Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

How's that? Do you think when an abortion takes place, they gently and carefully remove the fetus and lovingly place him in the trash? Think again.

How would you know?

Abortion Procedures : American Pregnancy Association

Again, how on earth would you know what an actual abortion is like? I can assure you, from anyone I know who's ever had a pregnancy terminated by choice, it is certainly not the bloody mess that the anti-choicers like to pretend it is.

So... someone trying to shove pictures in a girl's face is only trying to scare and inflame her. Has nothing to do with reality.
Abortion is murder -- legalized murder. Hard to put someone in jail for something that's legal. The U.S. decided it was fine to kill the unborn. Want me to rant about putting the women in prison? Why? RvW will never be overturned so there is no argument here. .

Abortion is about as murderous as drink driving is suicide. Load of crap. The foetus is not a human, it is a foetus

A fetus (or foetus or fœtus) is a developing human, after the embryonic stage and before childbirth.
Fetus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An embryo (irregularly from Greek: ἔμβρυον, plural ἔμβρυα, lit. "that which grows," from en- "in" + bryein "to swell, be full"; the proper Latinate form would be embryum) is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development, from the time of first cell division until birth, hatching, or germination. In humans, it is called an embryo from the moment of implantation until the end of the 8th week, whereafter it is instead called a fetus.
Embryo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zygot, embryo, fetus, baby . . . ALL human.

Again, how on earth would you know what an actual abortion is like? I can assure you, from anyone I know who's ever had a pregnancy terminated by choice, it is certainly not the bloody mess that the anti-choicers like to pretend it is.

So... someone trying to shove pictures in a girl's face is only trying to scare and inflame her. Has nothing to do with reality.

No its not a bloody mess for the mother, is it? Then again, it wasn't the mother I was talking about. Do me a favor -- ask those who have been aborted how it felt.

Again, how on earth would you know what an actual abortion is like? I can assure you, from anyone I know who's ever had a pregnancy terminated by choice, it is certainly not the bloody mess that the anti-choicers like to pretend it is.

So... someone trying to shove pictures in a girl's face is only trying to scare and inflame her. Has nothing to do with reality.

No its not a bloody mess for the mother, is it? Then again, it wasn't the mother I was talking about. Do me a favor -- ask those who have been aborted how it felt.

I think there is one who managed to survive who is willing to tell us. They try not to be bloody about it when they reach up there and turn the little rascal around yank him out by his feet, punch a hole in his head and suck his brains out. they try to be as neat as they can.. it's all good.

Again, how on earth would you know what an actual abortion is like? I can assure you, from anyone I know who's ever had a pregnancy terminated by choice, it is certainly not the bloody mess that the anti-choicers like to pretend it is.

So... someone trying to shove pictures in a girl's face is only trying to scare and inflame her. Has nothing to do with reality.

No its not a bloody mess for the mother, is it? Then again, it wasn't the mother I was talking about. Do me a favor -- ask those who have been aborted how it felt.

You're entitled to your own RELIGIOUS beliefs. You're NOT entitled to impose them on me. Don't want an abortion? Don't choose to have one. No one would ever force you to. Want abortions to diminish in number? Support education.... not abstinence only garbage.

And the reason I know all of the religious righters who want to impose their religious choices on everyone else are full of it?

In the eight years that Bush was president, did any of you ever support programs that say to a young girl... if you get pregnant and don't want to keep the baby, give it to us, we'll find it a good home? did any of you ever pass programs to pay for daycare? or education for young mothers? or job training?

Absofreakingnot... and why is that?

Because ultimately, you're a lot of faux moral outrage and noise. You think girls should have to pay "pennance" for their "sins"....

If you want to impose thta on girls who believe what you do, more power to ya... but how 'bout supporting them financially so the rest of us don't have to.

Ultimately, you're no different than the fish is a dog is a pig is a boy loonies at PETA. Because a zygote is not a fetus is not a child any more than an egg is a chicken.

Now stay out of other people's uterus.

First thing everyone needs to know this is normal ever since Regan the Democrats support funding and republicans ban it. So why make the big fuss now the money has always been there anyways. Its just instead of telling people hey you should have the baby and let the government take care of it they are giving them a other options.

Unfortunately people will say they are pro life but after the baby is born and put into foster care you dont give a rats *** about them. If you want to be pro life you should support not just with your mouth but your time and money for these kids who after they are born and end up under the state. Democrats had to fight just to get these kids federal medical insurance.

In this republican state I live in they sacrifice education and child insurance faster than most other things. People dont mind the kids being born but you dont care what happens after that.

Again, how on earth would you know what an actual abortion is like? I can assure you, from anyone I know who's ever had a pregnancy terminated by choice, it is certainly not the bloody mess that the anti-choicers like to pretend it is.

So... someone trying to shove pictures in a girl's face is only trying to scare and inflame her. Has nothing to do with reality.

