Obama refuses to panic, so Republicans do it for him.



Watching Republicans on Morning Joe is a hoot. First, they said that no one is 100% positive who even shot down the plane.

Then they said Obama should be condemning whoever did it, proposing sanctions and "taking action". One even suggested surrounding Russia with troops. All without even knowing for sure who did it.

Dick Gregory said Russia invaded Ukraine and got away with it completely without cost.

In fact, it was one young Republican congressman from Illinois who said that it has been Obama who has taken the lead. Remember, there were sanctions against the wealthiest people in Russia, the Russian Bank and the Russian economy. I suspect Russians protect their wealthy as much as Republicans protect them here, since the sides are so similar being anti gay, anti minority and mostly white.

Gregory never mentioned the fantastic job of "push back" from George Bush when Putin invaded Georgia. Bush sent an entire plane load of bandages. It seemed to have done the trick. Putin completely ignored Bush. Course, Bush saw into Putin's eyes to his very soul. They had to be close to do that.

So what is the Obama administration doing? Horrible things. Appearing calm, investigating the situation and worst of all, not panicking.
The push for war from the Republicans makes for curious parallels.
yeah, that Obama is a man of STEEL

He leaps on any hamburger so he can fist bump, and he be so cool as he RIPS terrorists head off with a mighty yank, just ask bin laden

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