Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

All the food they've ever eaten, that their parents ate, that their grandparents ate, was genetically modified, it's obvious..

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring. At no time will certain bacterias and petrochemicals EVER naturally become part of the genetic makeup of corn. Genetic hybridization between like & compatible species is COMPLETELY different.

>> Since the act’s passing, more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.

The Food Democracy Now and the Center for Food are directing blame at the Senate Appropriations Committee and its chairman, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md. According to reports, many members of Congress were apparently unaware that the “Monsanto Protection Act” even existed within the spending bill, HR 933; they voted in order to avert a government shutdown.

“It sets a terrible precedent,” noted the International Business Times. “Though it will only remain in effect for six months until the government finds another way to fund its operations, the message it sends is that corporations can get around consumer safety protections if they get Congress on their side. Furthermore, it sets a precedent that suggests that court challenges are a privilege, not a right.”

Disclaimer for Windbag and other 'emerging' readers of English: I did not write this; it's a quote. Emphasis added.

"it sends is that corporations can get around consumer safety protections if they get Congress on their side." :lol: Idiots! This is American Capitalism at it's best. Corporate America has used Congress before and more importantly they have great influence on many a state legislature. They have bought a considerable part of the GOP. But most Republican voters will get caught up in the hysteria they will vote against their own interests most every time.
and btw, the disinformation and misinformation put out by all sides on this bio foods stuff is incredible. I followed some of this a while back. Took too much time and energy to sort out the bullshit from all sides. I have no idea who is telling the full truth anymore on this one.

good luck to anyone who looks below the surface of public comments and arguments made by mouthpieces on all sides
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GM Wheat May Permanently Alter Human Genome, Spark Early Death

"The wheat genes intended to be silenced are known as SEI, the sequence of which are classified by CSIRO. What experts know about SEI is that parts of it match the human GBE gene sequence. GBE dictates glycogen storage, without which the liver scars and causes death in children. Adults with malfunctioning GBE genes can experience cognitive impairment, pyramidal quadriplegia, peripheral neuropathy, and neurogenic bladder."

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/gm-wheat-permanently-alter-human-genome/#ixzz2PLFXuZrn
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If a company has a totally safe and healthy GMO product, there is still a vocal portion of the population who will declare it unsafe and possibly evil.

Do YOU want to eat food with built in pesticides and the ingredients that make up agent orange? Do YOU want to eat plants that have been DOUSED in Round-Up while growing because now the bugs are becoming immune? I most certainly don't. I try not to eat any GMO food. How much you want to bet that these have a direct correlation between the exploding obesity, diabetes, autism and ADHD disorders?
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>> Since the act’s passing, more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.

The Food Democracy Now and the Center for Food are directing blame at the Senate Appropriations Committee and its chairman, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md. According to reports, many members of Congress were apparently unaware that the “Monsanto Protection Act” even existed within the spending bill, HR 933; they voted in order to avert a government shutdown.

“It sets a terrible precedent,” noted the International Business Times. “Though it will only remain in effect for six months until the government finds another way to fund its operations, the message it sends is that corporations can get around consumer safety protections if they get Congress on their side. Furthermore, it sets a precedent that suggests that court challenges are a privilege, not a right.”

Disclaimer for Windbag and other 'emerging' readers of English: I did not write this; it's a quote. Emphasis added.

"it sends is that corporations can get around consumer safety protections if they get Congress on their side." :lol: Idiots! This is American Capitalism at it's best. Corporate America has used Congress before and more importantly they have great influence on many a state legislature. They have bought a considerable part of the GOP. But most Republican voters will get caught up in the hysteria they will vote against their own interests most every time.

Strange that you seem to put the blame on American capitalism, and not how fucked up our government is to allow it by voting for it. :cuckoo:
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

Welcome to Corporate Capitalism. This kind of thing is nothing new. Look at Google, Microsoft, Disney, ..............................

Look at Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms

So now Meister joins the left wing fringe on this issue?


