Obama...the New Franklin Pierce


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Two Presidents who became radioactive to their own parties....

1 ." Franklin Pierce(November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the14th President of the United States(1853–1857), whose inability to calm tensions over slavery kept the country on the path to the American Civil War. Genial and well-spoken,... turned many in his party against him..... successes were overshadowed by political strife. His popularity in the Northern states declined sharply ... Abandoned by his party...."
Franklin Pierce - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. " As November nears, Mr. Obama and his loyalists are being forced to reconcile that it is not only Democrats in conservative-leaning states, like Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas, who are avoiding him.... now he has been reduced to something else: an isolated political figure who is viewed as a liability to Democrats...

Democratic senators in Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia — states that were pivotal to his success and whose demographics reflect his winning coalition of young, minority and female voters — do not want him. Nor does his party’s Senate nominee in Iowa, ....

A succession of domestic and foreign crises, along with some self-inflicted wounds, has badly tarnished Mr. Obama.

.....even the slightest injection of the Obama brand into this election seems perilous for Democrats."

3. "Obama the victim as officials rush into print
Writing kiss-and-tell memoirs is as old as the US republic. But few presidents have had to suffer as much from them while still in office as Barack Obama.

"Worthy Fights" by Leon Panetta, ... the fifth such book by a senior official in Mr Obama’s administration... it will count as among the more damaging.

The book solidifies the portraits served up in earlier memoirs. Mr Obama’s “most conspicuous weakness”, according to Mr Panetta, is a “frustrating reticence to engage his opponents .... echoes the sketch offered by Robert Gates, ..... Mr Panetta reinforces conventional wisdom by claiming America’s 44th president “lacks fire”. He adds: “Too often he [Obama] relies on the logic of a law professor rather than the passion of a leader.”

...Obama’s special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan.... depicted Mr Obama as shallow, politically-driven and uninterested in real diplomacy. “It is not going too far to say that American foreign policy is completely subservient to tactical domestic political considerations,” wrote Mr Nasr."

Can't wait to hear the dismissals from the Obama amen corner.....
That is what happens when a boy is sent to do a man's job.

I have no problem with his age, boy or man.....the Old Testament's David was a boy....

It is his vision, his ideology.

David Mamet wrote this:
"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
"The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture," by David Mamet
One of my Government Class teachers (Jr. High I think) put it like this:

He drew a pendulum on the whiteboard and said that when government gets too far to the Right, the people vote left and when it gets too far Left they vote Right.

The problem is no one votes "Constitution", they only vote for "teams" of Left and Right so BOTH parties take us down the sewer.

We saw people tired of Bush so we got Obama. Now that people are tired of Obama we're gonna' get a different but same Bush (Right Wing) clone. But nothing will change.

The way things are run and what Americans consider priority (Sports and Gossip) we might as well just keep Obama as King.
I'm not defending Obama, but if Panetta really thought that way then he should have said so during his term.

Oh but that would have endangered his chances of getting a book published and getting on the Speech Junket wouldn't it?

Remember when he moved from the CIA to Defense? Everyone knew he was just gonna' be an Obama/Democrat/Big Government Lackey and they were right.
While Googling Mr Panetta I came across this little chestnut:
Former CIA director Leon Panetta said Tuesday that he knew from the “very beginning” that Benghazi was a “terrorist attack on our compound.”
Well it WOULD have been nice had you told us that THEN you fvckin' asshole!

You want PROOF that this Turd is a Military Industrial Complex Whore?: He promotes 30 Year Wars!
"I think we're looking at kind of a 30-year war," he says, one that will have to extend beyond Islamic State to include emerging threats in Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.
That is what happens when a boy is sent to do a man's job.

I have no problem with his age, boy or man.....the Old Testament's David was a boy....

It is his vision, his ideology.

David Mamet wrote this:
"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
"The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture," by David Mamet

I was not referring to his age, and neither was I referring to - before liberal bleeding hearts accuse me of being racist - to the color of his skin, but to his utter lack of experience in anything in the adult political world.
From the comments section. This guy says it best:
Leon Panetta Speaks About Benghazi Reveals Something He Said He Knew From the 8216 Very Beginning 8217 Video TheBlaze.com
Panetta: '30-year war' = "Defense contractors already are reaping the bounty of the all new unwinnable war" + "Defense Contractors Are Making a Killing" + "Defense stocks booming amid escalating warfare"
Panetta is a stooge for the The Military-Industrial-Surveillance-Security Complex . He was the Director of the CIA and Defense Secretary. He pushes the interests of California defense contractors who stand to reap riches from his calls for a 30-year war.
I'm not defending Obama, but if Panetta really thought that way then he should have said so during his term.