No its not a bloody mess for the mother, is it? Then again, it wasn't the mother I was talking about. Do me a favor -- ask those who have been aborted how it felt.

Ever notice how the liberals scream bloody murder to maintain their right to be pro abortion? to have the control over their bodies so that no one can tell them not to do this, they are morally outraged by the religious right trying to stop murder? then out of the other side of thier mouths they become upset that we would "waterboard" somebody.. Oh the irony makes my sides split.
You're entitled to your own RELIGIOUS beliefs. You're NOT entitled to impose them on me. Don't want an abortion? Don't choose to have one. No one would ever force you to. Want abortions to diminish in number? Support education.... not abstinence only garbage.

And the reason I know all of the religious righters who want to impose their religious choices on everyone else are full of it?

In the eight years that Bush was president, did any of you ever support programs that say to a young girl... if you get pregnant and don't want to keep the baby, give it to us, we'll find it a good home? did any of you ever pass programs to pay for daycare? or education for young mothers? or job training?

Absofreakingnot... and why is that?

Because ultimately, you're a lot of faux moral outrage and noise. You think girls should have to pay "pennance" for their "sins"....

If you want to impose thta on girls who believe what you do, more power to ya... but how 'bout supporting them financially so the rest of us don't have to.

Ultimately, you're no different than the fish is a dog is a pig is a boy loonies at PETA. Because a zygote is not a fetus is not a child any more than an egg is a chicken.

Now stay out of other people's uterus.

First bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read what I wrote.

Second bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read the posts.

Third bolded point: Glad you know exactly how I spend my money.

Fourth bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read my posts.

Fifth bolded point: Your 'stay out of my uterus' line is old. Surely you can come up with something more original.
Ok what you said makes no sense at all how can you be religious and support torture of people. With abortion I really do not have a preference either way but if you pro life then you must cherish it in all forms not just the ones you want to. If you pro choice then basically its stating its your choice to do what you want to do so its basically your choice on everything you support or dont. Does it make sense now or not?
Pro-choice: puts one's right to choose before anothers life.

Pro-life: puts another's life before one's own right to choose.
Ok what you said makes no sense at all how can you be religious and support torture of people. With abortion I really do not have a preference either way but if you pro life then you must cherish it in all forms not just the ones you want to. If you pro choice then basically its stating its your choice to do what you want to do so its basically your choice on everything you support or dont. Does it make sense now or not?

the big difference? you ask? I'll tell you

waterboarding never (to my knowledge) causes death
abortion almost always does.

so as long as you are pro abortion don't claim the moral majority and oppose waterboarding.. it dosen't make sense.
But really it does not matter you should not support torture at all. If you care so much about life you should not support torture period its not about just life but respect that you would want if you was in a jail or prison. Forget about morals it seems that is not the basis for anything on this topic everyone speaks it but no one actually follows it. I never said I support or did not support anything the only thing I dont support is torture. I would not wish such things on my greatest enemies and would not want such things to happen to my friends. All I am saying either be moral about everything or be moral about nothing most of you are talking in this gray area but as long as you are in that area you should not speak as if you are morally right or above anyone.
It is also known as the "global gag rule," because it prohibits taxpayer funding for groups that even talk about abortion if there is an unplanned pregnancy.

The policy was first instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and continued by President George H.W. Bush. The policy was reversed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and re-instated by President George W. Bush in 2001.

I know you people think you own the bodies and minds of women but the world pretty much has already realized that its a personal choice. Be proud the ban meant that women were not given any reproductive healthcare because of this ban. It funds all choices and does not mandate what a Dr and patient can talk about.

Ahhh yes the lefties try and pretty up abortion. My favorite term is terminate a pregnancy. A woman's choice = a woman's right to murder another human being. Roe VS Wade passed in 1973 a lot of scientific advances have been made since then. The youngest premature baby to survive outside the womb was at 21 weeks see link

ABC News: Tiny Baby Has Bright Future.

Most people are unaware of what exactly happens during an abortion. Here is a link if you are one of the many who do not know what is occurring

Why Can't We Love Them Both? On Line Book by Dr. and Mrs. Willke.

If you need to see a video about abortions and how baby's react to being aborted see this film footage

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjNo_0cW-ek]YouTube - ABORTION: The Silent Scream Part 1 2 3 4 5 COMPLETE VERSION Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video[/ame]

Nobody has the right to kill another human being. Our government continues to allow this barbaric practice. I expected more out of educated men and women. It is a disgrace to this country and now we have expanded our stupidity to other countries.

Women have a right to have sex or not. They have a right to keep their baby or to give it up for adoption these are the choices that should be allowed. Murder should not be an option. PS I am a woman.
But really it does not matter you should not support torture at all. If you care so much about life you should not support torture period its not about just life but respect that you would want if you was in a jail or prison. Forget about morals it seems that is not the basis for anything on this topic everyone speaks it but no one actually follows it. I never said I support or did not support anything the only thing I dont support is torture. I would not wish such things on my greatest enemies and would not want such things to happen to my friends. All I am saying either be moral about everything or be moral about nothing most of you are talking in this gray area but as long as you are in that area you should not speak as if you are morally right or above anyone.

so, you support abortion, you don't support waterboarding, you are okay with the enemies carrying on their plans in secrecy. thousands of Americans can die so you can claim the upper hand on the morality of the land. I think I get it. I :lol: at you but I get it.
Pro-choice: puts one's right to choose before anothers life.