You really are giving a pass to the government like the tool that you are. Now run along dainty dante.
Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act

Anthony Gucciardi Prison Planet.com April 2, 2013

Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland has released a public statement apologizing to the public for the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, stating that the legislation was buried deep within a government spending bill that was required to ‘prevent a government shutdown’.

Read more @ Prison Planet.com » Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act

Well, while I don't agree with the furor, it'll be interesting to see if anything gets done.
Perhaps our politicians should start reading the damn bills from start to finish. I thought they would have learned that from the healthcare bill. I guess it's asking too much for them to do their damn jobs. Maybe we aren't paying them enough to do it right. :eusa_silenced:
Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act

Anthony Gucciardi Prison Planet.com April 2, 2013

Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland has released a public statement apologizing to the public for the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, stating that the legislation was buried deep within a government spending bill that was required to ‘prevent a government shutdown’.

Read more @ Prison Planet.com » Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act

Well, while I don't agree with the furor, it'll be interesting to see if anything gets done.
Perhaps our politicians should start reading the damn bills from start to finish. I thought they would have learned that from the healthcare bill. I guess it's asking too much for them to do their damn jobs. Maybe we aren't paying them enough to do it right. :eusa_silenced:

Excuse ridden Executive Branch ...excuse ridden Legislative Branch...and a Judicial Branch that like the rest have forgotten how to follow the Constitution..basically, we're fucked..
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All the food they've ever eaten, that their parents ate, that their grandparents ate, was genetically modified, it's obvious..

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring. At no time will certain bacterias and petrochemicals EVER naturally become part of the genetic makeup of corn. Genetic hybridization between like & compatible species is COMPLETELY different.

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring.

So what? Everything mankind has been growing has been genetically modified. Long before Monsanto existed.
...and what about the citizens, to busy blaming the other side for political advantage, absorbed with getting free popcorn, peanuts and beer, to lazy and puppet-ed to rise up and seriously kick some political/corporate and media ass...well, just sayin
If a company has a totally safe and healthy GMO product, there is still a vocal portion of the population who will declare it unsafe and possibly evil.

Do YOU want to eat food with built in pesticides and the ingredients that make up agent orange? Do YOU want to eat plants that have been DOUSED in Round-Up while growing because now the bugs are becoming immune? I most certainly don't. I try not to eat any GMO food. How much you want to bet that these have a direct correlation between the exploding obesity, diabetes, autism and ADHD disorders?

Do YOU want to eat food with built in pesticides

You weren't doing that before Monsanto (or any company) modified these plants? Are you sure?
If a company has a totally safe and healthy GMO product, there is still a vocal portion of the population who will declare it unsafe and possibly evil.

Do YOU want to eat food with built in pesticides and the ingredients that make up agent orange? Do YOU want to eat plants that have been DOUSED in Round-Up while growing because now the bugs are becoming immune? I most certainly don't. I try not to eat any GMO food. How much you want to bet that these have a direct correlation between the exploding obesity, diabetes, autism and ADHD disorders?

Ah, someone else happily ignoring my point, and thereby making it for me! :clap2:
All the food they've ever eaten, that their parents ate, that their grandparents ate, was genetically modified, it's obvious..

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring. At no time will certain bacterias and petrochemicals EVER naturally become part of the genetic makeup of corn. Genetic hybridization between like & compatible species is COMPLETELY different.

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring.

So what? Everything mankind has been growing has been genetically modified. Long before Monsanto existed.

Yes and No


Main articles: Genetic Engineering and Genetically modified organism

Genetically engineered plants are generated in a laboratory by altering their genetic makeup and are tested in the laboratory for desired qualities. This is usually done by adding one or more genes to a plant's genome using genetic engineering techniques. Most genetically modified plants are generated by the biolistic method (particle gun) or by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation.

