Obama vs. Afghanistan

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sometimes you can only Guess at these things.

I believe the reason Obama hasn't made a decision on Afghanistan is that he doesn't want to upset his liberal base.

He wants Obamacare to pass, the election in Virginia and New Jersey to take place and he's afraid that if he sends troops to Afghanistan his base will be disillusioned and wont turn out to vote.
Sometimes you can only Guess at these things.

I believe the reason Obama hasn't made a decision on Afghanistan is that he doesn't want to upset his liberal base.

He wants Obamacare to pass, the election in Virginia and New Jersey to take place and he's afraid that if he sends troops to Afghanistan his base will be disillusioned and wont turn out to vote.

Very good observation and arguably CORRECT
I'm sure that's a big part of it. Look for some sort of Half-Measure on this whole troops debate. This President has only been Half-Hearted in his dedication to helping our kids win over there in Afghanistan. So his troop decision will likely be more of the same Half-Hearted commitment. It really is so sad to see our kids being treated this way. What are they fighting for? Where's the leadership from their Commander in Chief? I say just bring them home right now. This President is not fully committed to helping our kids over there so it's time for them to come home. Besides this President is far too busy waging War against his own people here at home to actually take the time to help our kids win a War over there. Very sad stuff.
Ah yes Mr Transparency.

We are now being told he has a plan. or another new plan. or his hand picked General has a plan, but it's not his plan or is it Biden had a plan and then it wasn't but then This other General said, and and and....

OBAMA; Not good for our troops.
Sometimes you can only Guess at these things.

I believe the reason Obama hasn't made a decision on Afghanistan is that he doesn't want to upset his liberal base.

He wants Obamacare to pass, the election in Virginia and New Jersey to take place and he's afraid that if he sends troops to Afghanistan his base will be disillusioned and wont turn out to vote.

or maybe he doesn't want to jump the gun kind of like we did in the first place.
Sometimes you can only Guess at these things.

I believe the reason Obama hasn't made a decision on Afghanistan is that he doesn't want to upset his liberal base.

He wants Obamacare to pass, the election in Virginia and New Jersey to take place and he's afraid that if he sends troops to Afghanistan his base will be disillusioned and wont turn out to vote.

or maybe he doesn't want to jump the gun kind of like we did in the first place.

Remember back to 9/11 most everyone wanted to kick some body's ass, then politics came to play..
Sometimes you can only Guess at these things.

I believe the reason Obama hasn't made a decision on Afghanistan is that he doesn't want to upset his liberal base.

He wants Obamacare to pass, the election in Virginia and New Jersey to take place and he's afraid that if he sends troops to Afghanistan his base will be disillusioned and wont turn out to vote.

or maybe he doesn't want to jump the gun kind of like we did in the first place.

Remember back to 9/11 most everyone wanted to kick some body's ass, then politics came to play..

Yea.....kicking someones ass is always the best answer
Anytime any Commander & Chief plays politics with the lives of our Armed Service Members, then he/she has failed miserably and needs to be replaced. It matters not, who they are!

Unrealistic? ........... Frankly not at all and though it may seem as so to some, this is only because the American people have settled for it becoming the norm!

On a personal note; This is the same man who had the gall to tell a man who has served and paid the price, McCain, that he (Obama) would go into the caves and get Osama, unlike McCain.

Obama is doing exactly what he said he'd be doing (during the election) in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm not pleased with these policies, but he is doing what he told us he'd be doing.
sign the petition now. impeach Osama. I did. and was proud to do it !!!

I take signing a petition seriously (as I'm sure you do as well) and if things continue as they are now, then I will have to seriously consider this one.

sign the petition now. impeach Osama. I did. and was proud to do it !!!

I take signing a petition seriously (as I'm sure you do as well) and if things continue as they are now, then I will have to seriously consider this one.


he's intentionally MURDERING our troops there. under the constitution that's dereliction of duty. how many more have to die????
Obama should simply pull us out of Afghanistan and hasten the Iraq pullout. We have made our point. With our domestic problems and our deficit, we simply can't afford another trillion to prosecute "overseas contingencies."

Let's just have a mass exit and concentrate more on drone warfare. Much more cost effective. We should run the "skirmish against neighbors with a beef" like a business, start getting more bang for the buck. There should be a low cost per neighbor killed, with any of our guys dying being an unacceptable cost.

I don't see how anyone can square the opinion that we are causing more terrorism and helping organizations with "recruiting tools" with also remaining an occupying military force in Islamic countries. The two ideas simply cannot co-exist in the first place. Just get the fuck out and rule the airspace, kill bad guys from several miles up, and do it on the cheap. Cheap as in, low cost per kill.
or maybe he doesn't want to jump the gun kind of like we did in the first place.
It's been almost a year since we hired Obama for this job. How long do you think you, if hired for a job, could still keep that job if mostly all you have done is demonize your predecessor and bitched and moaned about how bad he left it? Especially when you said how bad things were and said you would fix things, in order to GET the job?

A year? Probably not. They would fire you after three months and find someone mature, who wants to shut the fuck up, roll up his/her sleeves and get their hands dirty fixing things.

We hired Obama to fix this shit, not to continue to tell us how bad Booooosh was. We know. We get it. Fix the fucking mess.
he has defied the oath he took to serve and protect. a no brainer. impeach now. as far as im concerned this is OFICIALLY another Vietnam. he has everything on auto pilot for the next 4 years.

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