Pro-life: puts another's life before one's own right to choose.

...says the radical religious right.....

Now here's a little reality without the hysteria:

pro-choice: no government intervention in personal religious choices until such time as on a realistic medical continuum, the right of government to regulate a person's body supercede's that person's own right.

anti-CHOICE: puts their own RELIGIOUS and moral determination ahead of everyone else to the point that they don't care about when it is appropriate for government to act.
You're entitled to your own RELIGIOUS beliefs. You're NOT entitled to impose them on me. Don't want an abortion? Don't choose to have one. No one would ever force you to. Want abortions to diminish in number? Support education.... not abstinence only garbage.

And the reason I know all of the religious righters who want to impose their religious choices on everyone else are full of it?

In the eight years that Bush was president, did any of you ever support programs that say to a young girl... if you get pregnant and don't want to keep the baby, give it to us, we'll find it a good home? did any of you ever pass programs to pay for daycare? or education for young mothers? or job training?

Absofreakingnot... and why is that?

Because ultimately, you're a lot of faux moral outrage and noise. You think girls should have to pay "pennance" for their "sins"....

If you want to impose thta on girls who believe what you do, more power to ya... but how 'bout supporting them financially so the rest of us don't have to.

Ultimately, you're no different than the fish is a dog is a pig is a boy loonies at PETA. Because a zygote is not a fetus is not a child any more than an egg is a chicken.

Now stay out of other people's uterus.

First bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read what I wrote.

Second bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read the posts.

Third bolded point: Glad you know exactly how I spend my money.

Fourth bolded point: Tells me you haven't even bothered to read my posts.

Fifth bolded point: Your 'stay out of my uterus' line is old. Surely you can come up with something more original.

I've read what you wrote... same old same old. Hysteria before everything else.

I read the posts... same old same old.

I don't have to know how you PERSONALLY spend your own money. Why didn't the rabid religious right implement any of those things over the eight years it had free reign?

Answer: See my post above.

And note, I refrained from saying and also because of unbelievable "moral superiorty", which, again, in my view, you can all save. Because, guess what... you don't have the right to impose your judgments on other people.

As for "originality"...perhaps if you laid off the hysteria, stopped thinking it's ok to terrorize young women out of having an abortion by use of inflammatory, doctored and unrealistic images, we could move on to the real arguments.

But you LOSE those... because the interests of GOVERNMENT (and that's what we're talking about) in determining what we can and can't do with our own bodies, doesn't kick in on conception.... UNLESS YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS SAY IT IS...

And your religious beliefs don't trump mine.

Now stop the hyperbole and hysteria and answer the actual point raised in this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1012296-post126.html

See that is the issue with people if you are against them they assume you are for the people against them. If you favor waterboarding lets just throw the whole constitution out do what ever poeple want to do I will come to your house but some soldiers in it to leave for as long as I see fit. Then if you complain I will drag you to jail and beat you within a inch of your life. Then throw you into a dark little room with dirt on the floor and rats running around. I will feed you when I want to and not because its time. I will not respect you as a human at all because you have no rights why because I said so and its the best thing for my country. If you want to throw away human rights then we become no better than the people we fight. Now think about that for a minute.
See that is the issue with people if you are against them they assume you are for the people against them. If you favor waterboarding lets just throw the whole constitution out do what ever poeple want to do I will come to your house but some soldiers in it to leave for as long as I see fit. Then if you complain I will drag you to jail and beat you within a inch of your life. Then throw you into a dark little room with dirt on the floor and rats running around. I will feed you when I want to and not because its time. I will not respect you as a human at all because you have no rights why because I said so and its the best thing for my country. If you want to throw away human rights then we become no better than the people we fight. Now think about that for a minute.

What I see is that you are willing to let Americans die by the thousands so you can claim "We do not torture."
Costing lives of thousands of Americans, how do you come of telling me that I want Americans to die. See thats exactely what I am talking about you read the beginning and ignore the rest dont even think about using comprehension on any of the addtional text. No hypothesis or idea just come out with a irrevlevent response. If you dont like A, C and D are going to happen no matter what. I love this country more than pretty much anyone else. I know what its capable of good and bad. I want this country to show the world things can get done by doing it the right way. Not by just assuming it can do what ever it wants. But I will let you think what you want to by us doing what you want to do our soldiers will then have to face what you support. The reason we support the Geneva Accords but if we dont then our enemies dont have to either. You rather subject our soldiers to torture just so you could do it back here. I hope God can forgive you.

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