Obama’s Gaza War


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

The rockets falling on Israel have their origin not just in their Gaza launchers, but in the election results of November. It is no coincidence that the explosions we are seeing now on the evening news began after the election. Like so many in the Middle East, Hamas leaders were holding their breath to see who they would have to deal with over the next four years.

Once the Muslim Brotherhood on both sides of the border, in Egypt and in Gaza, knew the outcome, the trigger was pressed and the violence began.

Meanwhile Obama, during his Thailand visit, tried to deny that the Hamas violence had anything to do with the Arab Spring, the shift that began with his infamous Cairo speech calling for democracy in Egypt, followed by the betrayal of Mubarak, which led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of Egypt through elections, as they had earlier taken control of Gaza through elections.

The Arab Spring transformed Egypt from a peace partner into an enemy and transformed Hamas from the finger of a distant Iran to the arm of a nearby Islamist Egypt. The visit by Qatar’s Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani to Gaza signaled that Hamas now had the full support of the sugar daddy of Sunni Islamists and the architect of the Arab Spring. A few weeks later the war was on.

Like the attacks of September 11, 2012, including the assault on the Benghazi mission, Hamas’s rocket attacks are a show of Islamist strength. But they are also a way for the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt to distract Egyptians from a collapsing economy while shaking down Obama for some more money in exchange for brokering ceasefires and reining in the “extremists.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is playing Arafat’s old game of setting off violence and then charging money to put a stop to it. However the games are no longer limited to Gaza and the West Bank, but span the Middle East and even stretch over to Afghanistan where Obama inserted the Muslim Brotherhood into the negotiations with the Taliban

The funny part is how you think the Israel/palastine conflict is so how obamas fault. It's almost comical.

Obama Talks Gaza With Islamist Turkish Leader Who Called Hamas Strikes 'a Pre-Election Stunt'

President Barack Obama spoke on the phone with the Islamist leader of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, about the Israel's retaliatory strikes on the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza, according to the White House.

Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two leaders, according to a White House read-out of the call, seemed to agree on much. "Today, the President called Prime Minister Erdogan to discuss the escalating violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip," the White House read-out of the call states.

"The two leaders shared their concerns about the dangers to civilian populations on both sides and expressed their common desire to see an end to the violence. The President and Prime Minister agreed that the continued spiral of violence jeopardizes prospects for a durable, lasting peace in the region. The President underscored his commitment to advancing the goal of Middle East peace. The President’s call to Prime Minister Erdogan follows his outreach to counterparts in Israel and Egypt on November 14."

Indeed, the White House in no way indicates the leaders disagreed about anything in their call.

Obama Talks Gaza With Islamist Turkish Leader Who Called Hamas Strikes 'a Pre-Election Stunt' | The Weekly Standard
So when did Obama press for this to stop? I don't think he has

Weapons smuggling from Sinai into Gaza unopposed by Egypt

Weapons are smuggled into Gaza with relative ease by arms merchants who live in the Sinai Peninsula, an Israeli police source said last week.

While Sinai had been relatively quiet during the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, his downfall last year basically spelled trouble for Israelis living close to that border especially with the new Islamist government taking over the military, said the police source.

The Israeli National Police has warned that the scope of weapons smuggling to the Gaza Strip by terrorist organizations is expanding. This troubling information increases the fear of many in Israel that the current uprisings and unrest in Egypt and Syria increase the likelihood that groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, who now rule Eqypt, as well as the Lebanon-based Hezbollah will increase the volatility within the Gaza Strip.

Due to the recent change in government, Egypt exerts little authority over the Sinai Peninsula, which allows smugglers to operate without any interference, the police source stated.

Weapons smuggling from Sinai into Gaza unopposed by Egypt
The conflict in gaza isn't obama's fault. The escalation is. Muslims see weakness, indecision and obama's personal dislike of Jews as an opportunity they can exploit.
my toilet is clogged, Obama's fault. I stubbed my toe, Obama's fault. I had the shitz, Obama's fault. Israel gets 60 billion in aid, it's Obama's fault.
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The conflict in gaza isn't obama's fault. The escalation is. Muslims see weakness, indecision and obama's personal dislike of Jews as an opportunity they can exploit.

Weakness? When we just had the largest joint military exercise in the history of the alliance? Try again.
The conflict in gaza isn't obama's fault. The escalation is. Muslims see weakness, indecision and obama's personal dislike of Jews as an opportunity they can exploit.

Weakness? When we just had the largest joint military exercise in the history of the alliance? Try again.

Doesn't mean much when advanced weaponry is being allowed to cross from Egypt to Gaza does it?

Obama Claims Muslim Brotherhood Takeover of Egypt Did Not Worsen Israel’s Situation


Asked in Bangkok whether the Arab spring “has made matters worse,” Obama demurred.

“Let’s just remember that the exact same situation arose just a couple of years ago, before the Arab spring,” he replied, alluding to the 22-day Israeli military operation against Hamas in Dec. 2008-Jan. 2009, also prompted by escalated rocket attacks.

“So I don’t think anybody would suggest somehow that it’s unique to democratization in the region that there’s a conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. That’s been going on for several decades now.”

It’s the exact same situation, except for the part where Hamas is now much better armed and has the backing of the giant heavily armed country next door which is being run by the same movement that is running Gaza.

Last time around, Egypt cooperated with Israel on the Hamas issue. Now Egypt is cooperating with Hamas against Israel. That’s a major shift.

Obama Claims Muslim Brotherhood Takeover of Egypt Did Not Worsen Israel’s Situation

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