Oh but that would have endangered his chances of getting a book published and getting on the Speech Junket wouldn't it?

Remember when he moved from the CIA to Defense? Everyone knew he was just gonna' be an Obama/Democrat/Big Government Lackey and they were right.

Two problems....

1. The Democrat Party was Panetta's meal ticket.....we can understand that, no?

2. And Panetta is almost as Leftist as Obama...
"Until his CIA appointment in 2009,Panettaco-chaired the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, which is the partner of Citizens for Global Solutions in a push to ratify U.S. laws and regulations governing the seas.

Among its main recommendations is that the U.S. should put its oceans up for regulation to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Leadership Council includes John Podesta, president and CEO of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress,which is reportedly highly influential in advising the White House on policy.

Panetta’s oceans initiative is a key partner of Citizens for Global Solutions, or CGS, which, according to its literature, envisions a “future in which nations work together to abolish war, protect our rights and freedoms and solve the problems facing humanity that no nation can solve alone.”
CGS states it works to “build the political will in the United States” to achieve this global vision."
Obama quietly seeking to cede U.S. oceans to UN law Shock recommendation buried in White house report. Klein Online
PC, do you see any Republicans trying to STOP what Obama is doing?

Rand Paul
Ted Cruz

That's about it?

If you Google CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who support the U.N. over the U.S., you'll see that it's FILLED with Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guys like Panetta making noises like that is all just Political Theater.

Until Politicians start getting tried for Treason and Sedition voting won't have much effect.
That is what happens when a boy is sent to do a man's job.
True. The Empty Suit has earned no medals as he enjoys his only strengths....flying around in Air Force One ( makes him feel important ) yelling at fund-raisers and playing golf, even minutes after the short speech addressing the beheading of an American by ISIS. ( That optic really hurt him in the polls even within his own party )
PC, do you see any Republicans trying to STOP what Obama is doing?

Rand Paul
Ted Cruz

That's about it?

If you Google CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who support the U.N. over the U.S., you'll see that it's FILLED with Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guys like Panetta making noises like that is all just Political Theater.

Until Politicians start getting tried for Treason and Sedition voting won't have much effect.

Can't argue with that.....

But, I don't have a good feeling about our future.
Roosevelt changed the relationship between the people and their government....now we see the result of bribery, and what has happened to the character of the people.
PC, do you see any Republicans trying to STOP what Obama is doing?

Rand Paul
Ted Cruz

That's about it?

If you Google CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who support the U.N. over the U.S., you'll see that it's FILLED with Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guys like Panetta making noises like that is all just Political Theater.

Until Politicians start getting tried for Treason and Sedition voting won't have much effect.

Can't argue with that.....

But, I don't have a good feeling about our future.
Roosevelt changed the relationship between the people and their government....now we see the result of bribery, and what has happened to the character of the people.

It's hard to compete with Santa.
PC, do you see any Republicans trying to STOP what Obama is doing?

Rand Paul
Ted Cruz

That's about it?

If you Google CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who support the U.N. over the U.S., you'll see that it's FILLED with Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guys like Panetta making noises like that is all just Political Theater.

Until Politicians start getting tried for Treason and Sedition voting won't have much effect.

Can't argue with that.....

But, I don't have a good feeling about our future.
Roosevelt changed the relationship between the people and their government....now we see the result of bribery, and what has happened to the character of the people.

It's hard to compete with Santa.

Sure would make it easier if we controlled the schools and media......
PC, do you see any Republicans trying to STOP what Obama is doing?

Rand Paul
Ted Cruz

That's about it?

If you Google CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who support the U.N. over the U.S., you'll see that it's FILLED with Republicans and Democrats alike.

Guys like Panetta making noises like that is all just Political Theater.

Until Politicians start getting tried for Treason and Sedition voting won't have much effect.

Can't argue with that.....

But, I don't have a good feeling about our future.
Roosevelt changed the relationship between the people and their government....now we see the result of bribery, and what has happened to the character of the people.

It's hard to compete with Santa.

Sure would make it easier if we controlled the schools and media......
And the Senate.....
What would be the worst possible pronouncement could a politician make....if he were as unpopular with the voters as Obama is?




