Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
President Barack Obama said that he thinks Democrats can maintain control of the Senate and defended his administration’s record during an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening.

When asked by “60 Minutes” host Steve Kroft what issues he would focus on leading up to the midterm elections, Obama said that he would focus on the economic recovery that he has overseen since he took office in 2008.

“I can put my record against any leader around the world in terms of digging ourselves out of a terrible, almost unprecedented financial crisis,” Obama said.

Despite the overall health of the economy, Obama admitted that most Americans aren’t feeling the effects of recovery.

“They don't feel it. And the reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up,” he said. Obama then ticked off a number of initiatives, including raising the minimum wage and making sure that men and women are paid equally that would improve the lives of Americans.

More: Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November

I predict you are right, Sir. You inherited the Great Bush Recession, which Ben Bernanke says was worse than the Great Depression. It could have been so much less painful if Republicans had put America first and tried to help rather than obstruct. History will record all of this.

Some voters are stupid all the time; some voters are stupid sometimes; however, I don't believe there will be enough voters stupid at the same time to give the Senate to Republicans.
Now he's a seer of the future

Is there anything HE'S not?

lets all bow and say three, heil Obama's
What did you expect him to say, dumbass? ("I'm the worst president in American history and we're gonna lose the Senate because of my miserable record"). He hasn't told the truth about anything yet, why should he start now?

Obama cult members are some sad people they hang onto every word he says
He also predicted democrats would take the house four years ago, and we know how that turned out.

Anyway, Al Jazeera had Gallup do a poll a few weeks back that showed the democrats have nowhere near the support from women today, that they had in the past two presidential elections. Women will decide the upcoming senate elections, especially in California and New York. Honestly, I think the senate elections will be very close, and the races are still too close to make a prediction based on anything more than emotion and wishful thinking.
President Barack Obama said that he thinks Democrats can maintain control of the Senate and defended his administration’s record during an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening.

When asked by “60 Minutes” host Steve Kroft what issues he would focus on leading up to the midterm elections, Obama said that he would focus on the economic recovery that he has overseen since he took office in 2008.

“I can put my record against any leader around the world in terms of digging ourselves out of a terrible, almost unprecedented financial crisis,” Obama said.

Despite the overall health of the economy, Obama admitted that most Americans aren’t feeling the effects of recovery.

“They don't feel it. And the reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up,” he said. Obama then ticked off a number of initiatives, including raising the minimum wage and making sure that men and women are paid equally that would improve the lives of Americans.

More: Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November

I predict you are right, Sir. You inherited the Great Bush Recession, which Ben Bernanke says was worse than the Great Depression. It could have been so much less painful if Republicans had put America first and tried to help rather than obstruct. History will record all of this.

Some voters are stupid all the time; some voters are stupid sometimes; however, I don't believe there will be enough voters stupid at the same time to give the Senate to Republicans.
Yeah, the Dems will tkae the House. Pelosi will be back as Speaker. Obama will implement a carbon tax. And higher taxes on the wealthy. And pay off all student loans. And give everyone free choom.
Dream on. Only suckers believe a word that man says.
RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate
Sigh.... Dems may maintain control of the Senate. A Republican takeover is not certain. But, goddamnit, Obama is a smug piece of dog shit. What a sleaze. What a fucking despicable sleaze ball this guy is. There are plenty of things he could do to help stimulate the economy. Yet, he chooses to do nothing.

He could:

Ease up on some of the onerous banking regulations he has been imposing which have nothing to do with what caused the crash (ie, depository institutions engaging in reckless securities trading)

Pressure the Fed to increase interest rates to restore the value of our dollar and to redirect some investment funds from equities into other sectors

Cut spending so we quit falling further into debt: nearly 17 trillion now

Reform the federal tax code for individuals and corporations so as to increase financial transactions

Quit suing the banks

Allow Keystone

Promote an energy plan that provides for a wholesale effort to mine oil and natural gas in US territories

Relax EPA regulations

Quit holding investors hostage and allow them to foreclose on their defaulted obligations in order to re-capitalize

These are positive action the President could do now. Where legislative action is necessary, Republicans will go along with any one of these actions.
Sigh.... Dems may maintain control of the Senate. A Republican takeover is not certain. But, goddamnit, Obama is a smug piece of dog shit. What a sleaze. What a fucking despicable sleaze ball this guy is. There are plenty of things he could do to help stimulate the economy. Yet, he chooses to do nothing.

