Obama To Sign Treaty To Unilaterally Disarm U.S. Space Based Weapons Shield


May 29, 2010
Well in the campaign he said he would deweaponize space which means we have no protection from enemy ballistic missile attacks, satellite attacks and EMP bursts. Basically like on Star Trek, the USS Enterprise is lowering her shields allowing herself to be vulnerable to attack by Romulans or Klingons who want peace but are untrustworthy. Can we afford to do the same after billions upon billions of dollars and advance technology has gone into this started by President Reagan? It was one of the most brilliant strategies used to break the soviet military. Now lets look at this picture. Day before yesterday it was announced that Obama wants to cancel the B-1 Lancer Bomber. Last year he took out the Missile Shield for eastern Europe to protect Poland and other countries and he cancelled the technological wonder, the F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter. Now he wants to cancel our space based Ballistic Missile Shield and has cut the number of ground based Ballistic Missile Interceptors that is to be delivered to Sarah Palins state of Alaska for protection against a polar missile atmospheric attack coming from the north. He is totally taking our weapons systems offline and leaving us open to a coordinated attack which would kill millions of Americans. What is the purpose of him doing this? Why does he want to put us in harms way? I will tell you why. He is a radical Marxist who doesn't like the USA and sees it as a threat to the world. He wants us to be on equal footing with nations not capable of our military might. He wants us to be on a level playing field just as he wants us to be on the same economic field with other countries. He is stripping the USA of its reputation as the envy of the world in military dominance and pride. He is destroying our heritage and traditions as a leader in democracy. What we have is a usurper who has infiltrated the highest office of the land with the intent on destroying this nation from within. Osama Bin Laden a few years back did say in a released tape that America would be destroyed from within and I think by golly, he is cotton pickin right.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRGru2CPC4E&feature=related]YouTube - Barack Obama - Yes I Can Make Us Defenseless?Just Like Dec 7, 1941[/ame]
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We spend more on military than any five nations you can name. Do we need these kinds of weopons to fight people like Bin Laden?

On one hand, you cretins state that we cannot afford health care for our children and elders. On the other, you wish to spend trillions on things good only for killing people. What a bunch of moral morons you fellows are.
We spend more on military than any five nations you can name. Do we need these kinds of weopons to fight people like Bin Laden?

On one hand, you cretins state that we cannot afford health care for our children and elders. On the other, you wish to spend trillions on things good only for killing people. What a bunch of moral morons you fellows are.

imagine if we spent half of what we spend to kill people on health research and other areas that could actually help people. if we put 5% of the military budget to stem cell research would eradicate almost every health issue within the decade
We spend more on military than any five nations you can name. Do we need these kinds of weopons to fight people like Bin Laden?

On one hand, you cretins state that we cannot afford health care for our children and elders. On the other, you wish to spend trillions on things good only for killing people. What a bunch of moral morons you fellows are.

You are a pathetic piece of garbage. You do realize freedom isn't free? You do realize there are COUNTRY'S that would love to destroy America?
Basically like on Star Trek, the USS Enterprise is lowering her shields allowing herself to be vulnerable to attack by Romulans or Klingons who want peace but are untrustworthy. [/url]

Yeah... I think this sums it up.

You know, I liked Obama the candidate better than Obama the president. He's probably gonna end up going back on this too, which will make the MORE GUNS MORE WEAPONS MORE DEATH crowd happier. Long Live America! Let's Put Nukes in Space, America!

And here I was, so happy and comforted in the though of a Death Star flying around with the intention of obliterating the planet with the push of a button. Isn't mutually-assured destruction ENOUGH?
We spend more on military than any five nations you can name. Do we need these kinds of weopons to fight people like Bin Laden?

On one hand, you cretins state that we cannot afford health care for our children and elders. On the other, you wish to spend trillions on things good only for killing people. What a bunch of moral morons you fellows are.

You are a pathetic piece of garbage. You do realize freedom isn't free? You do realize there are COUNTRY'S that would love to destroy America?

in large part because we are constantly attacking and killing people
We spend more on military than any five nations you can name. Do we need these kinds of weopons to fight people like Bin Laden?

On one hand, you cretins state that we cannot afford health care for our children and elders. On the other, you wish to spend trillions on things good only for killing people. What a bunch of moral morons you fellows are.

You are a pathetic piece of garbage. You do realize freedom isn't free? You do realize there are COUNTRY'S that would love to destroy America?
Yes, they do...and they want to help.

America must be punished for being the cause of every evil in history, don'tcha know.

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