Obama won by Cowing to hispanics


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama's big Hispanic win worries GOP | Political Headlines | Comcast

Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.

Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy

So basically Obama says I will give you free shit and open the gates for cousin gomez if you vote for me, Obama the scum needs to be impeached ............

in time obama's policies will have serious consequences to the African America communities. It' will be too damn late though by the time they realize what's happened. Poor Bro.. Sharpton.
Obama's big Hispanic win worries GOP | Political Headlines | Comcast

Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.

Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy

So basically Obama says I will give you free shit and open the gates for cousin gomez if you vote for me, Obama the scum needs to be impeached ............

View attachment 22376

He won by demographics, not just one though. Women got out in force, there were mostly women where I voted on Tuesday and a historic number of women were elected to the US Senate.

Those are just two who had a lot to do with his reelection. Don't try to minimize his victory, it just makes you look stupid.
The young people turned out to vote, also, and favored the President by a large number.

The demographics of the future look very bleek for the GOP unless they quit narrowing their base. You cannot alienate women, minorities, and the young, and expect to have a future as a winning party. Not only that, the GOP has been doing it's best to alienate all those in the academic and scientific community. A very small demographic, but an influential one.
ummm..... the hispanics are catholics :eusa_pray: to a T. The Repubs just scared them off w/ all their zany candidates & extremist rhetoric. Not spelling-out specifics of Mitt's plans didn't help either :uhoh3:

BTW- correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't O deported more illegals than his predecessor?
You can't alienate those who want more free stuff and expect to be a winning party.
Obama's big Hispanic win worries GOP | Political Headlines | Comcast

Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.

Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy

So basically Obama says I will give you free shit and open the gates for cousin gomez if you vote for me, Obama the scum needs to be impeached ............

View attachment 22376

He won by demographics, not just one though. Women got out in force, there were mostly women where I voted on Tuesday and a historic number of women were elected to the US Senate.

Those are just two who had a lot to do with his reelection. Don't try to minimize his victory, it just makes you look stupid.

This election was no different than 2008. The country is divided nearly 50 50 and with him at the helm that's the way it will remain. Now everyone just needs to get ready to pay the piper. Welcome 20 trillion dollars of debt. That's quite a legacy. You electric bill will necessarily spike by 70%. I don't have a clue how high your groceries and insurance will go. I'm so happy for ya.
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we hispanics (My pop was hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.
You can't alienate those who want more free stuff and expect to be a winning party.

That's what I've been saying for four years, the takers have now outnumbered the makers. It will be fun to watch them scrambling for the spoils. so to speak.
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we hispanics (My pop was hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

obama gave preferential treatment to 800,000 illegals, giving them access to green cards, he gave the finger to those waiting in line legally. yes,, honey he cowed to them he sure as hell did.
Obama's big Hispanic win worries GOP | Political Headlines | Comcast

Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.

Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy

So basically Obama says I will give you free shit and open the gates for cousin gomez if you vote for me, Obama the scum needs to be impeached ............

View attachment 22376

see it through your racists eyes all you want.

Heres the low down.

Your current republican party is Fucked.

What you want this country to be will NEVER NEVER NEVER happen.

You and your historically failed ideas will become more and more fringe every year this country exsists.

This country is goiing to continue to exist no matter how much you hate your fellow Americans.

Leave or start a civil war.

those are your only choices if you refuse to give up your historically failed ideas.
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated Hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider Hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we Hispanics (My pop was Hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

No, In fact Obama likes only himself, and he promises free social programs on the taxpayers dime for his own benefit, to the detriment of America,Clown Obama will bankrupt this nation in the next 4 years.:clap2:
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we hispanics (My pop was hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

obama gave preferential treatment to 800,000 illegals, giving them access to green cards, he gave the finger to those waiting in line legally. yes,, honey he cowed to them he sure as hell did.

Illegals? Those are human beings. And this coming from a "right to lifer".

And the immigration laws in this country are so whacky..no one really knows where the line even starts.

Like I said..do keep it up.
Obama's big Hispanic win worries GOP | Political Headlines | Comcast

Hispanics have long favored Democrats. But they have been trending even more sharply toward that party since Republicans stymied Bush's immigration proposal and favored hard-line immigration measures that critics decried as racially motivated.

Camarota and other supporters of immigration restrictions contend that Hispanics lean Democratic because they favor government social programs and higher taxes on the wealthy

So basically Obama says I will give you free shit and open the gates for cousin gomez if you vote for me, Obama the scum needs to be impeached ............

View attachment 22376

see it through your racists eyes all you want.

Heres the low down.

Your current republican party is Fucked.

What you want this country to be will NEVER NEVER NEVER happen.

You and your historically failed ideas will become more and more fringe every year this country exsists.

This country is goiing to continue to exist no matter how much you hate your fellow Americans.

Leave or start a civil war.

those are your only choices if you refuse to give up your historically failed ideas.

Economic collapse by giving away womb to the tomb entitlements for fuck sticks is no way to run a Country ,every demwit must have failed math class, borrowing 30 cents of every dollar you spend is economic sucide.....
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we hispanics (My pop was hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

obama gave preferential treatment to 800,000 illegals, giving them access to green cards, he gave the finger to those waiting in line legally. yes,, honey he cowed to them he sure as hell did.

Illegals? Those are human beings. And this coming from a "right to lifer".

And the immigration laws in this country are so whacky..no one really knows where the line even starts.

Like I said..do keep it up.

oh so you mean if you are alive it's impossible to do something illegal?
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated Hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider Hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we Hispanics (My pop was Hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

No, In fact Obama likes only himself, and he promises free social programs on the taxpayers dime for his own benefit, to the detriment of America,Clown Obama will bankrupt this nation in the next 4 years.:clap2:

Funny you talk about "bankrupting" the nation.

Republican Presidents have "spent" much more then Democratic Presidents have spent. Obama's actual contribution to the debt has been under a trillion. GW Bush's contribution was OVER 4 Trillion (and still counting).

Part of what won Obama a second term..was math.
Cowing? That takes the fucking cake.

Obama won because he treated Hispanics like people.

Romney was a fucking shithead that said to the American people, "Yes, I was employing "illegals" but since it looked bad as I was running for President, and as I am such a shithead I didn't think to make them legal, I fired them all..because heck, I don't really consider Hispanics people anyway..and they can self deport".

And we Hispanics (My pop was Hispanic), took a little offense. Oh and by the way..do keep it up.

No, In fact Obama likes only himself, and he promises free social programs on the taxpayers dime for his own benefit, to the detriment of America,Clown Obama will bankrupt this nation in the next 4 years.:clap2:

Funny you talk about "bankrupting" the nation.

Republican Presidents have "spent" much more then Democratic Presidents have spent. Obama's actual contribution to the debt has been under a trillion. GW Bush's contribution was OVER 4 Trillion (and still counting).

Part of what won Obama a second term..was math.

there's no reason to keep lying. you won. we're on the fast track to third world. I hope you enjoy the ride.
If you look at those countries that are hispanic, the one common denominator is that they accept corrupt government and are comfortable with a corrupt government. This makes them perfect democrats.

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