Obama Task Force: Make police depts admit their racist history; hire more minorities or else; WOW


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
President s policing task force recommends independent investigation of police shootings News

Well...our preident unvieled the results of his 3 month Task Force for changing American policing. Their recommendations...which the president endorsed:

- Make police departments acknowledge their racist history. You know...just say it, you're racist and you know it!
- Cut funds for police departments who dont "empasize minority hiring"
- Wear "softer looking uniforms". Hmmm. Pink maybe?
- No more military style equipment. These would be the armored cars and rifles (which are FAR more accurate than a pistol or shotgun...and thus safer to the public).
- Write more warnings than tickets. People will drive safer and slower...if they know you'll be nicer to them when they get stopped!
What a fucking joke. The office of the POTUS should....SHOULD...be above this petty nonsense.

Oh...they also say "independent" persons should review cop shootings to determine what was or wasnt justified.

They didnt say who these independent persons are. But for about 250 years we've called then Grand Juries.

Oh...they mean "independent persons....who will throw some pigs in jail for us!!!" to review it.

Or the DOJ...who also reviewed these cases and came to the same conclusion.

A God damn joke.
Just read it again.

And the President of the United States...is leading this task force...and one goal is to get American police departments "to acknowledge their history of racism".

Two things:

1- No shit moron. Racism used to be real bad. Should we make the Army do that to? Should Congress do that? So we want 2015 American cops to what...apologize for racist cops from the 1960s? Most werent even born then.

2- How does this help anything at all? How about address the damn hooligans who lately thing fighting cops and resisting lawful arrest is ok.
Just read it again.

And the President of the United States...is leading this task force...and one goal is to get American police departments "to acknowledge their history of racism".

Two things:

1- No shit moron. Racism used to be real bad. Should we make the Army do that to? Should Congress do that? So we want 2015 American cops to what...apologize for racist cops from the 1960s? Most werent even born then.

2- How does this help anything at all? How about address the damn hooligans who lately thing fighting cops and resisting lawful arrest is ok.
So, Obamination is the one who puts turds in the punch bowl?
President s policing task force recommends independent investigation of police shootings News

Well...our preident unvieled the results of his 3 month Task Force for changing American policing. Their recommendations...which the president endorsed:

- Make police departments acknowledge their racist history. You know...just say it, you're racist and you know it!
- Cut funds for police departments who dont "empasize minority hiring"
- Wear "softer looking uniforms". Hmmm. Pink maybe?
- No more military style equipment. These would be the armored cars and rifles (which are FAR more accurate than a pistol or shotgun...and thus safer to the public).
- Write more warnings than tickets. People will drive safer and slower...if they know you'll be nicer to them when they get stopped!
Cops, firemen, soldiers,etc used to be America's heroes. I guess now it'll be lawyers and community organizers.
Just read it again.

And the President of the United States...is leading this task force...and one goal is to get American police departments "to acknowledge their history of racism".

Two things:

1- No shit moron. Racism used to be real bad. Should we make the Army do that to? Should Congress do that? So we want 2015 American cops to what...apologize for racist cops from the 1960s? Most werent even born then.

2- How does this help anything at all? How about address the damn hooligans who lately thing fighting cops and resisting lawful arrest is ok.
So, Obamination is the one who puts turds in the punch bowl?


And read the next link. They list all 25 goals. And I thought...hey moron...did you and your "Task Force" not speak to a single damn road cop? We already have or do almost all that shit.

The cops arent the problem.

Thugs, hoodlums, hooligans, gang bangers and redneck trash are. They resist and fight. And cops win. Sorry.
A weaker police force will result in more people taking personal action.
A weaker police force will result in more people taking personal action.

And a huge surge in crime.

While gang members are out rampaging. ....Obama will have all our cops getting diversity training and having them write an essay acknowledging their departments past racism.
What are the odds of Isil killing Obama?

So blacks can commit 5 to 10 times more crime then whites and yet it is the police that are the bad guy? I guess the police shouldn't enforce the law anymore.

Stupid fucking idiots.

Funny...thats one of Obama Task Force's recommendations- more warnings, fewer tickets.

Just give em a nice talk and pat on the back. That'll deter crime.
January 20th 2017. A republican president will be back and hopefully reverse some of this nonsense.
The answer might be no police. No one under government authority.

Texas Town Sees 61 Drop in Crime After Kicking Out Cops Sputnik International

really? I wonder why? Maybe because no police to catch them!

Yeah thats what I was thinking. No one to catch crimes. No one to call to report them.

Lets get rid of LAPD and LASO. See how crime plummets in SoCal!

Read the link. That town was renting sheriff constables. They didnt have a police department. They ended that...and hired full time private security.

So...they actually INCREASED the presence of armed patrols. And crime dropped.

Funny how the headline twists the facts.
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