"While it’s true that many of Obama’s proposed policies — such as raising the minimum wage — poll far better than the president himself, many of the Democrats running this year have gone to great lengths to distance themselves from the man who has been languishing in the low-to-mid 40s in various national polls and worse in some of the battleground states that will determine control of the Senate." Obama My Policies Are on the Ballot

"Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus also seized on the line on “Meet the Press” Sunday.

The president said that his policies are on the ballot. If Barack Obama is on ballot and his policies are on the ballot, it’s going to be a pretty bad year for Democrats,” Priebus said.
Axelrod Obama ballot line a mistake - POLITICO.com

Never mind Obama....who are the geniuses who voted for this dunce???
5. Axelrod: Yeah, Obama's 'My Policies Are On the Ballot' Comment Was a Mistake

Though he himself is not on the ballot in a few weeks, the president told an audience at Northwestern University, his policies most assuredly are. "Every single one of them."

[Obama's] broad, boastful phrasing left himself wide open. Political mistakes seem to be cropping up on a daily basis with this administration.

The president, meanwhile, was challenged on rising healthcare costs by a questioner at an invite-only event in Indiana on Friday:

" I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?"

Obama's response? You really need to shop better, sir..."
Axelrod Yeah Obama s My Policies Are On the Ballot Comment Was a Mistake - Guy Benson

a. " The problem is that the promise was premiums would be$2,500 lower per family than they were before Obamacare, not rising by slightly smaller double digits, not $1,800 lower than they would have been, not marginally more affordable. Now this general manager, whose job is to figure out how to get the best deal on health care for his company, has been publicly told by the president he’s probably bad at his job because that’s what it takes to bail out Obama’s false promises." Obama tells plant manager his health-care costs are rising because he doesn 8217 t know how to shop Hot Air

Move over, Franklin Pierce!
So...the rats are fleeing the sinking Obama....

6. "Democrats are panicking, and rightly so. Going into the November congressional elections, voter opposition to Obama is worse than it was for George W. Bush and for Bill Clinton at their respective six-year marks, and Democrats can't unyoke themselves from him.

It's not just that Gallup's latest polls show Obama's policies are unpopular....

Gallup found that 32 percent of voters want their vote to communicate their opposition to Obama, whereas only 20 percent want it to reflect their support for him. This is the highest such "no vote" for a sitting president in the past 16 years.

..... Obama has consistently placed his ideology and political interests above the national interests...

... Obama's words are increasingly unreliable and that he expects them to believe his version of reality over the reality itself.

... Democrats have wholly supported President Obama throughout and that a vote for them will mean a vote for continuing with Obama's agenda, his lack of leadership and incompetence on both the domestic front and the foreign front, and his general untrustworthiness.

Have we ever had a president so out of touch and so fundamentally dishonest about the impact of his policies?"
Democrats will pay the price for Obama in November WashingtonExaminer.com

Did I call him Franklin Pierce???

Nah....make that James Buchanan.

...and Holder could be his Roger Taney.
While Googling Mr Panetta I came across this little chestnut:
Former CIA director Leon Panetta said Tuesday that he knew from the “very beginning” that Benghazi was a “terrorist attack on our compound.”
Well it WOULD have been nice had you told us that THEN you fvckin' asshole!

You want PROOF that this Turd is a Military Industrial Complex Whore?: He promotes 30 Year Wars!
"I think we're looking at kind of a 30-year war," he says, one that will have to extend beyond Islamic State to include emerging threats in Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.

Just came across this, which amplifies your point re: Panetta:

" Mr. Panetta, why didn’t you do something about it at the time? Yes, I know you made your pitch — as you say others did — and the president just couldn’t be moved. But if that was the case, why did you stay there? Why didn’t you quit, leave this administration that was doing nearly everything wrong and hurting our country and the world, when it became increasingly obvious that you couldn’t change it, change him? Wouldn’t that have been the patriotic thing, to do something before it is too late? Because now, it may actually be… too late.

Here are some other questions I would like to ask you. What of the president’s infatuation and alliance with repellent Islamists like Turkey’s Erdogan or Egypt’s Morsi? Did anyone express skepticism to him at the time these might not be the proper allies for a democratic country, that they were Islamic fundamentalists whose allegiance was to a religious extremist ideology that sought to rule the world and deny basic rights to a huge number of its citizens? What did you think of all the apologies the president was making to execrable Arab potentates who oppressed their own people?

What of the endless criticisms of our ally Israel for defending itself against missiles and terror attacks in a manner almost any country would? Looking back now, do you ever think that you should have come forward sooner?"
Roger L. Simon Leon Panetta Hero or Villain

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