Obama Supporters.

Obama supporters are robots. They're programmed to ignore the truth and continue to support anything and everything he does. Here is just one example of their complete and utter stupidity.

All things being equal, if the IQ of people who voted for Obama was averaged out, what would it be? Around 96? Maybe 98, tops? I'm being serious here.
You're being GENEROUS.

Probably. But nearly every Jew in the country, plus a lot of college students and faculty, plus millions of white women, voted for him on the first go-around. They'd bring the average up from the mass of double digit illiterates who also voted for him.
I've watched the video twice. I am very impressed by her concern troll facial expressions and her willingness to put herself out there on video given her obvious speech impediment.

She's got a Facebook page and several other videos on you tube. Let's see if this little nutter baby can parlay her talking point pablum into a living as a commentator.

I'd like to see her debate someone. See if she can think on her feet.

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