Obama to Lose Re-Election...Underdog


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...according to a new ABC/Washington Post poll out today 10/3/2011:

A majority of Americans expect Barack Obama to be a one-term president, an assessment on which, in past elections, the public more often has been right than wrong.

Just 37 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll say they expect Obama to win re-election in November 2012; 55 percent instead expect the eventual Republican nominee to win. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos is asking the president about that result in an interview today.

It’s a challenging finding for the president because expectations can fuel voter enthusiasm – precisely the ingredient that led the GOP to its broad success in the 2010 midterms, when charged-up conservatives turned out while dispirited Democrats stayed home.

Democrats do expect Obama to win, but they say so only by 58-33 percent – a comparatively tepid vote of confidence within his own party.

Republicans, by contrast, smell victory by a vast 83-13 percent. And independents – the linchpin of national politics – by 54-36 percent expect the Republican candidate to beat Obama.

Go green in 2012, recycle Obama. Maybe he will see the light and just resign with all the millions he has already made what with the green industry loans and things he is bound to be way ahead.
IM laughing.............

All the BS class warfare stuff is imploding. Even his own party ( Durbin/Reid) are saying "Fcukk you asshole!!' to his goofball "jobs" bill. The only one getting jobbed is............Obama!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:
Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Good question...are you?
I'm so sick of politicians that have caused so much harm and then say, "Give me more time, so I can make it worse." No thanks.
No, i can't say that I am. I'm paying more for my energy, more for gas at the pump and more for groceries. Nope, I have less money to spend.

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