Obama Сompares ISIS To The Crusades


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," President Barack Obama said Thursday at the annual National Prayer Breakfast.

Obama compares ISIS to the Crusades receives heavy backlash www.ajc.com

What can be better than a history lesson from this world-known liar? Obama has succeeded in one thing -- DIVIDING OUR PEOPLE! Given his six years in office, it is apparent that he has total disdain for the USA, and the people there in.
Why aren't all the Obama-fawning queer forum members chiming in on issues like this? What do you think of a president whose nose is stuck up the ass of an organization that's busy pitching homosexuals from 10-story rooftops, or burning people alive, or raping children, or massacring POW's, journalists, expatriates, and ethnic minorities? Like PGreen says, our viscous token negro is striking back at the nation that handed him and his filthy corrupt party the worst defeat they've suffered in nearly 100 years.

So what's next? Will the president announce construction of death camps to take care of the Final Solution of the Jewish question? Democrat Jews would rattle the landscape with outrage, yes? I seriously doubt it. Most would be on their knees bowing toward the White House five times a day, sharing a litany of "We are not worthy, we are not worthy."

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