at the Democratic Convention and the last two living Republican Presidents were ignored last week at the GOP convention.

The man from Hope AK is busy writing his keynote address at the DNC and he's furious because Obama's campaign keeps calling him and asking what's in it.

Link. Post the evidence to prove this is not a lie.

Well, if the guy doesn't trust him why the heck did he make him his keynote speaker?

More bullshit. You maybe dumb enought to believe what you post but few others are

The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

So celebrating diversity it a shame; I guess that explains the small tent and tokinism we saw last week.

I want to see Bill Clinton's address. To be honest lol, you, honest? I feel we would be in much better hands if he was in the Oval Office instead of the current occupant. Obama thinksYes he does that some of this hope will rub off when Bubba shows up and brightens the mood of that place. I think this convention will be a freakshow but Clinton gives it at least some legitimacy.

But still Barack doesn't trust him.........


Excuse me? Is this any way to run a country?

I can't help but think you, think? Not apparent in this thead that if this were going on in the GOP the press would be having a field-day with it.​

Ah, the MSM conspries to expose the GOP as it exists - how evil. You're too funny Muddy, too funny.

Your spelling is terrible.

The MSM conspires to make up evil that doesn't exist in the GOP. Oh, and diversity is just another way of saying special interests, and another way of dividing us. Celebrate America and Americans, not Gays, women, blacks, and Hispanics individually. Stop pitting one against the other. Try instead to bring us together.

Oh, BTW, both living Republicans were featured in a video. George Bush has stayed out of politics since he left office.
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Why would anyone pay attention to an adultering, impeached, lying under oath, disbarred failure like Clinton.

Because he is more entertaining to listen to, he has a personality and charisma. That he has a good ole boy about him. Obama is stiff and rehearsed.
The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

I find this statement rather peculiar due to the fact that the republican convention was the EXACT SAME THING. Did you not notice the focus on minorities and women in the convention? They played it off well but don’t kid yourself, there was a REASON that the speakers were chosen and it is no more hollow than the way the democrats will run theirs.

I'm sure you would feel that, problem is the DNC is making a point of having almost a totally female night. Their main focus is patronizing to specific groups. Blacks, women, Gays. They're having 2 hours of Muslim prayers before each evening just to make the Muslims feel more welcome.

I don't see where you get off. You outta be ashamed of yourself.

The libs can run a token black presidential candidate but let the RNC feature one woman, one black, one Hispanic, one Black Hispanic woman, and all of the sudden it's blatant tokenism.

You hypocrites.

The Democrats passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act opposed by Republicans. Democrats supported the ERA which Republicans opposed. Tokenism? I suppose you can fool some of the people all of the time; but not all of us and some of us are never fooled by propaganda parrots and liars.

Bill Clinton is well known to have a deep hatred for Barack Obama and insiders have said Bubba has openly said that Obama is an amateur. A lousy president.

False premise. Explain why President Clinton will speak at the Democratic Convention and the last two living Republican Presidents were ignored last week at the GOP convention.

The man from Hope AK is busy writing his keynote address at the DNC and he's furious because Obama's campaign keeps calling him and asking what's in it.

Link. Post the evidence to prove this is not a lie.

Well, if the guy doesn't trust him why the heck did he make him his keynote speaker?

More bullshit. You maybe dumb enought to believe what you post but few others are

The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

So celebrating diversity it a shame; I guess that explains the small tent and tokinism we saw last week.

I want to see Bill Clinton's address. To be honest lol, you, honest? I feel we would be in much better hands if he was in the Oval Office instead of the current occupant. Obama thinksYes he does that some of this hope will rub off when Bubba shows up and brightens the mood of that place. I think this convention will be a freakshow but Clinton gives it at least some legitimacy.

But still Barack doesn't trust him.........


Excuse me? Is this any way to run a country?

I can't help but think you, think? Not apparent in this thead that if this were going on in the GOP the press would be having a field-day with it.​

Ah, the MSM conspries to expose the GOP as it exists - how evil. You're too funny Muddy, too funny.

Your spelling is terrible.

The MSM conspires to make up evil that doesn't exist in the GOP. Oh, and diversity is just another way of saying special interests, and another way of dividing us. Celebrate America and Americans, not Gays, women, blacks, and Hispanics individually. Stop pitting one against the other. Try instead to bring us together.

And you're dumber than you appear. Why would Clinton.....a Democrat....speak at a RNC?

I can spell cavil; look it up.

I can also read and comprehend. I'll spell it out for you, slowly: Clinton (a former president) will speak at the Democratic National Convention; George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush - the last two living former GOP presidents - didn't speak at the Republican National Convention and didn't even attend.
Ah, the MSM conspries to expose the GOP as it exists - how evil. You're too funny Muddy, too funny.

Your spelling is terrible.

The MSM conspires to make up evil that doesn't exist in the GOP. Oh, and diversity is just another way of saying special interests, and another way of dividing us. Celebrate America and Americans, not Gays, women, blacks, and Hispanics individually. Stop pitting one against the other. Try instead to bring us together.

And you're dumber than you appear. Why would Clinton.....a Democrat....speak at a RNC?

I can spell cavil; look it up.

I can also read and comprehend. I'll spell it out for you, slowly: Clinton (a former president) will speak at the Democratic National Convention; George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush - the last two living former GOP presidents - didn't speak at the Republican National Convention and didn't even attend.

They spoke, just not in person.

I don't have to look it up prick.

And your spelling is atrocious.

Bill Clinton is well known to have a deep hatred for Barack Obama and insiders have said Bubba has openly said that Obama is an amateur. A lousy president.

False premise. Explain why President Clinton will speak at the Democratic Convention and the last two living Republican Presidents were ignored last week at the GOP convention.

The man from Hope AK is busy writing his keynote address at the DNC and he's furious because Obama's campaign keeps calling him and asking what's in it.

Link. Post the evidence to prove this is not a lie.

Well, if the guy doesn't trust him why the heck did he make him his keynote speaker?

More bullshit. You maybe dumb enought to believe what you post but few others are

The Democratic National Convention will be extremely scripted. Diversity will be a matter of focus. Every special interest group will have to get fair treatment. Women will be one of the primary groups represented during the DNC. They will make sure everyone is aware of their race, their gender, and their religion if any. I'm not sure the fact that they're all Americans is even a consideration.

So celebrating diversity is a shame; I guess that explains the small tent and tokinism we saw last week.

I want to see Bill Clinton's address. To be honest lol, you, honest? I feel we would be in much better hands if he was in the Oval Office instead of the current occupant. Obama thinksYes he does, ;you should try it sometime that some of this hope will rub off when Bubba shows up and brightens the mood of that place. I think this convention will be a freakshow but Clinton gives it at least some legitimacy.

But still Barack doesn't trust him.........


Excuse me? Is this any way to run a country?


I can't help but think you, think? Not apparent in this thead that if this were going on in the GOP the press would be having a field-day with it.​

Ah, the MSM conspires to expose the GOP as it exists - how evil. You're too funny Muddy, too funny.

The ex-Republican Presidents have no desire to be in the limelight and have said so repeatedly. Clinton loves the limelight and Obama has no choice but to make sure he speaks.
Clinton has stated his issues with Obama both publicly and privately, he is also on record as being upset that Hilary didn't take a run at 2012, he knows she would be a better President. I will say this, Clinton has softened some toward Obama as Obama's arrogance has been tempered since he first took office.

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