He could:

Ease up on some of the onerous banking regulations he has been imposing which have nothing to do with what caused the crash (ie, depository institutions engaging in reckless securities trading)

Pressure the Fed to increase interest rates to restore the value of our dollar and to redirect some investment funds from equities into other sectors

Cut spending so we quit falling further into debt: nearly 17 trillion now

Reform the federal tax code for individuals and corporations so as to increase financial transactions

Quit suing the banks

Allow Keystone

Promote an energy plan that provides for a wholesale effort to mine oil and natural gas in US territories

Relax EPA regulations

Quit holding investors hostage and allow them to foreclose on their defaulted obligations in order to re-capitalize

These are positive action the President could do now. Where legislative action is necessary, Republicans will go along with any one of these actions.
Have you always despised black people?

Good news for Republicans in weekend polls
  • 108SHARES
On the polling front this weekend, Republicans have a few reasons to celebrate. Last week,the building blocks of the narrowest Republican Senate majoritywere clearly coming together. This week, polls indicate that Republicans have a number of avenues to pursue in their quest to win back the majority.
In Louisiana, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) has significantly narrowed the gap with Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), but that race looks set to head to a runoff.A CNN/ORC surveyreleased on Sunday shows Cassidy and Landrieu statistically tied with 40 to 43 percent support respectively.
That poll also revealed that retired Air Force Col. Rob Maness maintains the support of the state’s most conservative voters. The independent candidate draws the support of 9 percent of likely voters in that survey.With former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin scheduled to parachute into back him, Maness’s support is only likely to grow.
In November, it is unlikely that any candidate will net a majority of the vote, sending that race into a runoff in December. But Cassidy leads Landrieu in a two-way runoff in the latest CNN/ORC survey with 50 to 47 percent. This is the second poll to show Cassidy with the backing of a majority of Louisiana’s voters in a hypothetical runoff election. Given the fact that he two-term Sen. Landrieu is a thoroughly known quantity and is still trailing her challenger, it seems Louisiana voters are disinclined to give Landrieu a third term in the upper chamber.
If Republicans unseat Democratic incumbents in Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska, and Montana, and win the races for open seats in South Dakota and West Virginia – all of which not only seems possible but a likely outcome given the polling – the GOP will win a narrow Senate majority.
But polls released this weekend suggest that Republicans are competitive in a variety of battlegrounds where they may be able to expand their majority.

ALL of it here:
Good news for Republicans in weekend polls Hot Air
President Barack Obama said that he thinks Democrats can maintain control of the Senate and defended his administration’s record during an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening.

When asked by “60 Minutes” host Steve Kroft what issues he would focus on leading up to the midterm elections, Obama said that he would focus on the economic recovery that he has overseen since he took office in 2008.

“I can put my record against any leader around the world in terms of digging ourselves out of a terrible, almost unprecedented financial crisis,” Obama said.

Despite the overall health of the economy, Obama admitted that most Americans aren’t feeling the effects of recovery.

“They don't feel it. And the reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up,” he said. Obama then ticked off a number of initiatives, including raising the minimum wage and making sure that men and women are paid equally that would improve the lives of Americans.

More: Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November

I predict you are right, Sir. You inherited the Great Bush Recession, which Ben Bernanke says was worse than the Great Depression. It could have been so much less painful if Republicans had put America first and tried to help rather than obstruct. History will record all of this.

Some voters are stupid all the time; some voters are stupid sometimes; however, I don't believe there will be enough voters stupid at the same time to give the Senate to Republicans.
If you are comforted by what OBABBLE tells you, you're a bigger ahole than we thought.
What else did you think he would say?
I have presided over the worst economic recovery in history. My policies and programs, passed with solid Democrat majorities and few Republicans, has produced nothing but poverty and misery, unless you're very wealthy. My signatiure Obamacare is so bad I've had to illegally put off many provisions just to prevent mayhem at the polls. My foreign policy looks like something the Three Stooges concocted.
Therefore I am resigning immediately and turning the government back to adult control.
Does it really matter much who wins the Senate in 2014? Either way, I don't foresee much getting done for two more years.
Obama has said a lot of things that turned out to be total bullshit.

Unless they plan on rigging the election and allowing illegal aliens and dead people to vote again, the game is still on.
Does it really matter much who wins the Senate in 2014? Either way, I don't foresee much getting done for two more years.
So if the Democrats hold the Senate it will be monumental.
If the GOP takes the Senate it wont matter.
Got it.
Does it really matter much who wins the Senate in 2014? Either way, I don't foresee much getting done for two more years.
So if the Democrats hold the Senate it will be monumental.
If the GOP takes the Senate it wont matter.
Got it.

I certainly prefer that Democrats hold the Senate, but I really don't see either way making much difference for the next two years.

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