Obama & Race & You: Left, Right & Center

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
I used to say I was fed up with and frustrated by the racial overtones and progressive nitwitticisms of Obama supporters and no so much by him or his proposals as a candidate. I finally got so fed up with his supporters I actually used that frustration as the straw that broke the camel's back in leading me to my decision to leave the Democratic party.

A few points raised in this article mirror some of what I have expressed to people over the last few years. It's a great read if you read it all the way through. Pretty fair and---gulp---balanced. It attacks some progressive attitudes while exposing the writer as something of a blind nitwit, since he sees the main points in the article as revelations.
Obama and race and you...

...the Obama we see now is generally consistent with the one he presented in the 2008 campaign. Many, if not all, of the positions that have angered liberals since he entered the White House line up with his positions then, including his stubborn and futile faith in the prospect of bipartisanship in Washington.


It’s not just the Tea Party right or some on the liberal left who see only the Obama they want to see. This phenomenon extends to moderate Republicans who refuse to believe that Obama agrees with them even when he does.


...he is either an overintellectual, professorial wuss or a ruthless Chicago machine pol rivaling the original Boss Daley. He is either a socialist redistributing wealth to the undeserving poor or a tool of Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs elite. He is a terrorist-coddling, A.C.L.U.-tilting lawyer or a closet Cheneyite upholding the worst excesses of the Bush administration’s end run on the Constitution. He is a lightweight celebrity who’s clueless without a teleprompter or a Machiavellian mastermind who has ingeniously forged his Hawaiian birth certificate, covered up his ties to Islamic radicals and bamboozled the entire mainstream press. He is the reincarnation of J.F.K., L.B.J., F.D.R., Reagan, Hitler, Stalin, Adlai Stevenson or Nelson Mandela.
Good for you.

Maybe you can start your own movement.

What would you call it?

I hear the Whine and Cheese Party is available.
Leaving your beloved party is a huge step. Will you lose a lot of fans?
I left two years ago. I had issues with the larger party as do all Democrats. I left because I got tired of defending a party structure that has become bloated and out of touch. That is not a criticism of the ideals of the Democratic party or it's faithful.

But the article is about race and politics and most amusing, about the left and it's illusions/delusions where Obama is concerned.

The idea that you and that other idiot come here to personally attack me without any clue what the article is about would be amusing, except it's old and tired and representative of what has taken over USMB.


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