Once satisfactory plants are produced, sufficient seeds are gathered, and the companies producing the seed need to apply for regulatory approval to field-test the seeds. If these field tests are successful, the company must seek regulatory approval for the crop to be marketed (see Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms). Once that approval is obtained, the seeds are mass-produced, and sold to farmers. The farmers produce genetically modified crops, which also contain the inserted gene and its protein product. The farmers then sell their crops as commodities into the food supply market, in countries where such sales are permitted.

Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring. At no time will certain bacterias and petrochemicals EVER naturally become part of the genetic makeup of corn. Genetic hybridization between like & compatible species is COMPLETELY different.

Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring.

So what? Everything mankind has been growing has been genetically modified. Long before Monsanto existed.

Yes and No


Main articles: Genetic Engineering and Genetically modified organism

Genetically engineered plants are generated in a laboratory by altering their genetic makeup and are tested in the laboratory for desired qualities. This is usually done by adding one or more genes to a plant's genome using genetic engineering techniques. Most genetically modified plants are generated by the biolistic method (particle gun) or by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation.

Once satisfactory plants are produced, sufficient seeds are gathered, and the companies producing the seed need to apply for regulatory approval to field-test the seeds. If these field tests are successful, the company must seek regulatory approval for the crop to be marketed (see Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms). Once that approval is obtained, the seeds are mass-produced, and sold to farmers. The farmers produce genetically modified crops, which also contain the inserted gene and its protein product. The farmers then sell their crops as commodities into the food supply market, in countries where such sales are permitted.

Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I know how it works.
Sorry, but at no time will a soybean mate with a fish to produce offspring.

So what? Everything mankind has been growing has been genetically modified. Long before Monsanto existed.

Yes and No


Main articles: Genetic Engineering and Genetically modified organism

Genetically engineered plants are generated in a laboratory by altering their genetic makeup and are tested in the laboratory for desired qualities. This is usually done by adding one or more genes to a plant's genome using genetic engineering techniques. Most genetically modified plants are generated by the biolistic method (particle gun) or by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation.

Once satisfactory plants are produced, sufficient seeds are gathered, and the companies producing the seed need to apply for regulatory approval to field-test the seeds. If these field tests are successful, the company must seek regulatory approval for the crop to be marketed (see Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms). Once that approval is obtained, the seeds are mass-produced, and sold to farmers. The farmers produce genetically modified crops, which also contain the inserted gene and its protein product. The farmers then sell their crops as commodities into the food supply market, in countries where such sales are permitted.

Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I know how it works.

The essence of the legislation as far as I can understand is that Monsanto is not held responsible for what they release onto the public, they become untouchable legally..sweeeeet deal I'd say..

There was a time it seemed that individuals (corporations), bankers and politicians were held responsible for what they imposed on the American people, or, at least they weren't so blatant about shoving their power in our faces.
Yes and No


Main articles: Genetic Engineering and Genetically modified organism

Genetically engineered plants are generated in a laboratory by altering their genetic makeup and are tested in the laboratory for desired qualities. This is usually done by adding one or more genes to a plant's genome using genetic engineering techniques. Most genetically modified plants are generated by the biolistic method (particle gun) or by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation.

Once satisfactory plants are produced, sufficient seeds are gathered, and the companies producing the seed need to apply for regulatory approval to field-test the seeds. If these field tests are successful, the company must seek regulatory approval for the crop to be marketed (see Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms). Once that approval is obtained, the seeds are mass-produced, and sold to farmers. The farmers produce genetically modified crops, which also contain the inserted gene and its protein product. The farmers then sell their crops as commodities into the food supply market, in countries where such sales are permitted.

Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I know how it works.

The essence of the legislation as far as I can understand is that Monsanto is not held responsible for what they release onto the public, they become untouchable legally..sweeeeet deal I'd say..

There was a time it seemed that individuals (corporations), bankers and politicians were held responsible for what they imposed on the American people, or, at least they weren't so blatant about shoving their power in our faces.

Do you have a portion of the bill you can show that makes Monsanto free from responsibility? I haven't seen it yet, although many people are saying that is the case.

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